The best lord of online games

Chapter 810 1 Sword Dancing Weapon

Chapter 810
Lefang, one of the most high-end entertainment venues in the Hongyu Empire, is also the favorite place for the god-chosen with small fortunes. Although it is impossible to do embarrassing things like "big sword" here, but It is still very beautiful to appreciate the willow-like figure of a large group of beauties in ancient costumes. In reality, such girls are rare!
Today's Nishangfang is extremely lively. Even in a war zone, the aristocrats still can't calm down their pleasure-seeking hearts. As long as they don't hit their doorsteps, their "wave" hearts will remain the same as before.

The sound of silk and bamboo is melodious, and a group of dancers are dancing on the stage, the red gauze curtains are full of makeup and powder.

This is the first time for Hongfu to come to Lefang, and the consumption here is too high. Apart from wealthy local tyrants who often come here, they have missions or discovered historical beauties.

Although the dance on the stage is very beautiful, it seems that no one enjoys it. There is a roar in the band hall, and the sound almost overwhelms the sound of singing and music. Hongfu is a little confused about the situation. The brothel.

"When will Lady Gongsun come out?"

"That's right, what's so interesting about these vulgar fans? If you want to see them, can't the Viscount watch them in his own mansion?"

"Let Mrs. Gongsun come out!"

Lady Gongsun?not……

Hong Fu looked at Wu Daozi who was drinking silently not far away, it's really possible!

There was no movement in the boxes on the second floor. The little nobles on the first floor were already impatient, but the way they booed made Lefang very happy. Pieces of rare gems were thrown onto the stage like rain. Gold coins are here Can't get on the table at all.Moreover, Hongfu also found that there are many noble ladies sitting here, shouldn't all the people who come to the music workshop be men?
"Don't be impatient everyone, Lady Gongsun is coming out." At this time, a lady in a purple palace dress walked to the center of the stage and shouted, and the surrounding dancers also put away the scattered clothes on the stage. The gem retreated, and the whole music hall fell silent for a moment, almost audible. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the other end of the stairs leading to the third floor. Wu Zidao also changed his previous lazy appearance and sat down Straighten up.

A moment later, a figure pulled a white gauze and flew towards the stage. The woman who flew out was dressed in a green gauze dress like a fairy, and only a simple gold veil was stuck on the high-rolled temple. Chai, holding a beautiful long sword in each hand.

When the woman landed on the stage, there was a burst of warm applause in the entire orchestra, even the box on the second floor. When the instruments on both sides of the stage sounded, the applause stopped instantly.The music at this time is no longer the melodious sound before, but has become more active, and the figure of the woman in green clothes dances with the music, giving people a feeling of changing color in just an instant.


"I didn't expect the sword dance to be so beautiful!" People watching the dance for the first time couldn't help but marvel, but their voices were kept extremely low, as if they were afraid of affecting the dancers on the stage.

"'Yiwu sword weapon moving square' probably refers to this!" As a woman, Hong Fu was also amazed by the sword dance in front of her. It was so beautiful. If she could reach the level of Aunt Gongsun, she would rather Give up the mythical profession of Dragon Knight.

If there was still some uncertainty before, then Hongfu is very sure now that the person on the stage is the legendary Gongsun Aunt in history.Aunt Gongsun is not only the number one in sword dance, but also has connections with many celebrities, such as Zhang Xu, the sage of grass, Du Fu, the sage of poetry, and Wu Daozi, the sage of painting. The three sages all learned something from watching her sword dance.

It is worth the money to be able to watch Aunt Gongsun's sword dance!
The sword dance didn't last long, less than a quarter of an hour, and everyone was immersed in this miraculous sword dance. Until Aunt Gongsun left, there was still a dead silence in the band.

"Hey!" At this time, someone who did not know sighed, followed by sighs from all around, and everyone seemed to be reminiscing about the wonderful performance just now.

Looking at Wu Daozi to the side, Hong Fu stood up, and now is undoubtedly the best time to make contact. "Master Wu, the little girl is being polite."

Wu Daozi stood up and returned the salute, "I don't know what the girl is looking for?"

"The little girl has admired the master's paintings for a long time. This time, she happened to meet by fate, so she wanted to have the cheek to ask for one." As a master of strategies, Hong Fu still had trouble with what kind of people and what to say. very clearly.

"Thank you for your praise, girl, but I'm sorry, I don't have the mood to paint recently."

Have no intention of painting?What a mess, one sentence made all the rhetoric she had prepared stuck in her throat.Hong Fu hurriedly said: "Old works are also acceptable, the little girl is willing to pay a high price to buy."

Wu Daozi shook his head: "My painting is all based on my mood, and I don't have a hobby of collecting my own paintings, so every time I complete a painting, I will give it to my friends."

"Is it really not possible to be flexible?" Hong Fu asked unwillingly, this Wu Daozi was just as pitted as Leng Ling, and what she originally thought was an extremely simple task made it difficult for her to do it for a while.

"How about this, I have recently watched Gongsun Lady's sword dance, and I have a little understanding of painting skills, but I always feel that I don't know the point, so I want to have a private chat with Gongsun Lady, as long as the girl can help me make an appointment with Gongsun Lady, I will Agree to your request!"

"..." Hong Fu was speechless, she was really afraid of something, Aunt Gongsun lived in the Clothes Music Square, it was infinitely more difficult to see her than to meet Wu Daozi, right?

"I only have this one request. As long as the girl can fulfill it, I will definitely paint a picture for the girl with all my heart."

"Okay, I'll try." The mission has already been generated. If you don't accept it, Wu Daozi's line will be broken, which means that the mission of Dragon God Island on her body has completely failed, and the loss is too great.

I don't know if there are intelligence spies from the Great Guild here. If there are, they can cooperate. She appreciates Aunt Gongsun's sword dance, but Hong Fu is still unwilling to pay a big price to subdue her. In this regard, she is still very sensible. After all, she is just an adventurer who runs orders. If she were a general, she would still work hard. There is not much Aunt Gongsun can do to help her.

"What a fool!" Hong Fu smiled and patted herself on the forehead. Don't be afraid of people who don't have a big guild, she can spread the news here! Aunt Gongsun, who "moves ten directions with a sword dance", there are not a lot of forces interested in her, not only big forces, as long as you have seen Aunt Gongsun's sword dance, I am afraid that many local tyrants who entertain Can't sit still.

"I spent a lot of money in Nishangfang this time. It's better to sell this news. The information bought with money is more precious, isn't it!"

(End of this chapter)

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