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Chapter 811 Legendary Ruling Guardian

Chapter 811 Legendary Ruling Guardian

Wu Yi, who was in the ancient city of Chongsheng at this time, had no idea of ​​the changes in Shi A's side. As the biggest leader of the Hulu City intelligence network, Shi A would not file and report every detail like the members of the studio. Come up, he is more autonomous.

After being assassinated by Jing Ke, the formation of the team became much tighter, all the generals were in the formation, and the killer was not given a chance to assassinate.

——System: The Tianzun Dao soldiers of your legion are enveloped by the "Light of Dominion", and their morale is -25% (constant), and they will recover after leaving the range of the Light of Dominion.

"Huh?" Wu Yi was taken aback for a moment, only then did he realize that there was a very faint golden light surrounding him, and at this moment, they were still ten miles away from the Tower of Dominion.There are no ordinary palaces in this range, only wide passages separated by high palace walls.

25% of the soldiers is nothing to commander-level generals like Wei Qing and Qin Liangyu, but it is a big weakening to Wu Yi, Zhu Rong and Lu Xiangyun. After all, they have no ability to improve the morale of soldiers.

At the same time, there was a sound of strict footsteps coming from the front, followed by figures in gorgeous golden robes and holding scepters turning out from the corner.

French troops?

This is a brand-new unit, and I have never encountered it before, but their appearance is really strange. They are indeed wearing robes, but the scepter in their hands is all metal, and it is 1.5 meters long. Liuchang is like a stick.

"Rebellion, under the light of the ruling light, you can't be caught without a fight!" At this time, the opponent's legion leader shouted violently the first time he appeared, quite imposing, and the robe on his body and the scepter in his hand were even more exquisite.

With this tone, this wouldn't be a priestly unit, would it?

The Ancient City Legion would not communicate with them in front of the battle. Therefore, when this special legion appeared, a large amount of Taoism and magic rushed over. When the word "rebellion" was just uttered, the opponent had already eaten the first wave damage.

——System: Your team killed two ninth-level legendary ruling guards, and gained [-] experience.

Shenwei?It's really a priestly weapon!This is the second legendary unit in the ancient city of Chongsheng. If it goes on like this, then the ruling tower is likely to be a god-type building. The soldiers in the ancient city called this the imperial city, but a god-type building was built in The most important position in the imperial city, here is most likely the supremacy of theocracy!
In other words, the ruling tower is the most terrifying place in the imperial city, an empire and a center of a god system are superimposed together.

The effect of the intensive magic attack was not good, and there were only dozens of ruling guards who fell, and most of them were directly beheaded by Lu Xiangyun's space blade.A golden spell shield appeared on the body of the ruling guard, which was extremely powerful in defense. Moreover, apart from the arrogant commander, there were two lieutenants in the legion, both of whom were quite professional.

In other words, this is a seventh-level legion!The legion's totem is a golden symbol, giving people an extremely mysterious atmosphere.

At the same time that the Tianzun Dao soldiers and the magicians shot, Wei Qing also led the Habayashi Army to launch a charge. Even if he didn't know the ability to rule the guards, with the abilities of Wei Qing and the Habayashi Army, it was impossible to meet the wolf cavalry before. The embarrassing scene of the legion.It's a pity that the distance between the two sides was only about a hundred meters before, and they couldn't even unleash half of the power of the charge.

After the Yulin army charged, Qin Liangyu immediately led the white soldiers to protect the front of the two magic legions, followed by slowly pressing forward, and the few remaining golden wolf cavalry were placed at the end to prevent new attacks. enemy sneak attack.Zhu Rong stepped on top of the Habayashi Army riding a two-headed ground dog, and followed up. The surrounding terrain was not suitable for air combat, so the magic profession did not waste the skill points and flew up.

——System: The 25 Tianzun Taoist soldiers of your legion are affected by the "ruling law" and temporarily lose their combat effectiveness.

——System: The 22 Tianzun Taoist soldiers of your legion are affected by the "ruling law" and temporarily lose their combat effectiveness.

Fuck, what's going on!
In a series of system information, nearly a hundred Dao soldiers in the Tianzun Legion lost their combat power at once. It was as if the bodies of these Dao soldiers were tied by a golden rope, and their movements were completely different. Not only the Tianzun Legion, but also other legions The same situation occurred, except for the Habayashi Legion and the Wolf Cavalry Legion. The "Glory" feature of the Habayashi Army has a 75% chance of being immune to negative effects, while the Wolf Cavalry Legion is simply because it is far away.

Such a domineering control state must be lifted immediately, but...

——System: Unfortunately, the effect of "exorcism" failed.

Not only Wu Yi's exorcism, but also the water magician's purification was also hindered. Only five soldiers' ruling laws were successfully lifted. This chance... What a disgusting skill!If the Shan Legion encounters this, and it doesn't have the strong status immunity of the Habayashi Legion, then they will rush directly.

These ruling guards were stronger than Wu Yi expected, and the iron hooves of the Habayashi Army only stepped on a row. Zhu Rong bumped into the big array of ruling guards, and suddenly there was a wave of fire several feet high. The divine fire domain envelops all the ruling divine guards. Although this is only an incomplete version of the domain, the weakened attributes are much higher than the effect of the ruling light.

"God of Ruler, bless your believers!" The legion leader on the opposite side raised his scepter and shouted.Following his shout, a golden light flew from the tower of dominion in the distance, and the golden light merged into the bodies of every ruling divine guard. Suddenly, "little golden men" appeared in the sea of ​​fire.

——System: Blessed by the "Light of Ruler", the ruling guard resisted the suppression of Zhu Rong's "Shenhuo Domain (Remnant)".


The field is Zhu Rong's biggest killer now, and it was resisted!Fortunately, the weakening effect of the domain on the enemy is only abolished, and the bonus to the own side is still there.

The ruling guards in the front row waved the scepter in their hands, which was no different from melee combat, while the ruling guards in the back row cast spell skills. A legion can perfectly cooperate with each other.However, soon Wu Yi also discovered some problems. These ruling guards are very durable and their skills are disgusting, but their damage is not very powerful. Lin Jun has not yet killed a single person.

Of course, weak damage is only relative. Without the powerful Habayashi Army, it is absolutely impossible for Wu Yi and his party to fight so easily.If there is a sacred guard to cooperate with these ruling guards at this time, it will be scary to think about it!
 Those who should grow have completed their growth, and this dungeon will end in two days.

(End of this chapter)

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