The best lord of online games

Chapter 815 The Power of a Tiger and an Ox

Chapter 815 The Power of a Tiger and an Ox
With the brilliance of the teleportation array, Wu Yi and his party finally returned to Calabash City after leaving for almost five days!

The heads of all parties in the Iron Cavalry City Alliance also took the opportunity to meet again. The main purpose is to exchange. No matter whether the parties have gained more or less in the ancient city of Chongsheng, they all have a large number of blueprint fragments in their hands. If these fragments If you can't complete the combination, it doesn't make any sense.

Through the exchange, Wu Yi successfully pieced together two overall drawings, "Sixth Heaven Demon King's Standard Visor Forging Blueprint", "Falcon's Eye Sniper Longbow Standard Blueprint", the forging blueprint of the visor is very Rare ones, even fewer with powerful attributes!Others have more or less made up two or three complete blueprints. Standard equipment is one of the keys to improving the combat effectiveness of soldiers. Its effect is more direct than that of one or two legion seals. item specialty.However, these blueprints can only be used normally after being synthesized by the Armament Research Institute. Unfortunately, the resources in everyone's hands can be combined to make a suit!

Their alliance can have such a harvest, and the alliance on the side of the Supreme Guild will not be much worse. Moreover, according to Wei Qing, although the arrogant king was cleared out in the Tower of Dominion before, Chen Dao persisted until the end , I don't know what kind of reward I got.

As soon as they arrived at Calabash City, the four generals led their respective legions back to camp. After a short rest, they would go to different theaters. Wei Qing, Zhu Rong and Lu Xiangyun would all enter the Xiaguang City battlefield. Huo Qubing temporarily took over the duties of Wei Qing. After Wei Qing returns, he will continue to go to the Red Leaf City battlefield to train. Ma Zhong will lead the new Dragon Slaying Legion to Ghost Crab Island and wait for Yu Dayou's navy to return. He and his legion will temporarily Follow Yu Dayou to fight at sea.

Of course, before that, Ma Zhong needs to lead the Dragon Slaying Legion to complete the trial of the capital. The Dragon Slaying Legion has been promoted to level five in the ancient city of Chongsheng. leap.

By the way, there are also candidates for the deputy general of the Wolf Cavalry Corps!Geng Gong is still being held in the prison of Calabash City. Let’s take a look at the aboriginal generals who surrendered. If they have good talents and specialties, it’s not a problem even if they are poor in command. He could only wait to recruit Geng Gong.

Wu Yi asked Kou Xun to gather all the generals who surrendered in the previous battle, and he first went to the Armament Research Institute, and handed over the fragments of the two blueprints in his hand to synthesize them. The blueprint of the magic ring obtained by Lu Xiangyun It was also handed over to these precious talents, and the production of the three blueprints must be arranged as soon as possible. The current commercial network of Calabash City is spread all over the coastal areas of the East and West Seas.

There were four generals summoned by Kou Xun. Wu Yi checked them carefully one by one, but was very disappointed. The attributes of these people were quite average, and they could only be regarded as making up numbers in the army. There are some bonuses for soldiers, oh no, there is also one that is different.

Jiang Zhe:

Race: Terran

Identity: Citizen of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: Well known

name: none
Talent: The power of the tiger and ox——Innate divine power, when using heavy weapons to fight, you will get extra bonuses.

Specialty: Bravery—Personal Combat Power +20%, has a certain chance to cause a one-hit kill to the target, the greater the difference in strength between the two, the higher the trigger probability.

Vitality—Life limit +10%, life recovery speed +30%, stamina consumption -25%.

Occupation: Warrior

Level: Level 9

Deputy: none
Command: 40
Force: 50
Intelligence: 0
Politics: 0
Attack: 400
Defense: 300
Life: 8000
Skill: 4000
Skill: slightly

Equipment: slightly
Jiang Zhe's attributes are not bad, he is a talented person who is a fierce general. Although the description of the talent "power of a tiger and an ox" is very vague, and there is no specific bonus data, the effect of strength talents can completely refer to Li Yuanba's. The effect of flow, of course, this type of talent must also be divided into levels, and the gap between each level should be quite large.Coupled with the "vitality" specialty, he can use heavy weapons to fight for a long time. If the force is second-rate and he has the general skill "vitality", then this guy has the potential of a monster. Although both of them are "vitality", but The attributes of specialties and general skills are completely different.

It's just... Wu Yi took a look at the somewhat dazzling [-] point force value, when will it be able to reach [-] points?And if you don't invest resources in him, does he have the potential to reach [-] in terms of force?
Jiang Zhe is obviously not suitable to be the deputy general of the Wolf Cavalry Corps. This guy's weapon is a pair of double hammers. If he doesn't have a top mount, his speed cannot keep up with the Wolf Cavalry Corps. It will become a burden instead!With his attributes, he is suitable for mixing in infantry regiments. It would be great if he could have an assault-type infantry. At this time, Wu Yi couldn't help but think of the Holy Guard. The exaggerated fighting style is really impressive. I can't help my blood boil.

Jiang Zhe is not in a hurry to make arrangements for the time being. Wu Yi plans to use the elixir to increase his force value to sixty first. Sun Simiao will open a furnace of brave martial elixir at least every two days. As for why you didn’t just raise it to [-], Calabash City has this resource, mainly because Wu Yi wants to leave Jiang Zhe with some room for growth, and it is very likely that he will lose his potential for growth. After all, the higher the attribute of a famous general, the more difficult it is to trigger growth. Also higher, Aboriginal people have no history to benchmark against and therefore cannot assess the limits of their potential.

If Jiang Zhe's martial strength is pulled to seventy, and he enters the rank of third-rate, what if he can't grow up in the future?Use the resources of the God of War Palace to push it directly into the second-tier?The loss outweighs the gain!The "Light of the God of War" in the God of War Palace can only have one chance every ten days, so it must not be wasted!Putting in some pills now can be regarded as gaining loyalty.

"Do you still have family members?" If the family members of Xiaguang City's descendants are still detained in Xiaguang City, their loyalty will not be guaranteed at all. Such people do not have much investment value.

"The direct line is gone, and there are some collateral lines, but before the incident in Xiaguang City, the subordinates arranged them to Molten Fire City."

"That's good! You go to Molten Fire City first, I will arrange someone to accompany you, and bring your family to Gourd City first. After all, it is safer to be in Gourd City because of the chaos outside."

Jiang Zhe understands that this is a "hostage"!But he can still understand this. After all, he is a newcomer now, how can he gain the trust of the lord, and how can he be reused if he is not trusted by the lord?This is also the most common method under the imperial court.

"Thank you, my lord, I will do it immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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