The best lord of online games

Chapter 816 Battle for "Dragon Slaying"

Chapter 816 Battle for "Dragon Slaying"
The biggest gain from the previous victory in Moling Town was Geng Gong. This famous general of the same era as Ban Chao, although not as good as Ban Chao in terms of ability and fame, is still a rare fighter. After all, it is difficult to capture the top famous generals. Too high is too high.

The prisons in Calabash City are all luxury rooms, and those who are qualified to be imprisoned here are not ordinary. At this time, Geng Gong was wearing a light white cloth, sitting quietly in the corner, staring at the ceiling of the prison in a daze, When he heard Wu Yi's footsteps, he still maintained his original posture, and said calmly, "Don't waste your time, I won't submit to your Calabash City."

"Why? The Feng family in Xiaguang City rebelled. If you can fight for him to the last moment, you will pay back no matter how great your kindness is."

"Oh, I didn't expect the lord to come here in person. I'm really flattered!" Geng Gong turned his head and glanced at Wu Yi who was standing in front of the prison door. Finally, his target fell on the Golden Dragon Medal on his chest, and his face floated. A wacky smile. "I'm sorry, Geng Gong didn't receive the education of being loyal to the emperor and patriotic to the country. He learned from the aristocratic family. The Feng family is a distant relative of my Geng family, so I don't have any problem helping him."

Fuck!Are Geng Gong and Feng Anjun actually relatives?
This is difficult!Distant relatives, how far away?I don't know if Geng Yan is also in Xiaguang City, if that's the case, then if you want to recruit Geng Gong, you can't capture Geng Yan or wait until the Feng family is destroyed.

"Damn, I always feel that the talent in the attribute is fake." After continuing to persuade Geng Gong to no avail, Wu Yi walked out of the prison depressed.

Popularity - Increase the attractiveness of the territory to refugees, increase the success rate of recruiting bandits, bandits, rogues, water thieves, and pirates, and reduce the difficulty of recruiting talents. (Your own reputation can be added to the "popularity" effect)
This is the talent that Wu Yi acquired in the event a long time ago, and his reputation has reached the level of "thundering". The refugees who escaped the disaster of war came to Calabash City, and the pirates Yu Dayou met at sea also collected a few, but only the last attribute, "reducing the difficulty of recruiting talents", made Wu Yi feel that it didn't exist. It's okay to only recruit Sun Chuanting for a while, and there are not many talents who take the initiative to come to Calabash City to work. If Huo Qubing is not counted, it has to be traced back to Huo Jun earlier.

The lord's talent blesses the entire territory, as long as it belongs to his forces, it will receive bonuses, even if Wu Yi doesn't show up in person, the effect of the attribute will take effect.


In the northwest, the Yellow Turban Army marched eastward after capturing the capital city of Shu, while Yingzheng in the farther north seemed to have been forgotten. The scale is too huge, and it has not even been repaired for such a long time.

The Yellow Turban Army was in full swing along the way. When the reinforcements from the empire arrived, almost the entire city of Mingfeng, which was adjacent to the capital of Shu, fell. The battle along this road is undoubtedly the player's favorite, crushing with passion.

Mingfeng City is hopeless, the imperial army did not go directly to Mingfeng City, but began to deploy defenses on the border of Mingfeng City!The big battle in Mingfeng City has entered the final stage. At this time, the players are the most excited. The final battle is usually a pursuit battle and a harvest battle. The danger is not great, but the harvest is not small. The spoils, experience, and prisoners, although some of them It needs to be handed over, but there are quite a few that can fall into the hands of players.

A small faction cannot fight independently, unless there is a famous general with the ability to overwhelm the heroes, like Chang Yuchun in the hands of Xue Qiqi. deflated.

Tianhuo, the boss of the Tianhuo guild, originally opened a small studio, but later developed well in "The Prosperity", and then turned into a guild, but the core is still a studio.It was a famous general, Black Whirlwind Li Kui, who made Tianhuo make a change! , the killer star in Outlaws of the Marsh!
Li Kui's force is not weak, relying on him, Tianhuo has entered a period of rapid development in "The Prosperous Age", building a guild, opening up territories, everything is going smoothly, although Li Kui has no ability to command troops, but after all, Tianhuo only has such a famous general in his hands. Li Kui can only build the main army first, and Tianhuo named Li Kui's army "Dragon Slaying"!
In the name of the legion, the most common ones are God of War, Jihad, Iron Wall, Dragon Slayer, Tiger, etc., but at the beginning, Tianhuo had no idea that there was a unique name setting for the fifth-level legion, and the tragedy of the Iron Wall Legion Vividly, dozens of iron wall legions competed for a title.However, Tianhuo's luck was good. Li Kui's Dragon Slaying Legion went smoothly all the way to the fifth level, and finally obtained the Legion Totem through the Legion Trial, which finally relieved Tianhuo's anxiety.

This time following the battle with the Yellow Turban Army, he subdued Lu Xiangsheng, a famous general of the Ming Dynasty, on the way. Lu Xiangsheng's ability to command troops is not comparable to Li Kui. With the previous lessons, Tianhuo named Lu Xiangsheng's army after careful consideration. It sounds a little weird for "Idol", but you are not afraid of being weird!It's a pity that Lu Xiangsheng's legion has just been formed, but it is only one level.

At this time, Tianhuo was already fantasizing about subduing famous generals all the way, not to mention leading the guild into the top ten, but it is still possible to think about getting into the top [-].Just when Tianhuo was chasing the defeated soldiers on Mingfeng Road while chasing the rout of Mingfeng Road, while Tianhuo was full of lust, a sudden system message suddenly made all his good mood go away forever.

——System: Unfortunately, Li Kui's Dragon Slayer Legion under your command was challenged by Ma Zhong's Dragon Slayer Legion in the Legion Trial. Unfortunately, they lost and lost the Legion Totem. Defeat Ma Zhong's Dragon Slayer Legion in the Legion Trial to get it back Legion Totem.

"Damn it!" Tianhuo scolded immediately after receiving the system information. The legion totem is the soul of a legion. The attribute is more important than the base of the flag bonus. A fifth-level legion has no Is the legion totem still the real legion totem?
"Ma Zhong! Calabash City!" Tianhuo gnashed his teeth and roared in a low voice.

But it's useless to be angry, the matter is a foregone conclusion, there are only two ways to go before Tianhuo, the first is to let Li Kui's army change its name, but in this way, the fifth-level army will fall to the fourth-level, and Li Kui has no choice. What commanding ability, it takes a lot of time to upgrade the army from level [-] to level [-].The second is to do it!Start the legion trial again, and snatch the general totem from Ma Zhong!

"Damn it, it's done! Ma Zhong probably doesn't have the ability to command troops, so renting some advanced equipment will definitely win!"

(End of this chapter)

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