The best lord of online games

Chapter 817 Hiding Boss Geng Yan

Chapter 817 Hiding Boss Geng Yan
——System: Ma Zhong led the Dragon Slaying Legion to successfully pass the legion trial, and obtained the unique legion title and legion totem, rewarding leadership +3.

——System: Ma Zhong's leadership reached [-], he was awarded the title of "Third-rate Famous General", and successfully comprehended the legion skills "Strong Attack" and "Quickness".

"Okay!" After receiving the system message, Wu Yi immediately swept away the gloomy mood of failing to recruit Geng Gong.However, Wu Yi doesn't know anything about the trial. He has absolute confidence in Ma Zhong's Dragon Slaying Legion. After all, the advantages of flying arms are too great. Yu Mazhong, but as long as he doesn't encounter deadly troops, it's not a big problem.

After a long period of training, he finally reached the goal of Wu Yi's first stage. The current Ma Zhong has a command of 72 and a force of [-]. His talent and specialties make it impossible for him to grow to stand alone, but the improvement of his ability is beyond doubt. Yes, at this point, Ma Zhong's growth has also reached a stage, and he wants to transform again in a short time, unless he slaughters the god again!
At this time, a servant of his Earl's Mansion hurried over, "My lord, I just received a greeting card at the south gate!"

"Welcome post?" Wu Yi took the maroon post. Calabash City is in a state of closure, and non-allies cannot directly enter the city through the teleportation array. If they want to communicate with Calabash City, they can only pass through the south gate.

"Geng Yan!?" Wu couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the final signature of the worship post. Geng Yan actually came to the door at this time. Don't think about it, he must be for Geng Gong who is locked in prison. It is absolutely impossible for Wu Yi to let Geng Gong go.

After Geng Gong was captured, Wu Yi checked the information about Geng Gong in detail on the Internet. The rest also included Geng Yan and the Geng family of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Yan and Geng Gong, as well as Geng Bing and Geng Kui, this is a huge clan of iron and blood!

Of course, the strongest among them should still be Geng Yan, but due to the problem of communication, his fame is not as loud as those deified characters in the romance, but his military ability can definitely be ranked first in history, although in the cloud Taiwan's 28 generals ranked fourth, but in terms of military exploits, they definitely ranked first. He was the strongest general under Emperor Guangwu!Moreover, his ability is not only in command, "Geng Yan made decisions about Hebei and decided to plan for Nanyang, and he also saw that Guangwu's career is complete!" From this passage, we can see Geng Yan's ability in strategy.

Many people compare Geng Yan and Han Xin, let alone whether the two can really reach the same level, Geng Yan's ability and fame are completely out of proportion, and he can be regarded as an all-rounder.

This is definitely a big boss!Can Geng Yanye be taken down?If it can be done, it will be a big deal!If Geng Yan is taken down, then the entire Geng family will be taken down. If only Geng Gong is taken down, the situation that Wu Yi least wants to see will most likely happen, that is, the separation of the aristocratic family!Geng Gong "sent" it to Calabash City, but don't think about the rest of Geng Yan, Geng Bing, and Geng Kui.

Especially Geng Yan, this is something Wu Yi will never give up!

Geng Yan's identity is a bit sensitive to Calabash City. Even if the city guards will not take action directly, they will temporarily block people from the city gate, waiting for Wu Yi's decision.

What a decision!Wu Yi rode directly on the moonlight donkey and ran towards the south gate. For a talent of Geng Yan's level, he must lower his posture.

The south gate, since Gourd City entered the closed period, this has become the only "passage" to the outside of Gourd City. At this time, a team of one hundred God of War Guards is facing Geng Yan in a fan-shaped formation. Do it for a while.

"Back all!" Wu Yi who reached the south gate yelled loudly. When the city guard retreated to both sides, Wu Yi finally saw the famous general who made his heart flutter!At this time, Geng Yan was a middle-aged man, wearing a brown-yellow gown and a goatee. He looked very elegant, not at all like a famous iron-blooded general, but more like a Confucian scholar.

"I've seen the Earl of Wuyi!" Geng Yan bowed to Wu Yi, neither humble nor overbearing, his eyes were calm, and he couldn't see his inner thoughts at all.

"Mr. Geng, don't be too polite, please!"

At Wu Yi's invitation, Geng Yan walked into Gourd City without fear. The two of them were like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years. Geng Yan would praise the beauty of Gourd City from time to time along the way.

"Mr. Geng must be here for your nephew!" In the living room of the Earl's Mansion, after the maid brought the tea, Wu Yi straight to the point.

"That's right! I am willing to pay a viscount-level ransom to redeem my nephew. Don't worry, my lord, Geng Gong will never appear in the army of Xiaguang City or Dongping City in the future!" Geng Yan said after taking a sip of tea. Out of his chips.

Exchanging ransom for captives is not uncommon in the Hongyu Empire. The current Geng Gong does not have a title, and being able to offer a viscount-level ransom is definitely a high price in the Hongyu Empire, and he is very sincere.

Wu Yi smiled and shook his head: "Mr. Geng, do you think I will accept it?"

"Please also tell me your conditions!" Geng Yan was not surprised by Wu Yi's refusal, nor was he furious. This answer seemed to have been expected by him.

"Before I talk about my conditions, I want to ask a small question." Wu Yi looked at Geng Yan who was on the other side and asked, "Mr. Geng should not be working in Xiaguang City, right?"

With Geng Yan's ability, if he really served in Xiaguang City, then it is impossible for Cheng Bushi to lead the troops to resist Cao Cao's army at first, and it will not make the situation of Xiaguang City fall into a quagmire, and it will not develop to the point where Zhang Han This guest will be in charge of the military power.

"Indeed, there is only one young nephew in the Geng family who works in Xiaguang City, and the others have not yet become official."

Hearing this answer, Wu Yi laughed, and laughed very happily!Geng Gong said that the Geng family and the Feng family in Xiaguang City are distant relatives, but judging from the current situation, the distant relatives may be a bit exaggerated, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Geng Yan to come forward for the work of redeeming people, but it should be Xiaguang Cheng Feng's family came.

"Mr. Geng, I won't go around the bush. You must see the situation in today's world more clearly than I do. Although I am chosen by God, I have little influence. I think the Geng family can help me! The so-called heroes in troubled times, Geng The family is full of talents, and it's time to let the world know."

"A Geng Gong is not worth the price!"

While trying to figure out the meaning of Geng Yan's words, Wu Yi asked, "What price does the gentleman want?"

"I want Xiaguang City, can you give it?"

Xiaguang City?What does it mean?Is there an unknown entanglement between the Geng family and the Feng family?
"With the help of the Geng family, taking Xiaguang City is a piece of cake. As long as Xiaguang City is taken down, I promise to my husband that the owner of Xiaguang City will only come from the Geng family. As long as Xiaguang City is still my territory, this promise will last forever." Effective." Wu Yi doesn't want to think about the grievances between the Geng family and the Feng family now, this promise will not cause any loss to him, even if the city owner is a member of the Geng family, the sovereignty of Xiaguang City is still in his hands.Even if he left the imperial camp in the future, Xiaguang City would be "sealed" to the Geng family like a fief at most, and exchanging Xiaguang City for a Geng family would be worth thousands of dollars.

"I need to go back to the ancestral land, and I will come to visit again in three days."

"I am waiting for your good news in Calabash City!"

 Yuntai 28 will not be well-known for a long time. The author has never studied Geng Yan in detail before, but now it is a bit of a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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