The best lord of online games

Chapter 818 Undercurrent Temple

Chapter 818 Undercurrent Temple
After seeing off Geng Yan, Wu Yi was quietly thinking about the Geng family's affairs in the study of the Earl's Mansion. Geng Yan's conditions seemed to have no suitable loss for Wu Yi, but this "condition" is not yet in his hands. In his hand, if Geng Yan had to wait until he took down Calabash City before letting go, it would be a long way off. Among them, the most important thing was to get Cao Cao stuck. With Cao Cao's character, if he mishandled the matter of Xiaguang City, both sides It is very likely that they will turn against each other because of this!

Enmity with Cao Cao, unless he can be defeated in one battle, otherwise he must deal with Cao Cao for a long time, that is a bigger pit than the current Xiaguang City!Moreover, most of Cao Cao's current generals are relatives, so he would be lucky to kill Lao Cao if he died, but if he couldn't wipe out his power in one fell swoop, it would be a big trouble.

Find an opportunity to ask Wang Meng for a strategy. It would be great if you can find someone with a big enough interest to exchange with Boss Cao, so that the good relationship between the two parties can continue to be maintained.

I thought about a lot of messy things, and it was noon. I had a meal when I went offline. By the way, I read some information compiled by the studio. When I went online, I ran to Ghost Crab Island. The construction of the Sea Clam Clan is a huge I don't know what to do with the project now, the miniature tower of rule still needs Kuai Xiang's hand, and I don't know when he will be able to spare time.

Doesn't it mean that Kuai Xiang is the only architect in Calabash City? It's mainly because of his talent and expertise. The more important the building, the more attention should be paid to it.

It’s been a few days since Ghost Crab Island has changed a lot. As a fortress, everything here is very rigorous. More than a quarter of them are all kinds of manufacturing factories, and nearly half of the manufacturing factories are forging factories. , almost more than eighteen hours a day in shift production, this is one of the largest sources of goods for the Calabash City caravan.

As soon as Wu Yi arrived at Ghost Crab City, Ma Zhou, who was the lord of the city, received the news and accompanied him personally, constantly introducing the changes of Ghost Crab City along the way.

"By the way, my lord, the Undercurrent Temple has been built, do you want to go and see it?"

"It's finished? You must go and see it!"

For the Undercurrent Temple, Shui Dongliu gave him the blueprint before, and he handed it over to Ma Zhou. After that, he didn't pay attention to it again.The Undercurrent Temple is the key to Shui Dongliu's recovery of power. In his territory, when it comes to potential, the strongest is still the former god, but this funny god cannot be fully controlled. so it is.

The architectural style of the temples is solemn and sacred, even the temples of the Hades family are the same. They will never be gloomy, and the same is true for the Undercurrent Temple.

Undercurrent Temple (unfinished): The temple dedicated to the God of Undercurrent, strengthens the resistance of territorial ships to wind waves, undercurrents, and whirlpools, increases the immunity of territorial soldiers by 10% to water systems, and increases the output of aquatic products in the territory by 15%.Faith collection +25%, consumption of [-] points of power of faith can convert an undercurrent god priest."Undercurrent Holy Sacrifice" can be performed once a month.

Undercurrent Holy Sacrifice - Consume 40 points of power of faith to reduce the impact of water natural disasters on the territory by [-]% within one month.

The properties are pretty good!The Undercurrent Temple is different from the Ares Palace. Although the Ares Palace is also a god-type building, it does not have the function of collecting beliefs, so it can only be regarded as a special building. The god-type buildings that can collect beliefs all have powerful priesthood functions, such as Undercurrent The "Undercurrent Sacred Sacrifice" in the temple, the "Tianzun Divine Light" in the Tianzun Temple, but the most important thing is the transformation of the arms of faith!

It can be transformed into a unique god-type unit by consuming faith points. The priest of the undercurrent god needs to consume more faith points than the current Taoist soldiers. That is to say, the priest of the undercurrent god will be stronger than the Taoist soldiers!
But now the temple does not even have a priest, so the status shows "unfinished", and the attributes of the temple have not yet been added to the territory, just like the original Tianzun temple, but there is an undercurrent of water flowing eastward The deity of the God of God is here, so I am not afraid that the temple will not be able to function. I think back then, in order to find a master for the temple of Tianzun, I almost turned my hair gray.

By the way, according to the report submitted by Shi Xiaopang, Yu Dayou's fleet is now returning from the north. The Haizu, the underground river, and the Xihe. The cargo for the second voyage is already being prepared.


At this moment, a horn sounded with a strange tone in the southwest of Ghost Crab Island.

"Huh? Is it the East China Sea Fleet?" The horn sound of the East China Sea Fleet is very special. Wu Yi has heard it more than once. So far, he has not heard such a horn sound in a second place.

During this period of time, the East China Sea Fleet has been traveling in the deep sea, searching for the whereabouts of the Kraken. Although the results are a bit ugly, they have taken special care of the Ghost Crab Island. Almost every few days, the fleet will be around the Ghost Crab Island. Patrolling around the sea area has greatly improved the safety of Ghost Crab Island.

"Let's go, since the East China Sea Fleet is calling, it will definitely land at Ghost Crab Island. Let's go and have a look, everyone is a friendly ally now!" It is obviously much more convenient to replenish at Ghost Crab Island than to go back to Zhenhai City In Wu Yi's view, the East China Sea Fleet resting on Ghost Crab Island is not a big deal.

The warships of the East China Sea Fleet were bright silver in color and majestic, instantly compared to the magic gold warships in Calabash City.

Now the water gates around Ghost Crab Island have been built, and the five islands of Ghost Crab are connected together. If you want to land on Ghost Crab Island, you must pass through the water gate. The defense of Ghost Crab Island will be maxed out.

"Duke Yun, I didn't expect you to come here in person. I'm really terrified!" Looking at the gray-haired Grand Duke, Wu Yi was a little surprised. This is the most prestigious person in the Hongyu Empire in the southeast!

"I came here uninvited, and I hope the Earl of Wuyi will not blame me."

"Where! Mr. Yun can come, let my little ghost crab island flourish!"

This time Duke Yun came to Ghost Crab Island without saying a word, Wu Yi guessed the purpose at the first time, Wu Yi did not want the Grand Duke to see the Sea Clam Queen, because he was afraid that the Temple of Chaos would make him weak among the Sea Clan However, since he went to the hometown of the mermaid, he discovered that there is an unknown secret between the Sea Clan and the Temple of Tides, and this secret makes neither side want to have too much contact.

Moreover, Duke Yun has been asking for reinforcements from the Temple of Tides for some time, but there has been no movement from the Temple of Tides. This is the main reason why the East China Sea Fleet has had mediocre results at sea during this period of time, and there is no siren!

Therefore, it is not harmful for him or Calabash City to let Duke Yun get in touch with the Sea Clan now. If the three parties can establish a closer cooperation, it will be of great benefit to Wu Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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