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Chapter 819 Meng Ao Meng Wu, the Meng family army dispatched

Chapter 819 Meng Ao Meng Wu, the Meng family army dispatched
The Duke of Yunlin was grandly received in the City Lord's Mansion. As Wu Yi expected, Yunlin made a request to meet the Queen of the Haiceng Clan during the banquet. Wu Yi, who had planned for a long time, naturally would not refuse.

Queen Sea Clam has been busy rebuilding the Five-Color Sea recently, so it's easy to find her, just ask the city guard, and you won't be embarrassed to go underwater.

"Lord Wuyi, you came at the right time. The previous preparations are enough, and the five-color sea should be able to reappear here today." The sea clam queen looked at Wu Yi and smiled slightly. In order to make the waters around Ghost Crab Island into five-color Hai, the queen not only used most of the masters of the sea clam clan, but also took a small half of the net worth, and the rest were all invested in the construction of the clan land. The current sea clam clan is really poor, otherwise it would have He will not agree to jointly form a caravan with Calabash City.

"Really? That's great!" Wu Yi was overjoyed. He had a detailed understanding of the five-color sea. The environment of the five-color sea can not only accelerate the growth of the sea clam, but also have a certain bonus to the combat effectiveness of the sea clam. These have a certain impact on Wu Yi. It's useless, what he needs is the addition and strengthening of the five-color sea to aquaculture.

"See Your Majesty!" Yunlin frowned slightly at Wu Yi's ignorance. In his heart, Queen Haiceng was an existence equal to the emperor in Kowloon City. How could she be so disregarding etiquette when talking to her, so Old Yunlin stepped forward and gave Wu Yi the most correct demonstration.

"This is..." The empress looked at this old but meticulously dressed human race with incomparably majestic eyes.

"Your Majesty, this is the Grand Duke Yunlin, the lord of Zhenhai City, and the commander of the East China Sea Fleet. He is one of the highest-ranking nobles in our Hongyu Empire except for the royal family." With the list of identities introduced by Wu Yi, everyone around The eyes of the sea clam masters have changed, but in their hearts, the most important thing is the commander of the East China Sea Fleet. After losing their clan, they now pay more attention to power, rather than those illusory identities.

"Oh, so it's the Duke, don't be too polite!"

"Your Majesty, this old man is taking the liberty to visit this time to have a detailed talk with the nobles about the Sea Clan." Yunlin was very satisfied with Cao Cao's recent report from Xiaguang City on the battle situation, but in his eyes the matter of Xiaguang City was nothing more than scabies. Hey, it is the legendary Sea-Monster King who may really shake the rule of the empire. Once the Sea-Monster King breaks through the seal and leads the Sea-Monster Clan to sweep across the two seas, all towns in the Hongyu Empire near the sea will suffer a devastating blow, especially the sea-monster king. In the current situation where the attitude of the Temple of Elements is unclear.

"Very happy!"

Naturally, it is impossible for an empress and a duke to casually talk about military and national affairs on the side of the road. Now the only place where the Haiceng tribe can receive distinguished guests is the Crystal Palace.


At this time, in Mingfeng City, which was far in the northwest of the empire, the Yellow Turban Army chased the defeated army in Mingfeng City all the way, intending to use their high morale to overthrow the reinforcements that were not firmly established in the empire.Jing Si led [-] cavalry as a vanguard and went straight to the imperial army that was building a camp. The terrain here is different from the endless plains in the north, so the main force is still infantry, but...

The Yellow Turban Army wanted to deal a fatal blow to the Imperial Army when its foothold was not stable, but the Imperial Army had the same idea, planning to defeat the Yellow Turban Army's spirit in Mingfeng City first. A vanguard cavalry broke away from the army, Entered Mingfeng City.

Not surprisingly, the forward troops of both sides met in the east of Mingfeng City. Both were cavalry, and the number was exactly the same, both of which were [-]. There was no extra words, just do it!
Although Jing Si's reputation is not obvious, his ability should not be underestimated, especially since he is still a strong man of the holy rank. There are not many people who can beat him in small-scale battles, unless the opponent is also of the holy rank.Regarding Jing Si, the God Chosen of the Yellow Turban Army is quite confident.But the result of the battle was surprising, a tie!

The losses of the Jing Si Legion were even more serious, but he relied on his strong personal combat power to forcibly equalize the situation. Neither side has the heart to fight to the death. In a confrontation of this scale, the military general has the advantage. Even if the legion cannot fight, it is a big deal. Substitution, when the effect of the command cannot match the effect of force, it will win.Although this kind of victory is rogue, it is a fact.

A general who was not a holy rank led [-] cavalry to draw Jing Si, who was a holy rank, and took advantage of it when he finally left. Who is this person?With such an ability to command troops, he would actually appear as a striker!

Losing the opportunity, the original plan of the Yellow Turban Army naturally came to nothing, but fortunately, the opponent had the same idea, otherwise Jing Si bumped head-on into the opponent's main force, and it would be a dead giveaway.After receiving the news, Zhang Jiao began to integrate the army. He didn't intend to pay attention to the broken soldiers who were still fleeing around in Mingfeng City. He left this matter to the God's Chosen, who would definitely like it.

After reorganizing the army, Zhang Jiao brought 12 troops to the junction of Mingfeng City and Taihe City. Zhang Jiao had just raised his troops, and the battlefield here was far less exaggerated than that of the North and Hongye City. Both sides had tens of millions of troops.

With the launch of the Yellow Turban Uprising and the smooth progress of the journey, a large number of players have gathered in the Yellow Turban Army. Relatively speaking, the chosen ones from the Imperial Army are much poorer. Only some of them came to watch the excitement from Taihe City. Many of them are intelligence personnel of major player forces.However, when they saw this imperial army, almost all the chosen ones who followed the Yellow Turban Army were extremely shocked.

Opposite the Yellow Turban Army is a heavily fortified army, just in terms of momentum, it is completely different from the waste that the Yellow Turban Army fought before, especially the big "Mongolian" character on the handsome flag waving in the wind in the Chinese army formation is even more impressive. It has attracted the attention of countless players.

When this surname is mentioned, everyone will unconsciously think of the Mengjia Army of the Great Qin Empire immediately!The three generations of the Meng family are all powerful generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, with great military achievements, especially Meng Tian, ​​who is known as the number one warrior in China!
Will the opponent's coach be Meng Tian?

The Chosen One who is in the Yellow Turban Army is not clear, but the Chosen One who is in the Imperial Army has known for a long time that this army is indeed the Meng Family Army, but the commander is not Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian’s grandfather Meng Tian. Ao, at this time Meng Ao is already a veteran, as his deputy is Meng Wu, Meng Tian is not in the army, it was Meng Wu who led the vanguard to fight Jing Si before!

The Yellow Turban Army confronted the Meng Family Army!Even some players who admire Zhang Jiao very much can't help but feel drummed at this time. Even if they are famous in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", when it comes to Zhang Jiao, he is just the leader of a peasant uprising, and he still fails after a long time. Such a tragedy, can he do better than the Meng family, a family of generals?
(End of this chapter)

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