Chapter 820

"Your Majesty, do you know how the nobles view sea monsters?"

"My family and the sea monster are feuds, and it is the same now. Why did the Grand Duke ask this?"

Yunlin was determined. His understanding of the Sea Clan was only a few words in the book, "Your Majesty, now that sea monsters are raging across the two seas, I think we should unite."

"This..." The empress shook her head after pondering slightly: "I'm sorry, my clan has just experienced a big battle, and the clan land is still being rebuilt, so we really can't spare too many troops to fight."

"Your Majesty, in fact, the Sea Clam Clan doesn't need much troops. What the East China Sea Fleet lacks is a 'guide' who is familiar with the sea to help the fleet find the trace of the sea monster in the deep sea, right, Lord Duke?" Wu Yi interjected, Smiling and looking at Duke Yunlin.

Yunlin nodded: "That's right! Your Majesty, as long as the nobles can send out a team to accompany the army, it will be fine."

"Now the Kraken is no longer a family matter, but everyone's matter. I think it would be better if all the forces on the sea can be united to form an alliance." Before the Queen could speak, Wu Yi continued, This time is the time to give Calabash City a status. As long as this alliance can be established, even if he is the weakest among them, he is still a member, and his status is completely different.

"Having said that, the living habits of our Sea Clan are different, and it is difficult to gather together until the critical moment of life and death." Regarding the threat of sea monsters, the Sea Clan Clan understands the threat of the Sea Monster better than the Human Clan, but the real problem is even Merfolk are also difficult to regulate.

"It can be done according to the method that Earl Wu Yi said before. Each sea clan will only use one team for the time being, and our East China Sea Fleet will be the main force for the time being to form a sea demon squad. Destroy more sea monsters." Yunlin is loyal, but it doesn't mean he is stupid, he is definitely at the level of an old fox, but he is a little rigid in some things.It doesn't matter how many people the Hai Clan sent now, as long as they agree to send people, then his goal will be achieved.

"Yes, although the strength of the navy below is not as strong as that of the East China Sea Fleet, it can still help. Now, when most of the Siren masters are paying attention to the seal of the Siren Emperor, we should cut off as many sea monsters as possible. Some siren tribes." The current combat effectiveness of the East China Sea Fleet is far inferior to that of the West Sea Fleet, but the strength of the East China Sea Siren is also not as strong as that of the West Sea. Before the East China Sea Siren is united, there is still time to train troops.

"Well then, I will be in charge of contacting the other sea tribes in the East China Sea. As for whether they agree or not, I can't guarantee it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

This matter has been settled. With the Sea Clam Queen coming forward, even if the other Sea Clans are not happy, hundreds of people will definitely have no problem, of course, except for the Dragon Turtle Clan. The clan is dispatched.

"This is a wish from my majesty, please accept it." Before leaving, Yunlin took out a beautiful gift list. It seems that this time the entire East China Sea Fleet is soliciting private goods for this old guy. Good thing Should be a lot.

"Then thank you Grand Duke!"

The two were sent to Ghost Crab Island by two sea clam priests, and the serious look on Yunlin's face finally relaxed a lot. "Earl Wuyi, the East China Sea Fleet will use Ghost Crab Island as the main transit point in the future, so please forgive me for disturbing you."

"Mr. Yun, you are being polite. We are all members of the East China Sea Demon Elimination Alliance, so we don't want to disturb you!" Wu Yi laughed.

Yunlin also laughed and said, "Yes! The East China Sea Demon Elimination Alliance! I'm getting old, and the Earl needs to be more concerned about the Demon Elimination Alliance!"

"It's only natural. Duke Yun should take care of his health. You are the pillar of the empire."

The East China Sea Fleet was unloading at the pier. These were Yunlin's gifts to the Haiceng Clan. The total value exceeded [-] gold coins. Many of them were rare goods that could not be obtained through formal channels. It was so inhumane.

After Yunlin boarded the ship, the East China Sea Fleet left. However, it won't be long before this fleet will come to Ghost Crab Island again to form the so-called "East Sea Demon Elimination Alliance".

——System: Wei Zifu successfully comprehended the training method of "Singer" by observing the advancement of his singers, and the reward rate was +30.

Wu Yi who had just sent Yunlin away at the pier suddenly received a system message.

It was much easier than Wu Yi expected. The singer was promoted, and Wei Zifu had also grown by leaps and bounds. However, her command value before was only 25 points, and now it has increased by 55 points, which is only [-], even [-] points. None.However, in Wu Yi's eyes, he never regarded Wei Zifu as a general, and he didn't need her to fight anyway. Her bonus to the territory is huge.

Leaving the pier and returning to Calabash City through the teleportation array, Wu Yi arrived at the music workshop as quickly as possible. At this time, all the singers in the music workshop had changed drastically.

Chant Carolers:
Level: Ninth Tier

Attack: 250
Defense: 250
Life: 4500
Skill: 6000
Characteristic 1: High morale - fighting with the army can increase the morale of the army by 10%, and it will continue to increase under the influence of singing, up to 30%.

Feature 2: Combined spellcasting - the more people cast the same skill, the wider the range covered by the skill, which can reduce the skill consumption by 10% - 15%, and increase the skill effect by 10% - 15%.

Feature 3: Holy Aria——Skill recovery speed +20%, sound system skill effect +20%, resistance to negative states +20%, singing voice reduces "depressed morale", "toxin", "deceleration", etc. Bad state effects.

Skills: Battle Song of Breaking the Army - Make our soldiers' morale +20%, attack +15%, movement speed +15%, and consume 50 skills per second.

Song of Requiem - make the enemy's attack -5%, movement speed -5%, and at the same time receive (180%+75) points of damage per second, double the effect on undead creatures, and consume 80 points of skill per second.

Hymn to the Dawn - increase the morale of our soldiers by 20%, eliminate a certain degree of fatigue, strengthen the resistance of allies to negative states, and restore 40 points of health to soldiers every second, and consume 50 skills per second.

Sound of Soul——Screaming sound burst out with the power of the soul, causing (350%+100) points of damage to enemies within a certain range, and has a certain chance to cause a one-hit kill effect on the target.In the next hour, its own basic attributes will drop by 25%, and the skill interval will be one hour.

Seeing the attributes of the singers, Wu Yi's eyes were a little bright. Compared with the eighth-level singers, these singers are much stronger. Before, they had almost no melee combat capabilities. Once they were approached by the enemy, they were almost dead. Now there is an extra desperate skill. "Voice of Soul" is quite expensive to use, but it not only has super high damage, but also has a one-hit kill effect. If a large group of chanters explode together, it will be absolutely terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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