The best lord of online games

Chapter 821 Bone Dragon Cliff, Lord Recruitment Order

Chapter 821 Bone Dragon Cliff, Lord Recruitment Order

"I have seen the lord!"

Compared with other cities, the music workshop in Calabash City is much deserted. Only a few high-level officials from the interior of Calabash City come here every day, but they don’t stay for long. Wu Yi, the lord, comes here even less.

"My lord, I want to go to the mermaid's hometown!"

"What?" Wu Yi looked at Wei Zifu who stepped forward in surprise, he never expected that she would make such a request at this time.

"I want to go to the hometown of mermaids to study. According to ancient books, mermaids are born singers. Now my ability is seriously insufficient. I can't help adults, and I can't help Wei Qinghe Qubing." Wei Zifu's expression was extremely firm. .

Help him?I'm afraid it's the latter two who are the key!

Although there are no factions in Gourd City, there is no doubt that the Wei family has the strongest power in Gourd City. Wei Qing is the commander of the battlefield in Xiaguang City, and he is afraid of the most elite forces in Gourd City. Huo Qubing will also be the leader all the way Although Wei Zifu doesn't do much in Calabash City, she has the highest status.

"Think about it. The mermaid's hometown is in the West Sea. If you want to study, you won't be able to come back in a short time!" Wei Zifu can make this request Wu Yi is still very happy, if Wei Zifu can grow up , then her role is no longer just a "mascot", and it is no problem to go to the battlefield.

"I've made up my mind! I'm going!"

"Well, the navy fleet will return in a few days, and the route of the underground river has been explored clearly. You will train all the singers to become singers during this period, and then I will arrange for you to go with the caravan It is indeed a good thing for Wei Zifu to go to the mermaid's hometown to study, but it is not completely without influence. In the entire Calabash City, only Wei Zifu can train singers. Once she leaves, this unit will be discontinued. Now The singers who have been promoted to the ninth rank are no longer the ordinary divas who were dispensable. This is a powerful unit.

It's a pity that there is no way to win Li Shishi for the time being, otherwise it won't have any impact if she has Le Ji on top.

"Thank you Lord Lord!"

"I will tell you the time in advance after the arrangements are made. You have to explain to Wei Qing and Huo Qubing in advance."

"I understand my lord."

Originally, Wu Yi wanted Wei Zifu to consider whether to directly transfer to the mermaid tribe. The talent of the mermaid tribe in singing is not comparable to that of the human race, but after thinking about it, he finally gave up.After all, Wei Zifu is not alone. When she gets to the Mermaid Clan, she will naturally know how to choose after she gets to know more about it.

The divas were expanded after confirming their role at sea, and the current total is only about [-]. Except for some of them who have gone to sea with the ship, the rest are in Calabash City and Ghost Crab Island. It will take a lot of time to advance all ranks, and Wei Zifu probably won't be able to catch up with the first caravan voyage.

Wu Yi didn't stay in Lefang for a long time, and when he left Lefang, Wu Yi originally planned to go to see how Zhu Tianshan cultivated the gourd demon, but he didn't expect to meet Kou Xun and Concubine Xuerong on the way.

Didn't Concubine Xue Rong obey orders under Wei Qing's tent, why did she come back at this time?

"My lord, the Bone Dragon Cliff has been completed." Concubine Xuerong reported to Wu Yihui coldly that this vampire lady would only melt the iceberg when she was cleaning the battlefield.

"Completed? Let's go and have a look."

Bone Dragon Cliff, a meeting gift given to him by the great lord of Longling in the underworld, was finally completed. This was the longest special building he had ever seen.

Bone Dragon Cliff was built in Chiyan Town in Longxiang Mountain. Concubine Xue Rong was in charge of this matter. Wu Yi finally understood when she came back at this time.The undead resources needed for the bones and keels, Chiyan Town is also undergoing transformation at the same time, and a lot of bones are spent. At this time, Chiyan Town, which has not been seen for a long time, has changed a lot, and it has completely become a town of undead.

The whole is gray-black, revealing a strong breath of undead, and there is a tall, bare black cliff in the town.There are countless caves on the surface of the cliff, and traces of bones can be seen.

Bone Dragon Cliff (Special): The bone-type undead of one's own side within a radius of ten miles from Bone Dragon Cliff has +10% combat power, and there is a 5% chance to be resurrected under the effect of "Resurrection of the Dead" after death.It can transform the bones of dragons into bone dragons. The higher the quality of the bones, the stronger the strength of the transformed bone dragons. The basic level of bone dragons is the ninth-order heavenly level.

Very simple attributes, for Wu Yi, this is a unit building, which has the same function as a barracks. After all, the location of the bone dragon cliff makes the two enhanced attributes that come with it almost useless, and besides the bone dragon, gourd There are no other bone-type undead in the city's arms, and they can only be summoned by Concubine Xue Rong when she is about to fight.

"By the way, what happened to the flying dragon bones bought by the caravan before, and how much did you get?" Bone Dragon Cliff can't produce soldiers by itself, it needs to put in dragon bones for transformation. When Wu Yi got the blueprint, he had already Order the caravan to start buying, this is a ninth-tier heaven-level flying unit.

Kou Xun shook his head helplessly, "I didn't receive any of them."

"What's going on?" Wu Yi looked at Kou Xun suspiciously. It's been half a month. Even if creatures with dragon blood are rare, it's not impossible to receive one of them. Isn't the mount of the flying dragon knight of the Hongyu Empire the same? Flying dragon, as long as you hang up the same.

"Now almost all the high-level skeletons on the market have been snatched by the Temple of the Underworld. No one will sell them even if we offer an extra layer of high price."

Fuck!What else can I say, the Temple of the Underworld is a big mountain, and giving resources to the Temple of the Underworld is a favor, which cannot be bought at a high price.

"Forget it, let's develop Misty Island by ourselves in a while." Wu Yi said a little depressed.

"By the way, I remember that the lord can issue a recruitment order, right?"

"Yes, for the first release, only [-] gold coins are enough to cover the entire Hongyu Empire's towns below the third level."

Ordinary city lords and nobles are not qualified to issue recruitment orders, only lords are eligible, and recruitment orders will not appear in cities above the third class, cities above the third class can only post imperial decrees and national teacher's holy orders enjoin.The first issuance of the recruitment order requires [-] gold coins, and the price will increase by [-] gold coins each time it is issued. Before that, Wu Yi only issued an informal recruitment order in Xiaguang City, because he was afraid that the reputation of Calabash City would not be enough. If they can't attract decent talents, the current prestige of Calabash City should be enough, right?

"Then send it! Now we need a lot of talents."

"Your subordinate will make arrangements now!"

(End of this chapter)

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