The best lord of online games

Chapter 822 Aunt Gongsun's Large Blessing Ball

Chapter 822 Aunt Gongsun's Large Blessing Ball

Dongping City

Under Hong Fu's operation, Aunt Gongsun's affairs became known all over the world in just one day, and she even made a small fortune from it.However, Dongping City is not a place where anyone can come if they want. This is Xiao Mingsheng's headquarters, and people from the imperial camp can't get in without a strong disguise. The city's protective barrier is fully opened, and there are only a handful of people in the world who can touch it without anyone noticing.

Baiweixuan is located diagonally across from the Neon Clothes Music Square. In the past two days, the Baiweixuan, which had a mediocre business due to the war, was suddenly full. It was full of people from all over the world. The price of each seat on the third floor with the best view has skyrocketed. It was three times the normal amount, and the happy shopkeeper smiled like Maitreya Buddha all day long.

"Damn, sit on the ground and set the price!" Those who can grab a seat in Baiweixuan are the first batch of people who rushed to Dongping City. Before they came, all of them were rich in pockets, but after they came, their faces were as black as the bottom of the pot. .Originally, Nishang Fangle only needed ten gold coins to enter the door, plus some fragmentary consumption inside, fifty gold coins was considered a high consumption. After all, except for a few local tyrants, God's Chosen would not pursue the so-called ostentation in the game .

But now, it costs fifty gold coins just to enter the gate of the Neon Clothes Music Square. This is just a "standing ticket", which is a bit too expensive for players who just come to watch the legendary sword dance.

"No way, the aborigines are not fools, there are so many of us, what can we do if we don't raise the price and improve the qualifications?"

"This competition is so exaggerated!" Looking at the crowd standing in front of the Clothes Music Square below, it was really a sea of ​​people.

"Huh? There's a notice on the bulletin board of Nishangfang. What's it saying? It won't increase the price again, right?"

"Fist, the loser will go down and watch!"

"Don't be so troublesome, Lao Lin just entered, and he happened to be on the way."

The bulletin board at the Nishang Music Square was full of people at the first time when the notice was posted. At this stage, famous historical generals are not uncommon. .But historical beauties are different. They are rarer in number than famous generals, and they rarely appear in the public eye.

"Pray for the people in the war..."

"Blessing ball? I'm not afraid that I won't be able to grab a seat now."

The players who saw the notice were convinced that the space for the Nishang Fangle was limited, and the nobles would take up nearly half of the seats, so there was not enough room left for the players. Now it's all right. The venue for the dance is Hurricane Square in Nancheng. How much is there? Everyone can let go.

On the other hand, Ning Tianhao has been in Dongping City for two days, and he followed Shi A to the Clothes Music Square every day, which made him feel very dissatisfied.

"Didn't you say that the female assassin will definitely appear? It's been two days, and there's no one left!"

"What's the rush, she will definitely show up." Shi A smiled and filled a glass of fine wine for Ning Tianhao.

"Boy, you have to figure it out. I'm Wei Shuai's guard, not yours. I'll stay here for at most one more day. If that person doesn't show up, then you have to be careful, I have to go."

"Ning Sheng, don't be angry! My matter is just a trivial matter, and there is another big matter that must be dealt with by you." Shi Arah stopped Ning Tianhao, who was about to get up and leave the table, and persuaded Ning Tianhao, who was about to get up and leave the table, in a low voice road.

"Big thing? What's the matter?"

"What do you think of that lady Gongsun?" Shi A's voice became softer.

"He is a rare dance master." After all, he is also a master of the holy rank, and he has seen it in the market.

"That's right, if you invite Mrs. Gongsun to Calabash City, do you think the lord will be very happy?" Shi A smiled lewdly.

When Ning Tianhao heard this, he almost jumped up, "You want me to kidnap someone? Impossible, even if I succeed, it's impossible for me to get out of Dongping City."

"Please! Please! I didn't say tie!" Shi A held Ning Tianhao, and put his right index finger in front of his mouth, making a gesture in a lower voice. "You have met Miss Wei and Miss Li in Calabash City. My identity cannot be revealed for the time being. Ning Sheng, you can find a private opportunity to invite Mrs. Gongsun to go to Calabash City. The top singers and musicians want to attract Mrs. Gongsun a little bit. Don't you have any strength?"

"That's a good idea!" The expression on Ning Tianhao's face suddenly changed, he kept thinking about the feasibility of this matter in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the bigger the smile on his face.

"As long as it succeeds, this is definitely a great achievement!"

The two guys put their heads together in an extremely wretched manner, discussing the detailed plan in a low voice, and there was a burst of creepy laughter from time to time.

Dongping City is the absolute home for the competition in the Central Plains. There is nothing they don't know about what happened in Dongping City. There are only male players in the guild, and there are also many female players. The profession of Lefang is very popular. Yes, with the energy of competing in the Central Plains, it is definitely not difficult to send a few female players to study in the Clothes Club. Naturally, they are the first to get the news about Aunt Gongsun.

"What's going on at the Neon Clothes Music Square?" At this moment, Brother Jin's expression was no different from that of the bottom of the pot. He wished to hack to death the guy who spread the news about Aunt Gongsun to everyone.

"No! According to the news from the members of the band, Aunt Gongsun is a guest invited by the owner of the band, and she will only stay in the band for seven days. Let alone outsiders, even they can only be seen when they are performing. Aunt Gongsun."

"Then hurry up and think of a way, make sure to keep Aunt Gongsun!"

seven days!In other words, there are still three days left, three days for the blessing dance, and once the blessing dance is over, Aunt Gongsun will be in Dongping City.This kind of talent who is close to the peak of a certain skill has a very high reputation among the nobles. Even if Xiao Mingsheng wants to appreciate Gongsun Da Niang's sword dance, he will prepare a generous gift in advance and send someone to invite him.

"By the way, use the relationship with the government office to see if you can get on line with Gongsun at the blessing ball."

Brother Jin took a few deep breaths and suppressed the anger in his chest. He felt that things were not going well recently. The Xiaguang City battlefield was a huge quagmire. At that time, the most elite army in the Central Plains went to the ancient city of Chongsheng, but in the end he persuaded Cheng Bushi and got a good general. With a famous general in hand, the loss in strength is nothing.

Brother Jin was angry because he failed to suppress Calabash City!

It is said that the biggest prize in Chongsheng Ancient City was also snatched by Calabash City, but he only managed to piece together two blueprints for his competition in the Central Plains.But now is not the time to be angry, there is not a historical beauty in his territory, not to mention other bonuses, Aunt Gongsun has a special unit in her hands!

(End of this chapter)

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