Chapter 824

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Zhang Zhongjian's attack was very fierce, and Ning Tianhao was not a parallel saint rank, after all, his intelligence had increased to ninety, and he still had a saint rank weapon, but within a moment of fighting, Ning Tianhao sadly found that he could not do it at all!
Cursed Priest is not a profession suitable for duels. Even after entering the Holy Rank and making up for many professional deficiencies, it is still difficult to compete with real masters.

At the same time Zhang Zhongjian shot, Zhang Chuchen also charged at Shi A with his sword, the scene was in chaos, at this moment, even Aunt Gongsun's sword dance was too dazzling to dance.

After Shi A took over the intelligence network, he developed well, but his growth has completely fallen because of this. He is still only a third-rate little swordsman, and he can't beat the red-haired girl Zhang Chuchen at all. The situation is similar to that of Ning Tianhao on the other side. Guys are tragic.Fortunately, the magicians of the surrounding city guards were quick to move, not to mention Zhang Zhongjian of the holy rank, Zhang Chuchen was in a bad situation in this situation.

Shi A is quite well-known in Dongping City, and the city guard will naturally give priority to protecting his safety!At this critical moment, Zhang Zhongjian made a move, and the sword light was like a new moon in the sky, beheading more than ten legion magicians immediately, Zhang Chuchen took the opportunity to retreat behind Zhang Zhongjian, and Ning Tianhao got a moment of respite .

"There are assassins, run!"

"Run away!"

Amidst the screams of the aboriginals, the entire Hurricane Square was completely plunged into chaos, and the whole scene was a scene of wolves running wild. At the same time, more and more city guards rushed towards this side.

At this moment, Zhang Chuchen took out a small simple golden treasure box from the space ring. The surface of the golden treasure box was engraved with exquisite patterns. As she opened the lid of the treasure box, a ray of golden light shot up into the sky. With a powerful impact, circles of water-like ripples were hit on the city protection enchantment above. In the golden light, a small human-shaped shadow faintly rose from the treasure chest with the golden light. , that shadow is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger!
"What the hell is this?!" When the golden light dissipated, a huge golden giant landed on the Hurricane Square with a "boom". No, this thing is more like a demon, but its body is bigger than a giant spirit. It's huge, if it stands there motionless, it's definitely a statue!It's too exaggerated, just this figure alone has terrified countless people.

"Is it Nandou Shenbing Zun? I didn't expect there to be some left after the Battle of the Gods." Just as the golden giant fell on the Hurricane Square, an old magician wearing the priest's robe of the Earth Temple was also there. They arrived at the same time, looking at the golden giant with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

"It was originally incomplete!" The old magician breathed a sigh of relief when there were many striking cracks on the golden giant's body.

At this time, Shi A's heart was full of despair, what kind of hatred and grievances did Nima have, unexpectedly made such a big noise to kill him, the previous incident was a complete misunderstanding, okay, can't someone explain it properly!


Just when Shi Ah thought he was going to die, there was another loud noise from the other side of the square, and an earth-type puppet rose from the ground. On the puppet's shoulder stood an old magician with white beard and long hair. The long beard and robe fluttered in the wind, piercing the sky.

Earth puppet!
This is an advanced skill of an earth magician, but can the earth puppet be so big?The earth puppets usually seen on the battlefield are no more than ten meters high, but this one is simply a big mountain.

"Legend!?" Looking at the old magician on the shoulder of the puppet of the earth, Zhang Zhongjian's expression became serious in an instant. He didn't expect the legend to come so fast, which completely disrupted his previous plan.

"Kill him, let's go immediately!" Zhang Zhongjian gave Zhang Chuchen a wink, Zhang Chuchen nodded, and ordered Nandou Shenbingzun to attack Shi A, Zhang Zhongjian also shot at the same time,
This Nandou Shenbing Zun was obtained by the bearded man during his training in the Meteor God's restricted area. It is too important to maintain a combat power close to legend, so he gave it to Hong Fu Nu for body protection.

This legendary magician is obviously a senior member of the Temple of Elements. Xiao Mingsheng doesn't have many resources in the royal family, so most of the masters in his hands are members of the Temple of Elements.


Shi A has never been so eager to possess great strength as he is now. His prodigal character made him waste too many opportunities for growth.But it's too late to say anything now, if I knew that I would put in more effort, I wouldn't be able to defeat even a little girl.

"You villain, dare to commit murder!" The old magician raised his voice, and immediately put a "earth armor" on Shi A's body, and at the same time the earth puppet also shot, and a super-long giant spear directly shot Nandou Shenbing Zun He staggered.

Zhang Zhongjian's sword slashed at the earth's armor, and the brownish-yellow armor left only a very faint light and shadow under this sword. You know, this is the shield skill of a legendary master!Unexpectedly, he could only block one sword. Fortunately, the attack of Nandou Shenbingzun was missed, otherwise Shi A would die!

Ning Tianhao cast several curses on Zhang Zhongjian and Zhang Chuchen one after another, followed by the embarrassed Shi A and ran away. Under the cover of a large number of legion magicians, Ning Tianhao ran directly into the fleeing crowd .

Under the series of changes, the time did not last long. From the appearance of Zhang Zhongjian and Zhang Chuchen to the shocking appearance of Nandou Shenbing Zun, it took only three to five minutes, but now they have lost the last chance to kill Shi A. It's a good opportunity, and Zhang Zhongjian absolutely can't do it for killing innocent people indiscriminately.

"Little sister, let's go!" Zhang Zhongjian pulled Zhang Chuchen and flew to the palm of the left hand of Nandou Shenbing Zun, followed by Nandou Shenbing Zun, and rushed directly to the sky above the city.

"Where to go!" Dongping City's protective barrier has been reinforced, even if it is not as good as God's City, it can still reach the level of a first-class city.As long as the enchantment is still there, they can't get out!


"how is this possible!"

Nandou Shenbingzun directly swung his right fist and blasted a big hole in the protective barrier, but with this blow, the cracks on Nandou Shenbingzun's body became more obvious.This is the power of a demigod!It's just that the damaged Nandou Shenbingzun only has the power of this blow, and will never be able to exert such power after that unless the ability is restored.

As the protective barrier of Dongping City was damaged, several figures flew out of Dongcheng to catch up to the sky, and Aunt Gongsun's blessing ball was a complete failure.

(End of this chapter)

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