Chapter 825

"Huh! Finally saved!" Looking at the shrinking figure in the sky, Shi A sat down on the ground indecently, as if he had gained a new life. At this moment, he just wanted to sit quietly for a while.

"Why didn't you tell me that the other party has such an expert, and you were almost tricked." Ning Tianhao is not much better, it was too thrilling just now, if it wasn't for that old magician who appeared in time, let alone it was If Shi A is kept, it will be difficult even for him to survive.

"How do I know, that little girl appeared alone before, damn it, the city defense general of Dongping City is really useless, I failed to catch that little girl assassin several times before." Shi A was a little helpless Tucao said, by the way, who is the city defense general of Dongping City? It seems to be a brother of Xiao Mingsheng. Shi A went to his house to give gifts before. He is a wasteful fat man who only likes delicious food.

"Now you can rest assured that several masters chased them out just now, and there is little chance of them escaping." Ning Tianhao said, looking at the big hole that was quickly repaired in the sky. "However, what the hell did you do to make people pay so much money to kill you!" Originally, Zhao Xueyin gave Ning Tianhao the task of capturing Zhang Chuchen back, but now it seems that there is no chance at all.

"Fucking! I knew a girl in Dongping City before, and I gave her flowers a few times on the way, but then she committed suicide by leaving a nonsense suicide note, and the suicide note didn't write clearly. That wicked woman She thought that the stupid woman committed suicide because of me, so she kept chasing me."

"It's not you?"

"It's really not me!" At this moment, Shi A vowed in his heart that he would never give flowers to women for no reason again.

Ning Tianhao looked at the sad and angry Shi A with pity on his face, this damn is really a huge black pot!
"By the way, I have paid a high price to get the owner of Nishangfang. You take this token to find her, and she will arrange for you. Remember to change your disguise when you go. It's up to you whether this can be done. "Shi A took out a green jade ring, if it wasn't because he is a high-spending customer of Nishangfang, it would not be so easy to pave the road.

"I try my best!"

Today's Dongping City is very chaotic, but most of the chosen ones are also very excited. Although Aunt Gongsun's sword dance was interrupted, they also saw the bearded guest, the red girl, and Wu Daozi who was later exposed , Four celebrities appeared all at once, how could they not be excited!And these four people are not famous generals in the orthodox sense, they can only be said to be historical celebrities.

The bearded man ran away with Hong Funu, but the result is unknown. The previous object of competition was only Aunt Gongsun, but now there is another Wu Daozi.The lord aims to conquer, but for adventurers without power, as long as they get the friendship of celebrities, it will be a huge gain.

The "Golden Mansion" in the south of the city, this is the mansion Jin Ge bought in Dongping City, and it is usually used as a stronghold for the guild's senior management in Dongping City, as well as the transfer of information.

"Boss is not well! The members of the Lefang just sent news that Aunt Gongsun will leave tomorrow."

"So soon? Didn't you say there will be a three-day blessing dance?" Brother Jin was using private chat to ask the members who had followed the bearded man before. In his eyes, these two people and Li Jing are "bound". As long as he has a high enough favor with the bearded man and the red girl, and then finds an opportunity for the three of them to meet again, then the Three Heroes of the Wind and Dust will have a very strong relationship. Great possibility to reproduce.

As for why you are so sure that the bearded man and the red girl have nothing to do with Li Jing now?Just kidding, what is Li Jing's status in Dongping City? If the three of them are connected together, then there is no way for them to make such a rash move!
However, the most important thing right now is Aunt Gongsun!
"It's all like this, how can the blessing ball continue." The younger brother who delivered the information whispered.

"Do you know where she will go next?" Dongping City is the home field of the Central Plains. If you change to other big cities, there will be more and more competitors. Maybe allies will compete with each other. trouble.

"I don't know. It is said that I accepted the request of an aborigine."

"Indigenous people?" Brother Jin unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he is not a player.

"Did they find out clearly about their guards?" Dongping City is a rebel camp, and there are not many places where teleportation arrays can be communicated with here. As long as you don't turn around in the rebel city, you can only walk slowly.If all the player forces gather, even if it is a fair competition, his chances are not great. In that case, the element of luck is too heavy. In key matters, Brother Jin never pins his hopes on luck!

If he doesn't take advantage of the home court to make some small moves now, then he is really stupid!Moreover, when it comes to other cities, there is no guarantee that other forces will not make small moves.

Be the first to attack!fair play?Just talk about it.

"I heard that King Dongping will send a team of personal guards to escort them out of Dongping City. Aunt Gongsun only has a few swordsmen to wait. As for the mysterious aborigine, I don't know."

"Damn it! Xiao Mingsheng really has a lot of trouble!" Brother Jin cursed inwardly with a gloomy expression on his face, so it would be impossible for him to do anything in Dongping City.

good!Brother Jin's idea is to rob people!As long as the person is robbed, he will have no competitors, and the rest can be done slowly!But Xiao Mingsheng's personal guards are quite powerful in combat, if they do it forcefully, it will be over if they are exposed.In this way, the only way to do it is when this team leaves Dongping City and waits for Xiao Mingsheng's personal guards to return!
"Send someone to watch their route."


When Zhulu Central Plains was planning a hijacking plan, there was another person in Dongping City who was having a headache because of the previous incident, and that was Hong Fu!Adventurer Hong Fu, not Hong Fu girl.

A catastrophe completely disrupted her original plan. Aunt Gongsun's blessing ball was cancelled, and she will leave Dongping City tomorrow. This is a new notice posted by Nishang Music Square.

Isn't this cheating!

Now there are at least hundreds of people who want to see Aunt Gongsun, but she hasn't seen anyone who has succeeded. If she can't see Aunt Gongsun, Wu Daozi will not draw for her. Wu Daozi has expressed his intention just now, and he will follow her to follow Aunt Gongsun Go to the next city.

Next city!To put it lightly, the scene will only become more chaotic at that time. For such a celebrity, not only the lord players, but also the rich players like it. The more chaotic the situation, the longer the chatter will be. At this moment, she feels This cheating task has become far away, what should I do?what to do?
(End of this chapter)

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