The best lord of online games

Chapter 826 Wu Daozi's Ability

Chapter 826 Wu Daozi's Ability
Under the watchful eyes of countless people, Aunt Gongsun and her party left Dongping City from the north gate. There were nearly ten times more people accompanying them than expected, but these were two teams, and the largest number was the trailing team spontaneously formed by the God's Chosen , the most eye-catching ones are the Raging Flame God Huowei wearing flame pattern armor, the unique unit of the Raging Flame Temple under the Elemental Temple, the ninth-level heavenly rank.

The strongest standing units of the four major temples under the Elemental Temple are only ninth-level heavenly ranks, not legendary ranks. This is also why the Elemental Temples are a bit inferior to the Daomen, the Underworld Temple and the Bright Temple in terms of background.However, it is not that the Temple of the Elements does not have the power of the ninth-level legendary level, but it requires the priests of the four major temples to jointly open the gate of the elements. The nature is similar to the gate of heaven, and it is a one-time force that needs to be exchanged at a large price.

Xiao Mingsheng had two personal guards, one from the royal family and the other from the Temple of Elements. This time to escort Aunt Gongsun and his party, he sent three thousand angry flame god fire guards. This is definitely a big honor.

Hong Fu and Wu Daozi were also following in the trailing team. There was no way, Hong Fu thought for a whole night but couldn't find a solution, so he could only follow Wu Daozi.But now Wu Daozi's identity has been exposed, and there are always "flies" buzzing in his ears along the way.

"Master Wu, my territory is beside the Chiyue Mountains, and the environment is beautiful. I hope to invite you to visit me."

"Fart, your ruined territory is like a refugee camp, what's there to see!" A monk player dismantled the stage, and after spraying his opponent, he put on a smiling face and turned to Wu Yi and said, "Master, go to my Territory, my territory is on the bank of Mingjiang River, where the wind is gentle and the fish and crabs are abundant."

"No, Master, go to my place..."


Before Wu Daozi opened his mouth, there was already a lot of noise around, Hong Fu really couldn't stand these guys, but the speed of the team was not fast, because Aunt Gongsun was riding in a carriage.

To the north of Dongping City is the Bee Chewing Valley. There is no town, and there is a large swamp in the central area. It is a large leveling area. However, due to the influence of the Red Leaf City Battlefield and the Xiaguang City Battlefield, most players choose the leveling point in The battlefield, so there are not many people leveling here.But today, there are a group of people in black clothes in Bee Chewing Valley, who wear night clothes in broad daylight, no matter how many times they look at them, they still feel funny.

"How about it?"

"The target will reach the border of Dongping City in a quarter of an hour at most, and everything will go well."

"That's good! Brothers, don't rush to do it, wait until those angry flame god fire guards go away."


The mask in black is just to hide your identity. These are all exterior decorations and will not affect the effect of the equipment inside.The newly recruited Cheng Bushi was temporarily arranged to train in the City of Aspirations. This time, Brother Jin brought his most trusted Lu Wenlong and Ju Yi. Except for Yiqian Xiandeng, the rest were all players. The ninth-level aboriginal earth-type magician has outstanding talents and specialties. In addition, the abilities of the earth-type magician are relatively comprehensive, so Jin Ge invested a lot of resources in the cultivation of this aborigine.

"Miss Gongsun, the general can only send you here." At the junction of Dongping City and Fengshi Valley, the general of the Raging Flame God Fire Guard clasped his fists in front of Aunt Gongsun's carriage.

"Thank you, General!" Aunt Gongsun got out of the carriage. Her appearance was a bit worse than Li Shishi's, but her unique temperament completely made up for this deficiency.

"There are many poisons and swamps in the Bee Chewing Valley, please be more careful!"

The three thousand angry flame god fire guards returned to Dongping City, and the size of the team suddenly decreased. They drove their horses and walked beside the carriage. Let me lead the way!"

"It's work!"

The team started to move forward again, still heading north, but after walking for a while, the ordinary-looking middle-aged man suddenly yelled: "Be alert!" While yelling, he took out a magic wand, and a gray cloud moved towards Fly away.

At the same time as the middle-aged man shot, arrows flew out from a distance, but these arrows flew away from the carriage that Aunt Gongsun was riding in, whether it was intentional or not.When the rain of arrows fell, a group of masked people in black rushed out in the distance.

"Damn it! How dare you play with Aunt Gongsun's idea, brothers, go! Fuck them to death!"

"That's right, come out in black in broad daylight to pretend to be aggressive, and kill them!"


Aunt Gongsun's team is not large, but there are more than a hundred people. Except for the eight sword servants, the rest are guards hired in Dongping City. He rushed forward in cooperation.

"Huh? Holy Cursed Priest? Could this be the guy from Dongping City?" He didn't pay much attention to the group of mob Jin Ge, and he focused on the middle-aged man who kept releasing curses.

Cursed priests are not a common profession, and they are holy ranks. The chances of two appearing in a short period of time are not high!But no one has seen the curse priest in Dongping City, but he doesn't care about a mere holy-rank curse priest. If it is a fire magician, it may cause him some trouble. After all, the curse priest His aggressiveness is not high, and his abilities are more supportive. If there is one person or a team for him to support, then his combat effectiveness will be extremely terrifying, but is there such a person on the opposite side?
The guard group lost production immediately. This kind of unknown mercenary group can hardly expect too much in terms of combat effectiveness, and can only be strong. Aunt Gongsun also walked out of the carriage at this time. At the same time, the distant , a knight patted his horse and rushed towards the carriage.

The battle was very chaotic, but at this moment, it can be said that it was one-sided. At this time, Wu Daozi took out an oversized brush with ink on the tip. Following Wu Daozi's movements, the brush drew in the air. Lines with different rhythms, in a blink of an eye, black flowers bloomed on everyone's bodies.

——System: You are blessed by Wu Daozi's "Wonderful Pen Blossoms", damage immunity +20, defense +20%, and you have a certain chance of being completely immune to the damage you receive.

Hong Fu was completely stunned when she saw the notification of the battle information. She originally thought that Wu Daozi was a painter with no combat power, following the route of a celebrity, but she never expected that he would have such a powerful auxiliary ability!

This is not over yet, as Wu Daozi continued to move his pen, one by one, like black knights made of ink, rushed out of the void, all wearing heavy armor, holding spears, and directly killed the black-clothed men in front of them. face of the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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