The best lord of online games

Chapter 827 The Fierce Killing Intent Under the Stunning Sword Dance

Chapter 827 The Fierce Killing Intent Under the Stunning Sword Dance

The neighing of horses and the sound of iron hoofs are intertwined!
This scene was not only for Hong Fu, but also for everyone around, including those men in black!

Nima, Wu Daozi actually has such an awesome ability, does Ma Liang the magic pen?There are not a few knights in Wu Daozi's writing brush, there are as many as five hundred. The most important thing is that these knights are all heavy cavalry. Under the pitch-black spear, at the same time, a crowd of people turned upside down.

"Kill those cavalry!" Fortunately, Brother Jin made complete preparations to ensure that there would be no accidents in this plan. One thousand first joined three thousand elite players, and the troops had an absolute advantage. Hundreds of heavy cavalry plus Wu It is impossible for Daozi's auxiliary ability to come back.

Brother Jin looked forward. When Lu Wenlong approached the carriage, he was surrounded by the cursed priest of the holy rank. Now Lu Wenlong's force has reached [-]. Although he has not yet entered the holy rank, it is not sharp to block an attack There is still no problem with the curse priest. The other party is just such a master. Looking at the team of players rushing towards the carriage, Brother Jin has a hearty smile on his face, and the battle is over.

"I say!"

The people around couldn't believe their eyes. In their view, the sword dance was a kind of dance no matter how good it was, but the facts told them that there was a fierce murderous intent hidden under the stunning sword dance.

When the players from the Central Plains approached, Aunt Gongsun had already jumped out of the carriage. The twin swords in her hands were like silver beams. They were still so magnificent, but they were more aggressive.Under her double swords, the seventh-level players are completely massacred, and the blood splattered is like flying petals. Even the killing is so beautiful!
Seeing this scene, Brother Jin was not angry. The angrier Aunt Gongsun was, the happier he was. Besides, this time, besides Aunt Gongsun, Wu Daozi also planned to pack two celebrities with special abilities at once. Excited.

Wu Daozi, Aunt Gongsun, these celebrities who were originally regarded as "mascots" by the players unexpectedly exploded with amazing abilities one after another. Sure enough, none of the historical celebrities in "The Prosperous Age" is trash, just to see how they grow , how to use it!
In a short while, many people around had a general understanding of Aunt Gongsun's strength. The bonus of killing a single blow or doubling the damage is very fast, but it is not a holy rank!
It is very difficult to use players to capture Aunt Gongsun, but Ju Yi has already brought Xiandeng there, so there is absolutely no problem with the ability of the current Xiandeng dead soldier!

At this moment, a huge roar came from behind, and the ground also felt a slight tremor.

"It's not good, boss, there are people behind us!"

"Who?" Brother Jin asked an angry question, the movement was too loud, and it was definitely not a good thing.


It was no longer necessary for the little brother to report, Brother Jin already knew who was coming, and saw a flash of white light, and a figure appeared above Aunt Gongsun very abruptly, followed by a sharp space blade and slashed towards Ju Yi.This man's face was so hated by Brother Jin once upon a time, and he specially used spies to check his information carefully.

The profession of space magicians determines that their combat power cannot be measured by the data on the attribute panel. They are mechanically strong, have high damage, and strong destructive power.

"Lu Xiangyun! Calabash City!" At this moment, Brother Jin almost gritted his teeth and spit out six words from his mouth. I can't even see it, and I don't have the potential to cultivate it.

Lu Xiangyun teleported directly to the center of the battle, and the person who made a big commotion behind the troops in the Central Plains also appeared, and a majestic general came directly through the air, and he was also very familiar with Brother Jin, Xiao Maha, the only holy general in Calabash City, a figure who has caused countless troubles to the Central Plains on the battlefield.

Two people!There were only two people from the other side, but if these two people didn't have an army by their side, they couldn't be suppressed at all. Unless Lu Wenlong could reach the holy rank, otherwise...

Although Lu Wenlong has also been promoted to a first-class military general, Jin Ge really dare not let him fight with Xiao Mahe for the slim chance of promotion in battle. If Lu Wenlong dies once in battle at this time, it will definitely surpass the strength of the Central Plains. Knock down a level.

"Kill Aunt Gongsun!" At this moment, Brother Jin's eyes almost burst out with murderous intent. Since he can't get it, he should just kill him. Let's all go to the underworld to fight!

Although there is an extremely long distance between the City of Aspirations and the City of Calabash in the Central Plains, as the strength of the two sides continues to improve, this distance will continue to be erased. Once the rebellion and the Hongyu Empire come to an end, the battle between them will break out!It is easy to destroy a force like Calabash City with the aborigines as its core, but it is difficult to destroy a large guild. Even if the lord is defeated, as long as the person is still there, it will be a big deal to wait for a while. This is where Brother Jin's confidence lies. , but the Calabash City cannot be allowed to develop indiscriminately.

Since he can't get it, then don't even think about Calabash City!It's the same as Wu Yi's fight against the arrogant king in the ancient city of Chongsheng. As long as the development of the enemy is restricted, it will not be a loss!
After receiving the order from Brother Jin, all the first-timers and the players who went to the Central Plains launched a concentrated fire on Aunt Gongsun, and the rain of arrows and magic all gathered at one target, which was very spectacular.

But in this large attack, a huge crack suddenly appeared, and countless attacks flew into this pitch-black crack.

Space Exile!
This is one of the trump cards of space magicians. It can not only devour enemies, but also devour attacks, but the "suction" is linked to one's own intelligence attribute.Even if Lu Xiangyun's intelligence attribute is not high now, it is absolutely impossible for the attacks of players who are at the seventh level or even those below the seventh level to fly through the crack of space exile.

At the same time, an ink-colored canopy appeared above Aunt Gongsun, blocking the remaining attacks for her, but the canopy also exploded afterwards, turning into splashes of ink.

Wu Daozi!
Under such a terrifying concentration of fire, the target Aunt Gongsun did not suffer the slightest damage. I have to say that this protection is abnormal!Xiao Moha didn't go to find his old opponent Lu Wenlong, but directly rushed to the first dead soldier who besieged Gongsun. The disguised Ning Tianhao only used the power of the curse to "take care" of all the enemies and it was enough.

Two saint-level masters, two historical celebrities, plus an enhanced version of the space magician, the fighting power that these five people can erupt is enough to compete with a legion above the third level. The most important thing is that there is no People can compete against Xiao Maha!

Failed! !

At this moment, Brother Jin almost had the urge to PK with a real person, but at this point, he had to admit that this plan had failed. He never expected that Aunt Gongsun was actually invited by Calabash City. Mistakes on the board lead to the loss of the whole game.But he still has a chance, these people don't want to simply return to Calabash City!As for now, it's time to retreat. Since Gongsun can't be killed by force, and Wu Daozi at the back can't be killed, then the general can't be taken in at this time.

 Isn't Zhang Sengyou the finishing touch!
(End of this chapter)

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