The best lord of online games

Chapter 829 Unlucky Chen Lin

Chapter 829 Unlucky Chen Lin

It's still blue quality?
The effect of Wisdom Pill is obviously stronger than that of Qizhi Pill by more than one grade. One is for people whose intelligence is below [-], including [-], and the other is for people with intelligence below [-], including [-]!The limit has increased the gap by twenty points!

However, with Sun Simiao's ability, he can definitely produce purple-quality intelligence-enhancing pills like the original Bravery Pill. After mass production, no matter how poor his character is, he will produce some. These are all gourds The unique resource of the city!Now Calabash City has another super special product, just like Yongwu Pill, this is a gold mine!
The attributes of Qizhi Dan are relatively suitable for legal aborigines and legal players who are being vigorously cultivated, just like Wu Yi himself, but he is not in a hurry to take it now, he plans to go to the Wisdom Tower of Feilai Peak in Wuzun space first After all, each person can only take five Qizhi Pills at most, that is, to increase intelligence by five points. After taking it, he is still far away from fifty intelligence.

By the way, it has been a while since Kunming went to Feilai Peak, and Wu Yi also receives systematic information about his growth from time to time. His current intelligence has passed seventy, but it still does not match his status as a holy rank.

"Please trouble Grandmaster to refine more Qizhi Pills recently." A mere hundred Qizhi Pills are not enough for the interior of Calabash City, such as Wei Zifu and Huang Yueying, all of which can brush up the intelligence attributes, let alone Su Meiling This is the chief magician of the navy.

"Of course there is no problem, but it is best for you to find a material to replace the wisdom crystal, otherwise the output of Qizhi Dan will be far lower than that of Yongwu Dan."

"I will try my best to find a way." The output of wisdom crystals cannot be increased, but it is not so easy to find other materials that can replace wisdom crystals.


East China Sea
The naval fleet of Calabash City returned from the north, and there was still a day's voyage away from Ghost Crab Island. Everything went well, but seeing the cabin that was almost full, Yu Dayou felt dizzy.

"3000 people, that's [-] believers, not enough, not enough at all, with only this few believers, when will I recover my strength? I don't know how my temple is doing." Shui Dongliu stood at the bow of the boat and whispered muttering.

"Master Shui, if this continues, it will affect the combat effectiveness of the fleet." Yu Dayou persuaded extremely depressed, those in the cabin are not cargo, all of them are human races, and sea monsters, these were caught during the voyage, some of them were Pirates, but some were caravan members who died, but Shui Dongliu dared not, all of them were treated as pirates, tied up and dragged away, planning to take them back to Ghost Crab Island, and transform them into believers of the God of Undercurrent after probation.

However, from Yu Dayou's point of view, this god who is a little unclear was completely fooled by the lord!

"What are you afraid of? I'm going to Ghost Crab Island soon. Besides, isn't there still a master here? If there's any problem, I'll fix it for you. Don't worry." Shui Dongliu glanced at Yu Dayou from the corner of his eye. Raising his head slightly, he spoke confidently against the sea breeze.

"..." Yu Dayou stared and was speechless. This guy is a special existence in the fleet, and his status is not controlled. The most important thing is that this guy's combat power is really abnormal.With the special race, the strength of the holy rank, and the artifact in the seal, above the sea, even a legendary master can't handle this guy.

As for the Kraken?There is also no advantage in front of this great god, but he is restrained.

"Huh? That ship didn't have a flag, so it must have been a pirate in disguise. Come on, take them all!" Looking at the shadow of a small boat in the distance, Shui Dongliu suddenly had a happy smile on his face, and turned the Sea God Quan in his hand With the stick, a big wave suddenly rose on the sea surface, pushing the entire fleet to speed up.

Yu Dayou expressed helplessness about this, but at last it was not far from Ghost Crab Island, no matter how much this great god catches people, there is a limit, there is no need to fall out with him for this now, as for whether there will be any among these people on board People with troublesome status, let the lord have a headache when they go back.

Yu Dayou looked at the target that was getting closer and closer. It was a wooden sea boat, two times larger than the hull of a four-masted sailing ship, with two floors. It was a very rare ship type, but it was definitely not as good as On his magic gold battleship.

Twenty-five warships roared towards them, and the sea-going ship directly raised the white flag without any resistance. The gap between them was too great, and since they were not from the Sea Clan, there was absolutely no way out for them to fight recklessly.The scaled sailors boarded the ship to arrest people immediately, and the reason they used was naturally to arrest pirates.

"I'm not a pirate, you are the fleet of Calabash City, right? I'm really not a pirate!" A young man in thin scale armor was bound by Wu Huada to the Calabash City naval battleship. Under the influence of the prestige of the territory, it is no stranger to the aborigines of the Hongyu Empire.

Shui Dongliu, who was floating in mid-air, looked at the people who were escorted onto the battleship with great satisfaction. Hearing the waves of unwilling roars, the water god's face darkened: "Drag away!"

Not a pirate?When you get to Ghost Crab Island, you are naturally not pirates, but believers of this great god!
Chen Lin felt that this was the most unlucky voyage in his life. Originally, he was hired by the lord of Wenshan City to lead a team out to hunt the legendary sea beast unicorn orca. The function of warding off evil spirits is very popular among the upper class nobles.But his fleet first encountered a vortex on the sea, and then was attacked by a herd of sea beasts. Facts have proved that the ship he brought was too fragile in the depths of the sea, and in the end there was only one flagship left. Reluctant to return to the voyage, we will try to find a solution later.

But he never expected that he bumped into the fabled Calabash City fleet on the way, and he was arrested as a pirate!
This is too bullying!He didn't believe that the Hulucheng Navy, which had become famous in the East China Sea, would not be able to tell the difference between the noble fleet and the pirates. Although their main mast was broken, there were still many places on the ship with the Wenshan City logo!

However, shouting and shouting, Chen Lin suddenly stopped shouting, not because he gave up, but because he found that this matter was not a bad thing for him!He is not a general of Wenshan City, but a mercenary. This time he suffered a heavy loss and failed to complete the task. After he returns, he will not be able to make a job at all. Compensation?He can't afford it!If he escapes, he will most likely be wanted. Although many places in the empire are in chaos now, it is much easier to avoid being wanted than before, but if there is no backer, unless he becomes a rebel, it is difficult to move in other cities.

"Haha, Calabash City? It's not bad either!"

(End of this chapter)

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