The best lord of online games

Chapter 830 The Secret of the Sea of ​​Burial Gods

Chapter 830 The Secret of the Sea of ​​Burial Gods
Although Hong Fu is taking the risky route, she is not someone who has never seen war. It is just the first time that four or five people abused three or 4000 troops. It was the first time she saw it with her own eyes. The shocking power brought by seeing is definitely infinitely stronger.

Adventurers don't need people who are capable in internal affairs, nor do they need counselors. Before, Hong Fu had always wanted to conquer a follower of the magic department, but now it seems that Wu Daozi is really an excellent choice!
Moreover, after this battle, things have returned to her original plan again. In addition, Wu Daozi also contributed a lot in the battle before. It would not be difficult to meet Aunt Gongsun alone, but not now, now Those strong men in Calabash City protected Aunt Gongsun to death, and everyone looked fierce.

But it doesn't matter, she has a way!Hong Fu opened the private chat system with a smile, and searched for each name. When she saw the name "Xue Wu", the smile on her face suddenly became wider.

"Sister Xuewu, what are you doing?" Hongfu is an adventurer. She will get some unused items from time to time during the mission, and these things will be disposed of to the guild. Therefore, among her friends, she can find people from the top [-] guilds. personnel, as well as people from special forces, such as Baitongmen, or the former Fendudu Studio.

"Busy about the territory! You actually took the initiative to contact me. Do you have something good to sell?" Zhao Xueyin thought for a while when she received the private chat message before realizing who this "Hong Fu" was. When I was still in the studio, I didn't even meet her once, and I haven't contacted her since I became friends with each other.

"There are no good things for the time being. The little girl is asking sister Xuewu for help this time."

"What are you busy with?"

"I want to see Aunt Gongsun alone. Without your nod, those vicious guys in Calabash City won't let me go."

"How do you know? Oh, you're over there too!"

"That's right! I participated in the whole battle, but you guys are really good. You actually have the ability to invite Gongsun out of Dongping City."

"This..." If it was something else, Zhao Xueyin would not hesitate. This Hongfu is quite famous among adventurers. Selling her favors is definitely beneficial and harmless, but in the matter of Aunt Gongsun She had to be cautious. After all, Aunt Gongsun only agreed to go to the music workshop in Calabash City to communicate. If she was intercepted halfway, she would have nothing to do.

"Don't worry, my little sister will definitely not cheat you, I'm just playing a role in the middle, the one who really wants to see Gongsun is Wu Daozi." How could Hong Fu not know Zhao Xueyin's worry, and simply replied openly.

"I'll be right there, let's talk about it!"

The team escorting Aunt Gongsun needed to turn eastward from Bee Chewing Valley. After all, they were in Dongping City at that time, and they were escorted by Xiao Mingsheng's personal guards. It was impossible to go directly eastward. The purpose was too obvious.

At this time, Zhao Xueyin was leading a team to support. Due to the special terrain of Bee Chewing Valley, it is difficult for ordinary infantry to show their full combat effectiveness there, so Zhao Xueyin brought most of Lu Xiangyun's air magic army with him. Well, a total of [-] magicians from various departments, accompanied by Zhu Rong's [-] Golden Wolf cavalry, plus the three masters around Aunt Gongsun, such a combination, as long as you don't encounter an army led by a first-class commander, you will not There is danger, and Wei Qing's army will respond to them.

It can be said that this time, in order to bring Aunt Gongsun to Calabash City safely, almost the entire Calabash City Legion on the Xiaguang City battlefield moved.

Without logistics, without infantry, Zhao Xueyin and his party marched extremely fast, and they had already started to move before Aunt Gongsun left Dongping City. Just in case, Xiao Mahe and Lu Xiangyun took a step ahead.When Zhao Xueyin and his party joined Aunt Gongsun and the others, it was less than two hours before the end of the war.

After the two parties converged, Xiao Mahe led the battle in the front as the vanguard, Zhu Rong led a thousand golden wolf warriors in the rear, and Lu Xiangyun and Ning Tianhao guarded the two sides of Gongsun's carriage.

"Sister Xuewu, your movements are really fast!" Hong Fu walked up to Zhao Xueyin with a smile.

"Tell me specifically what's going on, you should understand, if I can't determine your purpose, I can't let you see Aunt Gongsun alone, at least not now!"

"What else could be going on? I have received a mission and need to go to Burial God Sea to open a seal, but the target of the mission is Wu Daozi's idiot fan. I can't do anything without seeing Wu Daozi's painting. I have no choice but to find Wu Daozi asks for a painting, but Wu Daozi doesn't write until he sees Gongsun, no, I can only ask Sister Xuewu, it doesn't matter if I can see Gongsun, it shouldn't be a problem for Wu Daozi to meet, right?" Hong Fu only said half , she concealed her mission of trainee dragon envoy.

"Buying God Sea? So familiar!" The more Zhao Xueyin thought about this place name, the more she felt familiar with it, but for a while she forgot where she saw it.

"Really? I've never heard of it!" Hong Fu has no interest in this issue, as long as Leng Ling is dealt with, he will naturally take her to Bury God Sea at that time, and she doesn't need to bother about it at all.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Xueyin patted her smooth forehead with a smile: "I finally remembered, isn't Burying God Sea close to the mouth of Rose River!"

Gourd City can already be found on the latest map of the Hongyu Empire, but at the beginning, when it was only Gourd Village, the map could only find an approximate location, with Wangmei Town in the south, Longxiang Mountains in the north, and Longxiang Mountain in the east. Rose River, Rose River flows into the East China Sea and the sea to the east is the Sea of ​​Burying Gods!

If you don’t look carefully, you won’t see this name at all. This sea area is the place where all the voyage routes of Calabash City must pass. However, there is nothing special about the so-called Burial God Sea, so over time, everyone has already used this name. forgotten.

"Golden Rose River? Calabash City?" Hong Fu was more surprised than Zhao Xueyin. The Sea of ​​Burying Gods is a place with the Dragon King's lair. Is that kind of place common?She had always thought that such a prestigious name as Buried God Sea was definitely an extremely dangerous place, but now it seems she was completely wrong!Even if she had never been to the East China Sea, she knew from the little information she got on the forum that the place Xue Wu mentioned could be said to be a "safe zone", and only if she was unlucky would she encounter sea monsters there.

"Is it alright for Wu Daozi to meet Gongsun after arriving in Calabash City?"

"No problem!" Hongfu replied somewhat absent-mindedly. She never expected that her mission would be carried out under the nose of Calabash City. I hope that there will be no too much movement at that time, otherwise there will definitely be some unnecessary problems. Trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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