The best lord of online games

Chapter 831 Kuai Yue and Kuai Liang

Chapter 831 Kuai Yue and Kuai Liang

When Zhao Xueyin brought reinforcements to join Aunt Gongsun and her party, the people who competed in the Central Plains had already returned to Dongping City first, and Brother Jin went directly to sue!That's right, it's a complaint!Rely on the power of the guild to fight?He never had such an idea, the player army will not be effective, use the elite to fight, who will be the one who dies?Since there is a big head, why do you need your own people?
As Brother Jin, he can't see Xiao Mingsheng, only the deputy city lord. The officials in Dongping City are completely different from those in the city of God's Chosen. The first thing the officials look at here is not their ability, but their identity!Therefore, the four deputy city lords of Dongping City are not historical celebrities, but are all aboriginal aristocrats.

"These nobles are shit eaters!" Not long after, Brother Jin walked out of the government office cursing. He couldn't believe the answer that fat pig nobleman gave him, saying that the sword dance of Gongsun Lady is the brightest pearl in art. More people should appreciate it. As for where to go, that is her freedom.

What bullshit is this!Now Dongping City and Calabash City are enemies!Enemy, does this fat pig know what an enemy is?
"Boss, there must be something wrong with that Shi Run. Maybe he is a spy from Calabash City. Otherwise, how could there be two holy-rank curse priests in one area in a short period of time? This is the sphere of influence of the Temple of Elements. It's not the Temple of the Underworld, why not report him!"

"Idiot! What about the evidence? Without evidence, do you think that fat pig will believe you!" Brother Jin is in an extremely bad mood now. The army in Dongping City is different, and it is difficult to stop it with the strength of the Central Plains alone. In the battle zone of Xiaguang City, it is not too far away from the bee bite, unless he can persuade the army of Xiaguang City to dispatch, otherwise he will fail completely this time.Xiaguang City just lost a big battle, and they are now actively deploying defenses, how could it be possible to send troops!

"No! It doesn't matter whether he believes it or not, as long as you say it, the president, it's enough. As long as there is a small seed of doubt planted, it will be difficult for this person to succeed in Dongping City in the future." What happened in Dongping City in the past two days If they are put together, this person does look very suspicious. Let's dig a hole first. As for whether it is the wrong person or not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, this is not the person they are competing for in the Central Plains.

"Shi Run! Let someone check this person's background!" Jin Ge decided to accept the advice of the think tank after thinking for a while.

"Actually, I have been collecting information on this person since yesterday. This person may be Shi A!" Hence the speculation.

"Fuck! Are you sure?" Brother Jin also showed surprise.

"Not sure! But according to the collected information, since Shi Run appeared in Dongping City, he has made friends with the nobles and celebrities in the city, from the deputy city owner to the owner of the Nishangfang. He has given gifts, but , but we couldn't find out his source of income, if there is no special request, his behavior is too strange."

"Then try him!" Jin Ge's eyes lit up. In fact, just from the information, the possibility that Shi Run is Shi A is close to 50.00%, but this possibility is only for Shi A. For those who have a certain understanding, it is useless for him to use these to sue. Similarly, the biggest obstacle to this "Shi Run" in Dongping City is the city guard force of Dongping City, just like the previous assassination of the bearded man and the red girl. He does.

"Remember, try to capture alive!" The most effective way to weaken the Lord of the Chosen is to capture his famous general alive. If the famous general dies in battle, the big deal is to lose 10% of the famous general's attributes, and he can start all over again, but it will be different if he is captured alive , unless you can save people, there are only two results, either you will be recruited, or you will be in prison for the rest of your life.

"What happened to the bearded man and the red girl?" Aunt Gongsun and Daozi Wu ran away, and Brother Jin planned to recover the loss from other places.

"I've been arrested, and I should be locked up in a big prison now. There are many notices posted all over the city, which can be regarded as an explanation for what happened yesterday, but now we can't intervene. We just wait for Li Jing to come back. When the time comes The Three Heroes of Wind and Dust can complete the 'combination'."

"Fuck!" It's all bad news.

"The president doesn't have to be so angry!"

Jin Ge glanced unhappily at the number one think tank next to him who was dressed in a Confucian robe and held a feather fan. This girl is a fan of Zhuge Liang, so in "The Prosperous Age" he always imitated Zhuge Liang, not only in terms of image, but also in speech. Possible text, and slowly.After being complained by countless people, he can finally speak a little more normally now, but the speed of his speech is still cheating.

"Today, two more celebrities came to Dongping City!"

"Who?" Brother Jin suddenly regained his spirits after hearing this. The Lords of the Chosen Ones in the Hongyu Empire, whether they want to admit it or not, have a habit of collecting famous people.

"The two brothers Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue, the counselors under Liu Biao during the Three Kingdoms period, have not yet spread the news about them, but it should not be covered for two days."

"Then what are you waiting for, prepare a generous gift, I want to pay a visit."

If you want to say what is most lacking in the Central Plains now, it must be a counselor. The Kuai brothers have a lot of fame in the Three Kingdoms. Although they are not as good as Zhuge Liang and Xun Yu, they are not picky now. At that time, and Kuai Liang was the number one counselor under Liu Biao's command. With these two people, it was enough to change the current situation of competing in the Central Plains without embarrassment, and let the strength go further.


Moshan magic cottage
Xue Qiqi was originally watching the battle between the Yellow Turban Army and the Meng Family Army at the border of Mingfeng City, but when he received the news of Xu Shugui's return, he immediately rushed back without stopping.

Xu Shu's attributes when he joined Miracle Shanzhai really made those who saw it sad, and those who heard it shed tears. However, after training for a period of time in the Wuzun Space Wisdom Tower, Xue Qiqi used his relationship to stuff him into Mingjiang Academy. Studying in a famous private school, I don't know how it is doing after returning this time.

"What! You received an invitation letter from Tianyu Academy in Shenyu City? What about your identity?" Xue Qiqi has heard of Tianyu Academy, and there are many players who are developing it. He wants to find a strategy to enter the academy, but so far there is no one. I heard of someone who was successful.However, Xu Shu's identity is not a small problem if he wants to go to Shenyu City.

Xu Shu's study during this period of time is still fruitful, his intelligence has already broken through [-], but there is no good talent and expertise in counselors yet, but the basic attributes alone are much stronger than before.

"No problem, as long as there is this invitation letter, there will be no problem."

"That's good! There are a thousand gold coins here. You study hard in Shenyu City. I can't send you there in person."

At this time, Xue Qiqi really let go of his heart, Xu Shu really succeeded in "changing jobs" under his heart!As long as he graduated from Tianyu Academy, he would definitely not be able to escape his status as a counselor.

(End of this chapter)

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