The best lord of online games

Chapter 832 Star Dust, Moonlight Donkey's Ascension

Chapter 832 Star Dust, Moonlight Donkey's Ascension

Today's Hongyu Empire exudes a romantic atmosphere, and even the ongoing wars in various places have ceased tacitly today. It can be clearly seen even during the day, as if there are three suns hanging in the sky.

Qixi Festival!
The annual Qixi Festival, on this day, whether it is the game world or the real world, is full of boys and girls. When the leftover men and women are restless, the activities of the Qixi Festival are very simple. Star Tower, and other special buildings can receive the "Star Wish Mission", and you will get random rewards when you complete the mission. In addition, there is a recurring small mission, "Collect Starlight", to collect the starlight of Altair and Vega, but You need to obtain the Star Wish Bottle through the Star Wish quest.

Early in the morning, after a hasty breakfast, Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin arrived at the Marriage Bridge. For some reason or another, the two of them had very little time together in the game before, and today they finally gathered enough affection points.

——System: Congratulations to Wu Yi and Xue Wu for officially becoming husband and wife under the witness of Yuelao.

It's a very simple ceremony. After getting married, there is an extra item behind the identity on the attribute panel, and there is also a wedding ring.

Love is stronger than gold (special): ring, attack +1%, defense +1%, life +1%, skill +1%.When you are with "Snow Dance", experience gained increases by 5%.Bound, holder May.

A dispensable attribute, but it looks good.

Aunt Gongsun is still on the road, her speed cannot be increased, and it is said that she will perform a performance in Wei Qing's camp as a thank you, but safety is not a problem, her team has already entered Wei Qing's defense zone.

At this time, almost all the chosen ones are busy doing the Qixi Festival mission. The husband and wife team can get a higher experience bonus in the Qixi Festival mission. Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin teamed up and quickly completed the first star wish mission. The rewarded items were nothing special, and they were completely despised by Wu Yi's current vision. However, they also managed to obtain the special items needed to collect starlight.

Star Wish Bottle (Special): You can collect ten beams of Cowherd starlight and ten beams of Vega starlight. After collecting the two kinds of starlight, add sky crystal powder, purple olive tree juice, and wind fairy dust to make each thorn of Cowherd starlight and Vega starlight Starlight condenses into a "star dust".Each person has at most one star wish bottle.

Fuck!This circle of money is too obvious!
Sky crystal powder, purple olive sap, wind elf dust are not resources, they can only be bought in the system store, and the price is not cheap at all, each kind of gold coin can only buy ten copies, that is to say Well, three gold coins can be combined to produce ten copies of that so-called "star dust", which is already more expensive than most high-level commonly used elixirs.

But since it's a festival product, it must have some special effects, so it shouldn't be too bad.

——System: The star wish bottle collects the stars of the Cowherd...

The materials are naturally sent by the members of the studio, and the star wish bottle will automatically start collecting starlight when it is placed in an open space.

"3 minutes! It takes 3 minutes to collect a beam of starlight, which is a bit slow." After the star wish bottle collected a beam of starlight from Altair, it began to collect starlight from Vega, and the originally crystal clear star wish bottle also emitted bright lights of light.

Due to the delay in getting married for a while, I couldn't start the activity mission immediately, so when the studio members sent the materials, they also sent the finished Star Dust at the same time.

Star Dust (Special): It is made up of the starlight of Altair and Vega. After taking the mount, there is a certain chance to comprehend new abilities, and there is a very low chance to improve the aptitude by one level.

"Huh? This thing..."

There are very few items that can improve mounts in "The Prosperous Age", such as the essence and blood of beasts, which are simply not available to ordinary people. The appearance of "Star Dust" undoubtedly fills this vacancy, but Star Dust But it can only be obtained today, which makes people who have ideas about mounts crazy about it. This is the best time to "manufacture" high-quality mounts.

Among the generals in Calabash City, there are many lacking mounts, but the most worthy of promotion must be Shi Wansui's mount, the purple-quality green-eyed golden scale beast, and Wu Yi's own moonlight donkey. Except for one item of resources that meets the standard, the rest of the attributes are not up to standard.

What else is there to consider!
Naturally, it is to synthesize star dust with all its strength!Not only Wu Yi himself, but also all members of the studio must be mobilized, and Wu Yi also invested a batch of gold coins to buy from the players. The quality of the star dust is definitely not as good as the blood of the beast. If the quantity is small It doesn't work at all.If it is not a mount of purple quality or above, even if the improvement effect can be obtained, it is extremely limited. Therefore, although many people have the same idea as Wu Yi, the price on the market is not exaggerated.

When Wu Yi synthesized the first copy of Star Dust, he had already received a thousand copies, which was enough for him to give it a try.

——System: Moonlight Donkey took a lot of star dust, which triggered the growth of blood, and successfully comprehended the skills "Road to the Galaxy" and "Moon God's Mark".

When Moonlight Donkey took [-] servings of Star Dust and finally changed, a clear moon halo erupted from his body first, followed by countless stars and moon halos intertwined.Under the bright light, the Moonlight Donkey grew taller and became much more handsome, but his lazy appearance remained unchanged.

Moonlight Donkey: Devouring the light of the moon, mutated by the goddess of the moon, the potential is unlimited, but the character of the donkey is preserved.

Qualification: Gold

Attack: 200
Defense: 500
Life: 8000
Skill: 6000
Skill: Galaxy Road - Passive, movement speed +200%, with galaxy light and shadow when moving, not restricted by terrain.

Mark of the Moon God - Cast a crescent-shaped mark, which has a certain chance to break seals, barriers, formations, and domains, consumes 500 skills, and has a skill interval of 10 minutes.

Dim moonlight - the light of the moonlight spreads around the body, making it difficult to distinguish the figure in the hazy light and shadow.Reduce the hit rate of the enemy's bow and arrow by 15%, immune to 10% damage, lasts for 60 seconds, consumes 300 skill points, and has a skill interval of 300 seconds.

Thousands of miles together——print a mark with moonlight, no matter where the moon head donkey is, just turn your head one step, and it will return to the mark under the guidance of the moonlight.If it is not marked, it will appear in a random location, and there is a high possibility of a major crisis.Can be used once a day.

"Bull!" Looking at the attributes of the Moonlight Donkey, Wu Yi couldn't help but feel a little excited. Although the resources of the Moonlight Donkey were golden, their attributes were not even comparable to ordinary blue mounts. Their offense and defense were only [-], and their lives and skills were also low. Very low, there is only one "City Return Skill" that makes Wu Yi reluctant to give up, and the speed barely passes.

But the current Moonlight Donkey is completely different. The basic attributes have grown by leaps and bounds, and he has also learned two skills. The "Road to the Galaxy" is not restricted by terrain, which means that the Moonlight Donkey can fly. "Moon God's Mark" is an extremely rare seal-breaking skill, but it's hard to say if the effect of this skill depends on character.

(End of this chapter)

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