The best lord of online games

Chapter 834 The Shocking Tsunami in the East China Sea

Chapter 834 The Shocking Tsunami in the East China Sea
If this is the case, the nine-man team Calabash City can still have a considerable advantage, but the final restriction of the Tower of Dominion once again dealt Wu Yi a fatal blow.

Forbidden to enter the tower of dominion for the strong of the holy rank and above!
Saint-level masters can be said to be the biggest advantage of Calabash City over the rest of the God's Chosen territory. If some water gods who are not easy to manage are added, Calabash City has a total of four holy-rank masters, not to mention the ten famous generals. But as for packing three is not a problem, in a melee of less than 20 people, a holy rank master is too useful.but now……


This problem not only troubled Wu Yi, but also troubled everyone who faced the Tower of Dominion, how to choose a checkpoint, and how to arrange troops.

"Have you read the information about the Tower of Dominion dungeon of the famous general?" Just as Wu Yi was contemplating, the private chat between Zhao Ziyun and Wing of Judgment was sent over at almost the same time, and the content was similar.


"However everyone chooses, let's talk about it in advance, so don't choose too hard."

There is only one copy of the famous general's subjugation scroll in each level. If the exchange is the same, even the dead alliance will have to compete with each other. It's not just one copy, but ten copies.For this point, Wu Yi still agrees very much, but how to choose?Probably no one can really make up their minds now.

"It's best to have several backup options, so that there will be no accidents."

"Of course!"

The official opening time of the Tower of Dominion is said to be three days later, but the Qixi Festival is not actually counted, so the preparations are said to be four days later, and the first three days are the time to get the qualification certificate, so there is no need to struggle, as long as If you are strong enough, you can get all the qualification certificates of the ten levels. Anyway, there is no limit to the number, and there is enough time, but in the end, you can only concentrate the strongest strength in one place!
The romantic Qixi Festival finally came to an end under the starlight blessings of Altair and Vega. The starlight blessings allowed each player to obtain 20.00% of the experience needed to upgrade the current level. This is a benefit that only festivals can have, especially for For players whose level is close to the eighth level, 20.00% of the experience is equivalent to three to five days of high-intensity leveling.

In most of the day, Wu Yi only completed [-] star wish missions, and took a lot of messy materials, but none of the really valuable things.However, a large amount of Star Dust has been harvested. The production of the studio and the acquisitions of the major cities total [-]!He didn't plan to use the eight thousand star dust in a hurry, and waited for the green-eyed golden-scaled beast to "digest" the blood essence of the divine beast that he had taken before.

Early the next morning, Aunt Gongsun's team finally crossed Wangmei Town and arrived at the south gate of Gourd City. In order to welcome Aunt Gongsun and Wu Daozi, Wu Yi set up the highest standard that Gourd City could produce. With his efforts, not only Wei Zifu, and even Li Shishi, who has been reclusive all this time, showed up.

Aunt Gongsun naturally lived in Le Fang, but Wu Daozi couldn't do it. Originally, Wu Yi planned to invite this family's painter saint to his Earl's Mansion, but Wu Daozi insisted on living in Gourd Tower.The cleansing banquet was also carefully prepared. For this reason, Wu Yi also went to the studio members to collect a lot of rare ingredients in major cities. The banquet was a feast for the guests, especially Wei Zifu, Li Shishi and Gongsun Auntie The three chatted even more passionately. In terms of singing, dancing, and music, the three of them are all-round, but each of them is particularly outstanding in one of them.

The three women had a hot chat, Wu Yigang took Wu Daozi to chat, Wu Yi did not intend to let go of the celebrity who came to the door, but Wu Yi almost babbled five or six sentences before Wu Daozi replied briefly, with an attitude that could not be explained Indifference, but also has nothing to do with enthusiasm.

After the cleansing banquet, the people who came from afar went to rest. After all, they walked for nearly two days and fought.Wu Yi is not in a hurry, everyone has entered Calabash City, so what's the rush!
And Hong Fu, who was soy sauce all the way, finally got his wish to get Wu Daozi's painting, a picture of Gongsun Daozi's sword dance. She didn't have much communication with Wu Yi, the lord. It is easy to communicate.But now she is anxious to go back to Pegasus City to meet Leng Ling. After she knew the location of Burial God Sea, she was eager to know whether this mission could be completed without anyone noticing it. The answer was only Leng Ling. can give her.

She doesn't want to expose the secret of the Dragon Clan prematurely, this is her own advantage!

At the same time, the Calabash City Navy, which had been floating at sea for more than half a month, finally docked at Ghost Crab Island.

"General Yu has worked hard all the way." Ma Zhou led a group of officials from Ghost Crab Island to welcome the return of the navy at the pier. He was in charge of the island's government affairs, while Yu Dayou was in charge of the island as the deputy city lord of Ghost Crab City and the commander of the navy. All military affairs.

"Stop talking nonsense, is my temple finished?" Before Yu Dayou could say a word, Shui Dongliu had passed him and asked impatiently.The fleet had rested on the island for a day when returning from the West Sea, so he knew that Ma Zhou was the lord of the island.

"The work was completed a few days ago, Master Shui, will you go over and have a look now?" Ma Zhou didn't care about Shui Dongliu's rudeness, and replied with a smile.Wu Yi promoted him before and vaccinated him, knowing what kind of person this is, oh no, God!
"Of course! Lead the way!" No matter what happened in Shui Dongliu's eyes right now, it was not as important as the temple.

"Oh, by the way, I will send all my captives to the temple in a while." Shui Dongliu did not forget to turn around and confess to Yu Dayou when he left.

"Don't worry, Master Water, I'll deliver it right away." Yu Dayou said with a wry smile, hoping that there are no people with sensitive identities among these "captives", otherwise it will be a big trouble.

"Please!" Ma Zhou looked at Yu Dayou and smiled, he could fully understand.However, after this great god squatted on the island for a long time, he would also suffer from headaches at the same time.

"Huh?" Shui Dongliu, who was in a good mood, had just followed Ma Zhou for a few steps, and his face changed instantly. He stopped and looked towards the east. Not to the east of the sea.

"Lord Shui, what's the matter?" Ma Zhou also looked to the east and asked in some puzzlement.

Shui Dongliu did not answer, but after a while, the ground of Ghost Crab City began to shake. No, to be precise, the entire sea surface should shake, and a shocking wave pushed over from the east. At this time, even if there is a city wall The cover can also be clearly seen.

"That's... a tsunami, such a powerful tsunami! Quickly, open the barrier to the strongest!" Ma Zhou's expression changed drastically. Natural disasters at sea are much more severe than on land. Tsunami and storms make the city more dependent on the barrier. big.

"The sky in the East China Sea is getting weirder and weirder. There is a tsunami of this magnitude without any recruitment." Yu Dayou's face turned pale. Fortunately, they landed first. If they were half an hour later, they would be dead. Crap.

"This is not a natural tsunami, what kind of recruitment can there be!"

"What? It wasn't formed naturally. On such a large scale, who can do it to such a degree, God?" Naturally formed tsunamis will be more harmful, and they will contain a special power, which is difficult to offset by conventional means Lose.

"No! You don't need to be a god, as long as you reach a demigod, you can do it with an artifact that completely unlocks the seal!"

"Demigod! Artifact!"

If this is the case, then it cannot be caused by sea beasts. What happened in the depths of the Eastern Sea?
(End of this chapter)

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