The best lord of online games

Chapter 835 Geng Yan Comes Again

Chapter 835 Geng Yan Comes Again
The shocking tsunami was getting higher and higher in the eyes of everyone, and it was getting closer and closer to Ghost Crab Island, as if carrying the power to destroy everything, making people feel desperate.

At this time, several figures flew up from the sea under Ghost Crab Island. These were all strong men of the Sea Clam Clan. Huo Ran, the Queen of Sea Clams, was among them, and Shui Dongliu also flew up, but his position was different from that of The members of the Haiceng tribe are completely different, and at this time, the protective barrier of Ghost Crab City has also been opened to the extreme, and the whole city is covered by a hemispherical golden mask. Don't underestimate this protective barrier, the barrier of Gourd City It was strengthened by Zixu, and the barriers of Ghost Crab City were also strengthened by the Sea Clams. The protective barriers of these two cities are stronger than cities of the same level, but...

No matter how you look at it, the golden cover looks extremely fragile in front of this terrifying tsunami.

When the tsunami entered the ten-mile range of Ghost Crab Island, a group of strong men from the sea clam clan made a move. A five-color magic bead flew out of the hand of the sea clam queen. shot at the shocking tsunami.Shenguang submerged into the tsunami, and the sea water carried by the tsunami quickly began to disintegrate, but this time the tsunami was too big, and the short

At this time, Shui Dongliu finally made a move. Although he is only a holy rank now, in terms of ability, he is definitely not as good as the packed Haiceng clan powerhouses, but he has experience and vision that the Haiceng clan does not have.The Poseidon scepter in Shui Dongliu's hand shot out a blue beam of light for a moment, and the beam of light formed a huge phantom in midair. Logically speaking, this should be the phantom of the Seagod, but for some reason, this phantom had other The parts are very clear, only the head is blurred.

The trident in Seagod Xuying's hand pointed at the tsunami, a tall blue light curtain blocked the front of the tsunami, the tsunami pressed over forcefully, almost without any reaction, but when it passed the light curtain, the tsunami seemed to collapse, In an instant, it was nearly one-third shorter, and countless seawater collapsed into the sea. Coupled with the continuous effect of the divine light of the sea clam tribe before, the tsunami was getting smaller and smaller as it advanced. When the enchantment is on, the strength is a little weaker than the tsunami power summoned by the legendary strongman.

Countless seawater collapsed, forming a torrential rain around. When the tsunami passed through Ghost Crab Island, it was already less than a hundred meters away and continued to advance westward.

However, this tsunami has left many people with a doubt in their hearts. Who caused this catastrophic tsunami?Is there some unknown powerhouse hidden in the depths of the East China Sea, or is there some great event happening?

Wu Yi has not received any news about the matter in the East China Sea. After Aunt Gongsun and Wu Daozi settled down, he continued to stand at the south gate and wait for the others. The time limit Geng Yan gave before happened to be today, and he was waiting for Geng Yan. Give him the answer.

All the things seem to be concentrated today, but they are all good things for Calabash City.

About half an hour later, Wu Yi finally got the person he was waiting for, and Geng Yan arrived as promised, with the same outfit as before, except that the robe on his body was changed into a more low-key one, and this time Geng Yan was not He came alone, bringing a tall and strong young man with him.

In the back hall of the Earl's Mansion, Wu Yi and Geng Yan sat facing each other. The black and strong young man stood respectfully behind Geng Yan, and he didn't say a single unnecessary word except to greet Wu Yi when they first met.There were two cups of fragrant tea brewing on the table, there was no servant in the hall, only the three people involved.

"Mr. Geng, I hope that your visit this time will bring me good news." Wu Yi took the lead and said that this time the negotiation held more weight in his heart than Aunt Gongsun and Wu Daozi.The Geng family is not only a family of famous generals, but also has a certain foundation in Hongyu Empire, which is completely different from Wei Qing's family.

"Of course it's good news. I have done in-depth research on Sir and Calabash City. Sir, you can develop a small village with less than 10 people into a fourth-class city with more than [-] people. I admire you very much. I am very impressed by the potential of Calabash City. Very good too."

"Then, did you agree with my proposal last time?" Hearing Geng Yan's praise, Wu Yi was overjoyed, there was something to be said!
"In principle, I agree, but now the Geng family will not move to Calabash City."

"What do you mean sir, I can't understand!" Wu Yi frowned slightly.

If you don't move to Calabash City, say hello!This is also called consent?If Calabash City can win all the way, he believes that the Geng family will fulfill their promise, but if something goes wrong, the Geng family is very likely to embrace other thick thighs, especially now that Cao Cao is also in this war zone, what he fears most now It was Boss Cao who robbed him with his "bad temper".

"However, I will let Geng Gong, who was captured by the adults before, be loyal to the adults. Also, Geng Kui, who came with me this time, will also join the Calabash City and serve the adults. However, the adults want to obtain the entire Geng family. If you are loyal, then you must take Xiaguang City, you only have three months at most, if you cannot take Xiaguang City within three months, then the Geng family will have to make other choices."

Looking at Wu Yi's ever-changing expression, Geng Yan paused and continued, "However, even if my lord can't win Xiaguang City within three months, Geng Gong and Geng Kui will still continue to serve you."

Geng Yan threw out his chip, and it was a chip that Wu Yi couldn't refuse no matter what.The three-month time limit can be said to be a test for Gourd City. If the test can be completed, then it means that Gourd City has the strength for the Geng family to follow. If it cannot be completed, the Geng family will separate and let the Geng family Gong and Geng Kui stayed in Calabash City, while other talented people defected to another force.

This is the best way for big families to survive in troubled times!
As for Xiaguang City, after the previous defeat, even Zhang Han could no longer suppress Wei Qing and Cao Cao. As long as the main force of Dongping City was still trapped in the quagmire of Hongye City, those three months would be enough for him to defeat Xiaguang City. swallow!But there are two problems. First, the rebels in Hongye City must not have a decisive advantage. Second, it is Cao Cao!

It is difficult to take down the defending Xiaguang City by relying on Calabash City alone. The Feng family is more afraid of death than Wu Yi imagined. No matter what happens outside, he always keeps a main force in Xiaguang City. It is also impossible for Cao Cao to give up the great achievement in front of him. How to monopolize Xiaguang City without Cao Cao is a question that Wu Yi has been thinking about for the past few days. Unfortunately, he has not been able to come up with a perfect solution.

But, is this request easy for Wu Yi to refuse?

"I promise you!"

——System: Geng Kui joined Calabash City.

PS: The dungeon will produce ten first-rate famous generals. Book friends who have ideas can leave a message in the book review area.

(End of this chapter)

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