The best lord of online games

Chapter 839 I Just Dropped In To See What I Can Pick Up

Chapter 839 I Just Dropped In To See What I Can Pick Up

In the middle of the night, no fleet passed by the Sea of ​​Burying Gods, so no one saw this shocking scene. However, this place is close to the inland, but many experts have sensed the movement here.

In the Tianzun Temple of Calabash City, Mingying, who usually looks leisurely and leisurely, suddenly stood up at this moment, looking towards the east with a serious face.

"This is...the power of the gods?!"

"There is also Long Wei, could it be that the remaining Dragon Emperor's lair was born?"

Mingying's eyes lit up immediately, and the sword light flashed under his feet, Yujian rushed out of the protective barrier of Calabash City and flew towards the East China Sea.

At the same time, on the Ghost Crab Island above the East China Sea, Shui Dongliu was in his Undercurrent Temple, and he just froze for a moment before breaking through the air.The queen of the sea clam tribe also sensed this movement in her crystal palace, but after she pondered for a while, she didn't leave. Instead, she sent a queen guard to inform Ma Zhou, the lord of Ghost Crab City.

A person in Zhenhai City also broke through the air at this time.


——System: Congratulations, you have successfully cleared the fourth floor of the Wisdom Tower, and you will be rewarded with intelligence +1.

"I didn't expect the next dungeon to take nearly two hours. As expected of a famous general, the difficulty is really amazing." Wu Yi, who walked out of the Wisdom Tower, looked at the silent night sky and sighed. Although it took a little longer this time, the process did not There is no danger.He has a sealed legendary magic sword, he has the Thunder Curse of the Nine Heavens God, and the Mystic Art of God's Fall, and his basic attributes are far superior to other players of the same level. There should be no threat to him below the seventh floor of the Wisdom Tower, but, The two dungeons of famous generals in Wu Zun space have three days of CD after customs clearance, and there is no way to keep brushing them.

It was very late, and when Wu Yizheng was about to go offline, he actually received a private chat message from a studio member. The content made people think that he was hallucinating.

"What, the Dragon Emperor's lair appeared in the East China Sea? Is it still in the direction of Calabash City?"

"Yes, this is a message from the Sea Clam Queen. Also, the person in the Undercurrent Temple is missing."

"I know!" Wu Yi felt a mess in his head at this moment, approaching Calabash City, how could there be a Dragon King's lair in that sea area, the Dragon King, that is a god-level powerhouse!The one in the Temple of Undercurrent is naturally Shui Dongliu, so after getting the news, Ma Zhou wanted to find the former great god but was in vain.

Let's go back first!
Wu Yi summoned the Moonlight Donkey, and under the shining silver moonlight, the figures of one person and one donkey disappeared in front of the Wisdom Tower in an instant.After returning to Calabash City, Wu Yi immediately went to Ghost Crab Island through the teleportation array. Whether this matter is true or not, it must be confirmed at the first time. Even in the middle of the night, the strongest battleship in Calabash City can In Ghost Crab Island, starting from Ghost Crab Island, even if the distance is longer, it is faster than going from Calabash City.


The vortex in the God Burying Sea is very exaggerated, it has reached a range of hundreds of miles at this time, and with the thunder and lightning all over the sky, even legendary powerhouses dare not approach it.Mingying's speed was the fastest, but at this time he could only wait on the periphery of the great change, and a tornado rose from the center of the vortex that went straight into the sky.

This is the power of the gods!Even a demigod dare not touch it easily.

A few moments after Mingying arrived, a strong man from Zhenhai City also arrived. A legendary master.

The great changes in the Burying God Sea Territory continued, and finally Shui Dongliu came from Ghost Crab Island. He was also the weakest of the three, but the other two legendary powerhouses did not underestimate him, because His aura is very special.

The three of them stood on one side, without opening a mouth, but just waited quietly.

When Venus appeared high in the sky, the continuous upheaval finally stopped slowly, the thunder dissipated, and the vortex quickly subsided. When the sea surface returned to calm again, a light and shadow shot up from the sea.To be precise, there are two people in the light and shadow, one is a handsome man, and the other is... well, the woman who is the chosen one is too weak, so she was directly ignored by the three masters.

At this time, Hong Fu, who was being carried away by Leng Ling, was extremely depressed. She originally thought that she could make a fortune in the dragon's lair, but never expected that Leng Ling would not let her in at all. After several hours of work, Just took out an ANY item.

"There are people!!!" However, when they rushed out of the sea, Hong Fu was startled when he saw the three masters standing out of thin air around them.

"Dragon Clan!?" The three of them originally thought that this was a Dragon King's treasure cave that was opened by themselves, but now it seems that it should be opened by the Dragon Clan in front of them. The meanings of the two are completely different. master, one is masterless.

"Human race, do you want to steal the dragon lair of a dragon king in front of a dragon race?" Leng Ling said coldly, looking at the three people around him.


This problem seems to be very serious!The Dragon Clan are all stinky hooligans, they often go around robbing money and treasures, but if they want to rob them, it's no different from digging their ancestral graves, not to mention that they really want to dig the "grave" of a Dragon King now!
"How can you call it a thief! I just came to see if I can pick up something." Naturally, the person who said this was Shui Dongliu, his mouth was as smelly as ever, and, on the sea, even a legendary master He is not afraid, the legendary dragon is also within this range!
"Do you want to start a war with the Dragon Clan!" Leng Ling was furious immediately, stealing the Dragon Emperor's lair was definitely a provocation to the entire Dragon Clan. In his rage, a large area of ​​sea water around him was instantly frozen.

"This dragon strong man, please calm down. I just sensed the big changes here, so I came here to take a look, and there is no malice!" The old man from Zhenhai City hurriedly explained.In the battle at the same level, the dragon clan has a great advantage, and this is not the key point. The key point is that if it attracts the hatred of the entire dragon clan, it would be too tragic.

"Hmph! With your eyes, you couldn't see what this place was before? Since you haven't left all this time, what's your plan, I don't know? Are you trying to trick me away and steal again!" Leng Ling was already thinking about it. Do you want Dragon God Island to send a team of Dragon God guards to stay here for a long time? If something goes wrong with the Dragon King's cave, he will not be able to get rid of it.

"That's a good idea!" Shui Dongliu on the side nodded and said seriously.

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell into embarrassment, and the faces of the two and one dragon turned black instantly, while Hong Fu, who was being carried by Leng Ling, looked curiously at this extremely strange figure, who was somewhat similar to a water element. Fantastic species.

(End of this chapter)

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