The best lord of online games

Chapter 840 The correct use of the title "Friendship of the Dragon Clan"

Chapter 840 The correct use of the title "Friendship of the Dragon Clan"

"you shut up!!!"

At this moment, both Mingying and the old man from Zhenhai City roared at Shui Dongliu, the contours of the areas around their bodies were uncertain, and wanted to kill this foul-mouthed guy with their hands.The two of them, one is an elder who has retired from the Taoist sect, and the other is a master who is loyal to the empire. No matter what the reason is, they don't want to be enmity with the dragon clan. With their identities, a war must break out, and the forces behind them will also be dragged into the water .The Dao Sect is okay, but the back is hard, and some hidden dangers inside have not yet fully exploded, which is far better than the situation of the Hongyu Empire. At this time, if the powerful dragon clan is dragged into the battlefield again, the Hongyu Empire will no longer exist. The possibility of turning over!

In the eyes of the two, Shui Dongliu is completely a shit-stirring stick. Mingying doesn't know the existence of Shui Dongliu, so naturally he doesn't know that this is his "teammate"!
"Hmph, the two old guys are really timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but we have an absolute advantage. As long as this stupid dragon is wiped out, the matter here will still be a secret!" , but the body sank into the sea. At this time, the water flowing eastward is the most "unsolvable".

No matter how narcissistic he is, he will not challenge the three legendary masters with this crippled body.

Before Shui Dongliu finished speaking, the atmosphere at the scene became more dignified. This is the Dragon Emperor's Treasure Cave, who can't be tempted?Leng Ling even dropped Hong Fu directly, preparing for a big fight.The unlucky Hongfu finally summoned her flying mount, a snow-white four-winged roc, after flopping in the sea for a while.

"Sure enough something happened!" Hong Fu looked depressed, not to mention these people, she, an envoy of the Dragon Clan, wanted to vote here!
At this moment, the sky was already slightly bright, and a huge fleet came from the east, and the golden gourd flag was flying at the highest position.

Seeing the fleet, Shui Dongliu and Mingying moved almost at the same time, but Shui Dongliu, who still had the home court advantage, moved the fastest. Streams of sea water flowed onto the deck of the flagship, and formed again on the bow.Only the special race of water elementals can do this in the sea.

"I said God of Water, you are a bit unkind, and you don't take my people with you when you have good things." Wu Yi said with a smile, the distance was too far, he could only see a few figures above the sea in the distance, and could not confirm their identities , the water god who has already arrived in front of him is naturally not counted.

"Is this kid one of yours?"

At this moment, a ray of sword light pierced the sky and landed in front of Wu Yi, but at this moment Mingying's face was extremely ugly, staring at Shui Dongliu with beard blowing.

"Guanzhu Mingying, why are you here!" Wu Yi was greatly surprised that this old fellow was here.

"Dead Taoist priest, who are you calling! When I was a god, your ancestors didn't even know where they were!" Shui Dongliu, who had a bad personality, yelled directly.

"You're courting death!" Mingying was furious, and a golden talisman flew up.

"Don't, don't, don't!" The breath of daggers and swords startled one, what's going on with this shit!Shui Dongliu is a tease, it is difficult to persuade, Wu Yi can only drag Mingying aside,
"The God of the Undercurrent? Just him?" After hearing Wu Yi's explanation, Mingying had a strange expression on his face, and looked at the Shui Dongliu not far away from time to time, as if he couldn't accept it.

"Being sealed for a long time, my mind is not normal, Guanzhu, please be more forgiving!" Wu Yi smiled wryly, and could only comfort himself, good things never come in pairs. Although the water god is sometimes a little bit teasing, his strength is guaranteed. !
"However, what's going on here!" Mingying was like Shui Dongliu as soon as she got on the boat. Nose is not a nose, eyes are not eyes. There must be some reason.

"Hmph!" Mingying snorted, and briefly explained the cause and effect of the matter.

"Damn it!" Wu Yi broke out in a cold sweat, this shit is really going to anger the Dragon Clan, how much phlegm can Calabash City hold against a group of giant dragons?Paralyzed, Shui teases, this is cheating!

"Boy, the little Taoist priest told you about the matter, how about it? Give him a vote, this is the Dragon Emperor's lair, even if it's not the Dragon Tomb, there must be a demi-artifact."

For a moment, Wu Yi's eyes lit up a little. In the entire Gourd City, except for the Poseidon Scepter, the highest level was the sealed Tiangang Thunder Sword in his hand, which was a legendary level, which was a whole level behind the demi-magic weapon.There must not be only one piece of equipment in the dragon's lair, there will be other treasures as well.

"If you want to be greedy, you have to live to enjoy it!" Mingying snorted coldly.

Wu Yi suddenly fell into the abyss with some fluttering heart, yes, so what if there is a magic weapon hidden in the dragon's lair?The current Calabash City is absolutely unable to withstand the anger of the Dragon Clan, Wu Yi immediately calmed down.

"It turned out to be the Earl of Wu Yi! The old man Lu Zhengshan is the guard of Duke Yunlin." At this moment, the other two also flew over. One of the old men stepped directly on Wu Yi's flagship, while the other A young man stood in the distance with frowned eyebrows, his whole body was like an iceberg.

Yunlin's guard?The identity of this person is not simple!
"Brother Wuyi, hehe." Hongfu was the slowest, and smiled awkwardly at Wu Yi when he arrived.

"Hong Fu!" Seeing this adventurer whom he had just met a few days ago, Wu Yi's face darkened slightly. Based on his intuition, this matter must have something to do with this woman.

"You actually have the aura of the Dragon King!" The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to Leng Ling. Once he makes a move, he is likely to die in battle. However, the greater the opponent's power, the greater the consideration, so when he sees the fleet, he temporarily He gave up his plan to fight to the death directly, but when he saw the human race at the bow, his gaze completely changed.

Dragon King's breath?
Wu Yi's eyes lit up immediately, and he almost forgot about it. At this moment, his regretful mood was swept away.

"I did some things for the Red Lotus Fire Dragon King before I left."

Friendship of the Dragon Clan: Gain the favor of the Dragon Clan.

This was the reward given to him by the Red Lotus Fire Dragon King, and he had never used it. If this person hadn't reminded him, Wu Yi might not have remembered it.With this title, he can establish a relationship with the Dragon Clan. This is a thick thigh.Not to mention directly taking benefits from those stingy dragons, but as long as they can be exchanged at equal value, it is also a big pie!
Leng Ling's face changed drastically: "Red Lotus Fire Dragon King? Lei Fa Dragon King, have you seen him?"

"Yes! But when I saw the Dragon King, there was only a remnant soul left, which has dissipated afterwards."

"Sure enough!" Leng Ling muttered in his mouth for a while, finally looked at Wu Yi, and said seriously: "You have the friendship of the Dragon Clan bestowed by the Dragon King, that is our friend of the Dragon Clan, do you also want to steal the Dragon King's lair?"

"No! This lord from the Dragon Clan, this is all a misunderstanding!"

(End of this chapter)

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