The best lord of online games

Chapter 841 The Days Chen Lin Became a Believer

Chapter 841 The Days Chen Lin Became a Believer
"No! This lord from the Dragon Clan, this is all a misunderstanding!"

With such an extra layer of relationship, Wu Yi has completely given up the idea of ​​playing the dragon's lair. Compared with the entire dragon clan, he can clearly tell which is more important than a mere dragon's lair.

"From here to the south is Zhenhai City, and to the west and east is my territory. Therefore, if there is any movement here, everyone will naturally be very concerned. There is no other meaning, right, Mr. Lu?" Wu said. Yi smiled and looked at Lu Zhengshan at the side. With his strength, it was impossible for him to be just Yunlin's guard.

Lu Zhengshan nodded: "That's right! The sea monsters are raging on the sea recently, and there is such a big commotion in the near sea. Naturally, I want to come and see it. I don't mean to offend the Dragon Emperor. Please rest assured, the envoy of the Dragon Clan. "

Leng Ling represented the Dragon Clan at this time, so there was no problem calling him an envoy, but it was completely different from Hong Fu's nominal trainee envoy.

"What guarantee do you have?" Leng Ling didn't back down, and there was still a bit of chill in his tone.


ensure?For this kind of thing, everyone will take a step back and it will be over. What kind of guarantee can this **** give?Does he still want to cling to this matter?Damn, why doesn't "Friendship of the Dragon Clan" work so well?

"That's what you mean..."

"Since the surrounding area is all your territory, you are responsible for the arrangement of the dragon lair! Once there is a robber here, the dragon clan will come to you!"

"This..." Wu Yi and Lu Zhengshan glanced at each other, this logic is too gangster!But the dragons have always done things like this. Even though they have been walking around in the human world in these young years, it is clearly recorded in ancient books.

"Messenger, the empire has been on fire recently. We really can't spare too many troops to take care of this place, so we are afraid that something will go wrong." Lu Zhengshan refused. This mission is definitely a sinkhole. Who knows what will happen here? It won't leak out, if other experts are attracted, let them block the gun?

"I don't think it's better than this! It just so happens that we are forming a coastal defense alliance recently, so why not include the Dragon Clan." Wu Yi interjected, Mingying on the side didn't express his opinion, and Shui Dongliu curled his lips in displeasure.

Leng Ling refused without thinking: "The Dragon Clan is not interested in your alliance."

"The Dragon Clan only needs to send a team of experts to assist our coalition forces to garrison here. This request is not too much! For the time being, only us know what happened here, but no one knows if there will be any changes. There will be fewer accidents if the dragon clan is in charge." For Wu Yi, as long as there is a team of giant dragons sitting here, it will not only strengthen the defense of Ghost Crab Island, but at least eliminate many security risks for Calabash City.

Hong Fu, who had been listening quietly to the side, changed her face drastically. She never expected that Wu Yi had such a relationship with the Dragon Clan. In this way, she would be powerless to prevent the forces of Calabash City from attacking the Dragon Clan. The monopoly advantage that you want to maintain is completely gone.

After Leng Ling pondered for a while, he said to Hong Fu behind him: "Your task has been completed, you go back to Dragon God Island and report the situation here to the Elder Council."

really!This Hongfu opened the line of the Dragon Clan, as expected of a famous adventurer.But after knowing his own advantages, Wu Yi no longer cared about it as much as before.

After finishing speaking, Leng Ling looked at Wu Yi at the bow again: "Lord, I will stay here until the elders make a decision. You have the friendship of the dragon clan given by the Dragon King. No matter what happens here, as long as you If you don't make enemies with the Dragon Clan, you only have one chance to go to Dragon God Island."

Is this a belated reward?
Wu Yi is overjoyed!He doesn't know Dragon God Island at all, but he can guess what it is by hearing the name. As long as he gets there, he can rely on the title of "Friendship of the Dragon Clan" to start the first step in conquering the Dragon Clan.

"My Calabash City will assist the envoys to guard this sea area." This is the best time to gain favor, how could Wu Yi let it go.

"It's the same with Zhenhai City!"

Seeing that there was no turning point for this matter, Hong Fu could only go back and hand in the task full of helplessness. In this matter, as long as she didn't want to give up the line of the Dragon Clan and become the enemy of the Dragon Clan, she could only tell the truth.

"Hmph! There is a big ready-made treasure that I don't want to dig, so I have to kneel and lick these stinky dragons." Shui Dongliu snorted coldly, and went straight through the air. The direction he left was Ghost Crab Island. No matter how angry he is, he will not give up his temple. This is where his dead end lies.

Originally, Wu Yi wanted to invite Leng Ling to go to Calabash City as a guest, but this guy is very stubborn, and he will squat here even if he dies. Wu Yi can only temporarily leave five warships to assist. This is an offshore area. If it leaks out, there will be no danger. Even if the news leaks out, only masters will come. The usefulness of battleships is limited, at least until Yu Dayou can reach Zhou Yu's level.

Lu Zhengshan, who didn't get any benefits, and made a fuss on the contrary, also left, but before leaving, he repeatedly promised that more than five warships would arrive within a day to assist in guarding.After Mingying said hello, Yu Jian returned to Calabash City.

Wu Yi glanced at the already bright sky, so let's go offline to catch up on sleep!

The life in Ghost Crab City is completely different from the captive life that Chen Lin expected. After arriving on the island, he only performed a ceremony in the Temple of the Undercurrent, and after that, the residences were uniformly allocated, and he did not need to work every day. He only needed to go to the Undercurrent regularly. Praying in the temple and living a life like rice worms, not to mention Chen Lin, all the "believers" who were packed back by Shui Dongliu couldn't believe it.

Worshiping gods in the city costs money, but there are food and drink offerings here. If you have to sit on the altar, that is the treatment of the gods!

Not only the human race, but also a large group of sea monsters who come in and out of the Undercurrent Temple every day. After a short period of suspicion and fear, the common people prayed very devoutly. After all, life here is better than they used to be.But those businessmen were different. They clamored for an explanation from Calabash City every day. Ma Zhou was so quarreled that he couldn't help it, but if he wanted to get him out of Shui Dongliu's hands, he had to have twice as many "believers" to replace him.

The civilians in Ghost Crab City can only guide them. After all, there is still a Temple of Heavenly Venerable here. Wu Yi has no way to directly order all the people here to believe in the God of Undercurrent, so he has no way to explain to the master.

"Perhaps it is also a good choice to seek a position in this Undercurrent Temple." Chen Lin thought very comfortably after finishing his prayer again.Originally, he thought that it would be no problem to surrender to the lord of Calabash City with his ability, but now he is not in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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