The best lord of online games

Chapter 842 A Famous Teacher Who Comes From Afar

Chapter 842 A Famous Teacher Who Comes From Afar

The continuous war has not affected the player's experience of the game, some are busy, some are enjoying... Everyone lives according to their own rhythm, and local tyrants wave a lot of banknotes to buy gold coins everywhere in exchange for their life in Hongyu. The aristocratic life in the empire, buying mansions and hiring servants, apart from not being able to have sex, is simply more enjoyable than reality.

It was already noon when Wu Yi was woken up in a daze, had lunch after washing up, and went online after a little activity.

He went offline directly on the battleship before, and was dragged directly to Ghost Crab Island. He ran from the pier to the teleportation formation. Dongliu is busy with the affairs of the Undercurrent Temple, as long as there are enough resources, he will not make trouble.In fact, he doesn't need to worry about Calabash City. Kou Xun has always organized it in an orderly manner. There are only two things he needs to deal with now, the tower of rule and the dragon clan!
Aunt Gongsun's mission is to cast a wide net, and the rest depends on luck.

The tower of dominion will open at ten o'clock the morning after the opening. In the past two days, the big forces have been thinking hard about how to choose and how to arrange personnel. After all, the layout of the entire force cannot be overthrown just because of one copy. People in some positions cannot move. of.Small powers are not competitive enough, but they don't want to give up this opportunity to take off. They took advantage of this short time to start looking for an alliance. If they can snatch a famous general, then everyone will be happy. After all, in that chaotic situation, as long as there is no one For a team that can crush the entire field, the element of luck will account for a large proportion.

"Zhu Rong, Lu Xiangyun, Ma Zhong..."

Due to the restriction that holy rank masters cannot enter the tower of dominion, Wu Yi is very passive. Once in formation, there is no strong man in his hand who can stand alone. The only first-class general in Calabash City is stuck outside the restriction Although Zhu Rong has high basic attributes and good equipment, he will be very passive when facing first-class generals. He can hold back but cannot defeat.

But this is something that can’t be helped. Historical celebrities are limited, especially those above the first-class. Moreover, these celebrities are not only robbed by players, but also by aboriginal forces, and they have a greater advantage than players. It is no longer enough to describe the fact that there are too many monks and too few porridge. The situation can only be alleviated to a certain extent with the collapse of the aboriginal forces in the future.

It's pointless to entangle in this issue. With such restrictions, the original plan to let Zhao Xueyin also lead a team to enter the tower had to be abandoned.

After thinking about it for a long time, Wu Yi added Jiang Zhe's name again. Although this general from Xiaguang City is not outstanding in terms of force, but with the addition of talents and specialties, his personal combat effectiveness is good. Array is the best choice.

Add Shi Wansui, Zhou Tai, Geng Gong, and Wei Zifu who has a good auxiliary ability, and it's all there!

Seven historical figures, including four second-rate military generals, as long as they are not unlucky enough to be targeted by everyone, they are enough to occupy a place, and the rest can only depend on luck.In the selection of levels, Wu Yi directly gave up the two levels of "wisdom" and "courage", which were the most competitive, and after careful consideration, he chose the four levels of "ritual", "righteousness", "filial piety" and "loyalty". Li" has the greatest chance of producing literati. Whether it is counselors or internal affairs talents, Calabash City is short of them. When it comes to "loyalty", many people should immediately think of Yue Fei who is loyal and loyal to the country, but now Yue Fei is already a leader in the army. He's so handsome, it's impossible for his subduing scroll to appear, but there are too many people who can rely on it in history.

After choosing the four levels, Wu Yi will also get the pass for these four levels. As for which level will be entered in the end, it will need to be considered again at that time.

"My lord, this is a letter from City Lord Kou!" Just then the butler Ye Li came in and handed Wu Yi a letter paper folded in half.

Wu Yi was a little puzzled, what the hell is this Kou Xun doing? If there is something to do, just send someone to pass a message, and why not write a letter!

There is only a short sentence in the letter: Li Gang, the famous teacher of Qingliu Academy, is visiting the government office!

Li Gang! ?
The one named Li Gang should be the most famous teacher of the three generations of emperors in the Sui and Tang Dynasties!

Will it be him?

In the Hongyu Empire, the academies that can be called are all government-run, and recruit students once a month. Noble students are not mentioned, and ordinary people look at qualifications. As for the chosen ones, none of them have mixed in so far.Every three months, these academies have a place recommended to the Imperial Academy of Governance. Wu Yi has already inquired about this clearly. He originally asked Kou Xun to go to the small academy to go to the first floor after he found someone who could take Kou Xun's place. Jin, and later took the opportunity to enter Zhishi Academy.

This Qingliu Academy...

Well, he hadn't heard of it!There is no way, although the academies are all government-run, they are not necessarily all located in the city.

Wu Yi put aside what he had been thinking about before, straightened his view of Zhengyi, and headed towards the government office. There is a private school in Calabash City, but the effect of the private school is only to open up the wisdom of the people. It is a special building that cannot teach real talents. If there are famous teachers, If you set up an academy in Calabash City, it will be completely different. Calabash City, as the earl's territory, has reached the city level, so it is eligible to apply for a seat in the academy. Big hair!
The official office is just a collective name for the construction site of the city officials, and its scale is no smaller than a group of temples. The main hall of the city lord is in the center of the official office.When Wu Yi arrived, Kou Xun was having a very speculative conversation with an old man with rich hair.

"I've seen the lord!" There were only the two of them in the side hall of the main hall of the city lord. When Wu Yi came in, Kou Xun immediately stood up and saluted. Li Gang, who was dressed in a Confucian robe, did the same.

"Master Li, you don't need to be too polite. It's really glorious to have Master Li here in this remote town!" Wu Yi hurriedly returned the salute, even lowering his posture.

"The lord is serious. Gourd City has already gained a great reputation in the empire. The lord even has the Golden Dragon Medal of the Empire. He is a rare and promising young man. I saw the lord's recruitment order in Jinxiu City before. The old man happened to be from Qingliu Academy. I’m old, so I decided to take a look.” Li Gang stroked his long white beard and smiled.

At this moment, Wu Yi's eyes were moist.

Damn, this bullshit Golden Dragon Medal has finally shown its value!

The Golden Dragon Medal was one of the rewards he received for cooperating with Yue Fei in capturing Yong'an City. It is second only to the Divine Martial Medal in the Hongyu Empire, and its attributes are quite weak. Humans, but for such a long time, this thing is as if it has been "sealed", and it can't see any effect.

Now it's finally time for the light!

 First send a famous teacher to the protagonist.It seems that there was also Li Gang in the Song Dynasty, but he was not very famous, so he cut it off.

  Some book friends suggested sending ten completely opposite celebrities to the "Ten Virtues" copy of the Tower of Dominion. Brothers who have ideas can chat in the book review area.

(End of this chapter)

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