The best lord of online games

Chapter 843 Calabash City Academy

Chapter 843 Calabash City Academy

Li Gang is very talkative, at least there is no need for Wu Yi to find topics in life, the ones delivered by himself are different. After chatting in the official office for a long time, Wu Yi invited Li Gang to his Earl's Mansion to continue the chat. It was not until after dinner that Wu Yi spoke. test.

"Master Li, I want to set up an academy in Calabash City, please help me, Master Li!"

It is very simple for Calabash City to apply to the empire for a place to open an academy. After all, he has huge military exploits, and there is no place for him to exchange these military exploits for items. Looking for Cao Cao?He is a poor man now, and he will not pay the empire. Hongye City is dragged by a huge coalition army, and has been collecting supplies from everywhere. It is impossible to exchange merits on a large scale. The same is true in the northern battlefield, and they can't " Selling people", the current meritorious exchange is far worse than when the Northwest Campaign first started.

The casual people are better. For noble lords, the empire has already made it clear that meritorious deeds cannot be exchanged directly, and can only be rewarded by the empire after accumulating to a certain amount.With Calabash City's exploits in Xiaguang City and its role in the southeast, as long as it does not touch the interests of high-level officials, it is not difficult to apply for anything. Besides, he is now in the "honeymoon period" with Zhenhai City. It must be an easy task for Yunlin.

"Thank you for your attention, my lord. This is exactly the purpose of this old man's trip."


——System: The famous teacher Li Gang joins Calabash City, and the prestige of Calabash City increases by [-].

——System: The prestige of Calabash City has reached "like thunder".

This is another kind of celebrity Wu Yi has seen besides historical beauties who will directly increase the prestige of the territory after joining the territory. One can imagine the role of famous teachers in the territory.The prestige of Calabash City has risen to a higher level, and the attraction to talents has also increased. Now the probability of talents coming to the door must be countless times higher than when they were unknown at the beginning.

Li Gang:

Race: Terran

Identity: Citizen of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: thunderous

Title: Famous Teacher—Greatly improves personal prestige, has the qualification to open a school, improves the prestige of the territory, and greatly improves the students' comprehension ability.The higher the sum of famous general attributes, the stronger the teaching ability, and the higher the individual famous general attributes, the more suddenly the student's corresponding famous general attributes will be improved.

Virtue and Prestige——Strengthen the effect of prestige and increase the attractiveness of the territory to talents.

Talent: Teach students in accordance with their aptitude - greatly improve the efficiency of students' learning, accelerate the growth of students in learning, and increase the probability of students comprehending talents, specialties and skills in learning.

Specialties: Persuading students to learn - greatly improving students' enthusiasm for learning and improving teaching effects.

Enlightenment - There is a certain probability that students will trigger growth, and there is a very low probability that students will directly comprehend a talent, specialty or skill.

Occupation: Teacher

Level: Level 9

Command: 70
Force: 30
Intelligence: 90
Politics: 85
strangeness!Li Gang has three famous general attributes that exceed the third rate, and his intelligence is as high as 85, but he does not have the title of counselor, and his politics has reached [-], but he also does not have the title of celebrity, only a title of "famous teacher".Judging from the attributes of famous teachers, Li Gang's attributes of these famous generals are somewhat "on paper", and there will be corresponding basic bonuses, but more of them are only for teaching.

Famous generals, especially those at the current stage, are mostly still in the partial science stage, like Wang Meng, who is a true boss. The world, but now he is only outstanding in the ability of counselors.

The sum of Li Gang's four famous general attributes is as high as 270, which is not too low, but I don't know how much bonus this value can bring to teaching.It's a pity that the force aspect is a bit of a serious hindrance, otherwise this value would look even more gorgeous.

However, the basic attribute of the title of "Famous Teacher" shows that under Li Gang's teaching, the two attributes of "intelligence" and "politics" should be the easiest to grow. He can hardly teach a qualified commander. Not to mention.but……

Wu Yi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind. Anyway, Li Gang definitely has no potential in terms of force, and it is impossible to let him grow up in battle, so he can just use pills!Not to mention too much, first use all kinds of resources to push his force to [-], a full [-] points of growth, it should have a big effect.

"Mr. Li, I don't know what kind of requirements are required to get the recommended quota of Zhishi Academy?" Zhishi Academy is one of the highest institutions in the Hongyu Empire. Not one level.As long as you can get the recommendation qualification, this is the strongest famous general resource!

Li Gang stretched out his left hand, bent his thumb and index finger, raised three fingers and said, "It's very simple, as long as the academy has at least three famous teachers."

Three famous teachers!

How many people can be called famous teachers in history?The Hongyu Empire is so big, it is too unrealistic for him to want to occupy three of them alone. However, in addition to the famous teachers in history, there are also many famous teachers in the Hongyu Empire. He has no connections in this regard, but Li Gang There must be!

"Well, Master Li, I wonder if you can come forward to help Calabash City invite a few people here?" Wu Yi smiled and leaned against Old Li Gang, with a flattering tone in his tone.He doesn't ask for too much, as long as he can recruit two people and meet the entry requirements, that's enough.

"It's not easy! There are countless famous teachers. Even after retiring from the academy, the big nobles from all sides will come forward to hire them as soon as possible. There are very few old people who walk around like this."

"Mr. Li, you have high morals and high prestige. You must have a solution. You are not talented. The population of the territory under your command is tens of thousands, and there are countless young people with potential. I also want to expand the academy and train more talents for the empire, right?"

After seeing Li Gang's attributes, Wu Yi was extremely greedy for famous teachers. Thinking about how painful Kou Xun's growth was at the beginning, if there was a famous teacher teaching at that time, it would not take so long for Kou Xun to grow to the present level time.Moreover, with famous teachers and academies, middle and low-level talents can be cultivated on their own. Talented ones can be thrown into the academy to brush up specialties and attributes of famous generals. Whiteboarders with famous general attributes can also be thrown into the academy to brush up talents and specialties. .

This, to a great extent, solved the embarrassing problem of Calabash City's lack of talents and the lack of God's Chosen to assist in management.

"Okay! I will put down my old face and send a letter to my old friends, but the result will be like this, I can't guarantee it!"

"With Master Li coming forward, this matter will definitely be accomplished!"

(End of this chapter)

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