The best lord of online games

Chapter 847 Tower of Ruler "Brave" Gate

Chapter 847 Tower of Ruler "Brave" Gate

ten o'clock!

Wu Yi took the other eight people to stand on the praying platform early, and when the time came, he applied to enter the Tower of Dominion. There is a huge character, namely "Li", "wisdom", "benevolence", "righteousness", "faith", "loyalty", "filial piety", "section", "courage", "harmony" crosses, respectively Corresponding to ten different roads.

However, in addition to the conditions marked at the beginning, the Tower of Dominion also has some restrictions that can only be seen at this time.

"Each team can only choose one checkpoint every day, and the roster will be locked!"

This is really a plan that can't keep up with the changes. These restrictions completely disrupted the previously negotiated plans among allies.Sure enough, within a short while, Wu Yi received several private chat messages. In order to influence each other, they must be redistributed now, otherwise, three days later, there may be an embarrassing situation of a car crash.

The alliance related to Calabash City will send out about five teams. In addition to one from Calabash City, one from Changshan League, one teamed up by Purgatory and Xue Qiqi, and with the help of Changshan League, Fendudu Studio will also produce a team. , plus the temporary team drawn up by the Nanshan Nursing Home through various entrusted relationships, there are a total of five teams.

This kind of nine-member team, the role of cannon fodder assistance is almost zero, there is no absolute number, coupled with the command of the commander, it will not play any role at all, and, if you want to come to the tower of domination to finally lead to the central temple, the qualification certificate is not It can be easily obtained, therefore, without a few hole cards, there is no qualification for the final competition.

The original Chongsheng ancient city was split into two copies. The ancient city took the civilian route, while the ruling tower took the high-end route.

After discussing for a while, Wu Yi was actually assigned the three levels of "Courage", "Faith" and "Festival", which is completely different from what he thought before!He wants more talents in counselors or internal affairs, and these three levels are obviously not in line with what he wants.However, for the benefit of the alliance, sometimes certain concessions must be made. Besides, although this is somewhat different from his original plan, there is no substantial loss.

After a brief discussion, Wu Yi directly pushed open the golden door with the word "courage" engraved on it, and walked in first.

"Is this the tower of domination?"

Through the light gate, Wu Yi seemed to have entered a golden world. The ground could reflect blurred shadows, just like a huge bronze mirror. The surrounding space was bigger than a gymnasium, and the ceiling above was nearly [-] meters high. high.Hollow in the middle, there is a spiral upward corridor.

This is the tower?This is too huge!Even if Wu Yi had seen the outside of the Tower of Dominion, he still couldn't help being shocked, it was too exaggerated! ! !
"That's right, this is the inside of the tower of dominion. It was like this when the subordinates and Marshal Wei came in!" Lu Xiangyun looked around and said, while the eyes of the others were as shocked as Wu Yi's. color.

At this time, Wu Yi was even more looking forward to the miniature tower of governance he got. It doesn't need to be too much exaggeration, as long as there is one-twentieth of this tower of governance, it is enough to shock the world.

However, what kind of test will you face next?Before that, Wu Yi also asked Lu Xiangyun in detail about the situation when they entered the tower of domination.However, there are now ten Towers of Dominion that are dungeons of famous generals. Obviously, the contents cannot all be the same. Therefore, his experience is not very useful. The only advantage is that he knows where the qualification certificate is. Can't let him have any advantage over other teams, because the qualification certificate is at the top of Tongtian Tower, outside the gate of the Central Temple!
"There don't seem to be any guards here!" After several battles, Shi Wansui has basically recovered his strength before he was killed in battle. Now all the resources of the Temple of War are leaning towards him. It won't take long for him to become the second in Calabash City. A first-class general.

Lu Xiangyun shook his head: "It's really strange. When Marshal Wei and I came in last time, there were a lot of rulers here."

"Standing here all the time is not a solution, go up and have a look without guards!" Wu Yi originally guessed that the ten levels would be related to the ten virtues, and "courage" would naturally not be able to test intelligence, but the current situation made him a little confused ah.

Although he couldn't see the enemy, Wu Yi was still very cautious. After all, he still didn't know the difficulty of the dungeon.Zhu Rong and Shi Wansui are in front, Wu Yi and Wei Zifu are in the center of the team, Zhou Tai and Jiang Zhe are guarding closely, Concubine Xue Rong and Lu Xiangyun are behind, both of them have extreme speed, no matter where they are, Can join the battle in the first time.Ma Zhongze found a position by himself. His output was not the highest in the team, but he was the most terrifying. His powerful instant kill ability could be said to be one of the team's trump cards.

clap la la...

The group of people had just walked less than [-] meters, and countless shiny balls rolled down from the central corridor. The balls were all the same size, with a faint golden light flowing, but hearing the sound of falling on the ground, the weight of the balls should not be too heavy. Heavy.

"what is this?"

Paralyzed, is this playing "Big Beads and Small Beads Falling on a Jade Plate"?Or are these all bombs?

The ground inside the Tower of Dominion is very smooth, but in a short moment, countless balls rolled everywhere, some of them stopped, but some still rolled towards further places.

"What mechanism is it?" Zhu Rong asked curiously, as long as he was in Calabash City, he would play with Huang Yueying, so he saw a lot of weird things.

As soon as Zhu Rong's voice fell, the balls on the ground made a big movement again. Small groups of small groups gathered together, to be precise, there should be 36 balls, and every 36 balls were built together, and the higher the base, the higher the base. The golden light circulating in the ball became more and more brilliant. In the golden light, the ball quickly melted and slowly turned into a golden warrior.

"This... is this the power of the gods?" At this moment, the group of nine people were extremely shocked, but Jiang Zhe was exaggerating.

The golden warriors are condensed one by one, looking at the golden light around them, the number is as many as three to five hundred.

"Do it!" We can't wait any longer, if we wait for these golden warriors to gather together, then they will face the situation of being besieged.

The people in the team are all elites, and almost at the same time Wu Yi opened his mouth, they had already shot one after another. Zhu Rong was the fastest, and almost instantly turned into a flame and rushed up. Without the drag of the legion, the violent factor in her body will be fully liberated.

 Now that it is confirmed that there will be a funny group, the author intends to send a "mascot" to the protagonist. Everyone can guess who it will be, and the protagonist will enter the final level of Yongzi.

  I received a text message from Radio and Television before, saying that the relocation of the computer room and the network upgrade will be carried out from the morning of the 7th to [-] o'clock. If so, the author will find time to post the third update before noon tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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