The best lord of online games

Chapter 848 Optimus Prime?

Chapter 848 Optimus Prime?
Zhu Rong's speed was the fastest, but Lu Xiangyun's space blade was the first to attack. A horizontal space blade covered a range of more than 200 meters. In the fire cloud brought by Zhu Rong, Shi Wansui also Followed to kill, if Zhu Rong hadn't grown through many bloodlines, she would never be Shi Wansui's opponent.Now, with the multiple bonuses of equipment and mounts, Zhu Rong's combat power is even more terrifying than Shi Wansui.

Concubine Xue Rong had an evil smile on her face, but she was not in a hurry to act, but her eyes were bloody, staring at the battle ahead.The summoning profession is the only existence that can ignore the limit on the number of dungeons. This is another plan of Wu Yi to bring Concubine Blood Rong. Presumably, many people will have the same idea as him.

The same is true for Ma Zhong, he is the one who knows Zhu Rong best besides Wu Yi here, if it is not necessary, he will not take action to steal her limelight.

"You go up too, it's enough to have General Zhou here." Wu Yi tilted his head and said to Jiang Zhe on the right.Wu Yi is willing to give him more opportunities for this aboriginal general who is quite talented and special. He used pills to raise his force to sixty before, but he still needs to grow up to really grow up. Go through more battles.

"Yes, my lord!" Excitedly, Jiang Zhe charged forward with a pair of sledgehammers.

"This kid is not bad!" Zhou Tai looked at Jiang Zhe's back as he rushed forward and said in a low voice. He had fought against Jiang Zhe once when he was free, so he was naturally qualified to comment.

"Then let him hang out with you at sea for a while?" To be honest, Wu Yi really didn't think about how to arrange Jiang Zhe now. Given his ability is not suitable for commanding an army, it would be a waste to let him lead an army alone, but If he wanted to assign him a commanding lieutenant like Zhu Rong did, he might as well just let him go to another army as a lieutenant.

But now there are not many options for inserting Jiang Zhe'an. Geng Gong's legion, and Huo Qubing's legion, but the legion only has a lieutenant position after reaching the sixth level. Unless Jiang Zhe can grow into a second-rate general, it is impossible for Wu Yi to give him such a precious position.

Another option is not to have a legion, but to be an independent general in the army, like Li Yuanba!However, if you choose this path, unless you can reach the first-class level, your effect on the battlefield will be quite limited.

"Don't! It's a waste for him to go to sea, and he can't show any ability." Zhou Tai said with a dark face and waved his hands again and again.

Why didn't Wu Yi know it wasn't suitable?Jiang Zhe is a fierce general, and has no expertise in water warfare, so he will be limited everywhere on the sea.It would be great if there was a famous foot fighter. For a strong man like Dian Wei, if such a person brings Jiang Zhe, the effect will be completely different.

——System: Your team successfully killed three ninth-level legendary "Liu Lijing Divine Power and Demonic Aspects" and gained [-] experience points.

In a short period of time, a series of battle messages appeared, and dozens of divine powers and demons were shattered into pieces, turning into pale golden balls again.Under the berserk attack of several fierce men, everyone also had a preliminary understanding of the fighting power of these divine powers and demons, and there was no threat to them.However, if you switch to a sightseeing team with a ninth-level legendary combat power, you have to be careful.

However, Wu Yi is very interested in the combination of these divine powers and demons. If the demons in Gourd City can do the same, then it can be applied to more battlefields, and the problem of marching demons can also be solved. fundamentally resolved.As long as it is split into balls one by one and transported by the logistics team, the energy consumption during the march can be avoided, and all the stored energy can be used in battle.

The more Wu Yi thought about it, the more he thought about it, and asked Huang Yueying to study this aspect when he went back. He couldn't get the answer now, but with the continuous improvement of Huang Yueying's ability, there will definitely be improvements in this aspect.

The divine power and demonic phases were condensed one by one, and then quickly shattered. When all the divine power and demonic phases were shattered, it took less than 10 minutes before and after. It took so much time because the parts were too far away. The speed of condensation also varies for different reasons.If they appear together, the battle will end in less than 2 minutes.

The balls all over the ground made the surroundings look chaotic. However, with the foundation of this battle, Wu Yi also had a rough assessment of the difficulty of the dungeon.The difficulty is not too high, as long as some prepared teams should be able to get the qualification certificate.

But just as the group of people walked towards the central corridor, the light golden balls scattered around moved again.

"Come again?" Wu Yi's face turned black as he looked at the balls rolling around him again. These things won't be invincible, right?

But Wu Yi soon discovered something was wrong. This time all the balls were rolling towards a "point", which was completely different from before.Countless balls piled up on their own, and the scene looked very strange.

The balls are getting higher and higher, like a hill. In the past, 36 balls could form a normal human figure with supernatural power and magic. Now, when such balls are combined together, what kind of monster will they form?

At this time, the piled up balls burst into bright golden light, coupled with the reflection from the ground and inner walls, it was almost impossible for everyone to open their eyes.Lu Xiangyun swung a space blade to directly break the combination process, but it didn't have any effect at all, and everyone could only retreat first.



There was a loud bang followed by a deafening roar, the golden light dissipated, and a giant Mac appeared in everyone's eyes.

"What the hell is this? Optimus Prime?"

No wonder Wu Yi was surprised. The monster in front of him was really too big. He was more than 50 meters tall, and the length and width were about the same. The whole body was made of gold, and standing there was like a high wall.Among the demons, the tallest thing Wu Yi has ever seen is the giant spirit, but the giant spirit can only be regarded as a "minor" in front of the giant in front of him.

Wu Yi didn't know the difference between divine power and ordinary demons, but there was one thing in common, that is, the bigger the body, the greater the strength, and the stronger the attack.This big guy doesn't need any skills, and just stepping on it with one foot is not something ordinary people can bear.

Is this the test of the word "courage"?
What an exaggeration, this is only the first floor of the tower of domination!What kind of horror level will the difficulty reach?How many teams can get the final qualification certificate?If you are lucky, maybe after you get the qualification certificate, there will be no competitors when the central shrine opens on the fourth day.

(End of this chapter)

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