Chapter 851
The opening of the Tower of Dominion has attracted the attention of most players here, and there is also a live broadcasting tour team formed by the live broadcasting station of good things. One layer was destroyed.

However, this is just the beginning, and the real high dynasty is still two days after the opening of the central shrine!
The Tower of Dominion has held back the main energies of almost all the major forces of the Chosen One, but it has no effect on the natives.In the northwest border of the empire, Yingzheng has been retreating here for several months, and his super project has finally begun to show its scale. It is exactly as the world expected. Yingzheng is indeed planning to enclose the entire Lost Mountain Range. It is not worse than the Great Wall in history, and the difficulty will be even higher.

Especially for some chosen ones who have seen the real ruling tower in the ancient city of Chongsheng, they are extremely looking forward to seeing the "Great Wall" of the First Emperor!
After half a year of operation, the entire northwest has almost become the "territory" of Yingzheng. You know, he is still just an ordinary marquis, not a lord, but now he has become the "Northwest King"!The current Yingzheng is somewhat similar to Xiang Yu in the Heilongcheng in the north. For the empire, Heiyucheng has become Xiang Yu's territory, but Yingzheng, an ordinary marquis without a territory, has more power than Xiang Yu.

However, there is still a place in the northwest that restricts Yingzheng from becoming the true "King of the Northwest", and that is the City of Light!One of the core cities of the Temple of Light has always been firmly nailed to the northwest land as a nail, so that Yingzheng dare not make any rash moves, but similarly, the empire does not dare to deprive Yingzheng of its right rashly. In order to win the government, the northwest will once again fall into a quagmire. At that time, the war between the northwest and the north will be connected, and the situation will become even more corrupt.

Ying Zheng is using this delicate balance to continuously absorb "nutrients" from the Hongyu Empire to strengthen himself. As long as the empire does not want to give up the entire northwest land, it has to satisfy some of his "reasonable" requirements.

Ying Zheng has not shown his face for a long time. Gao Changgong has always been in charge of the construction of the "Great Wall". It is far inferior to fighting, and only life players and spies stay here, especially players majoring in construction sub-jobs. This is the ultimate treasure for them to develop their skills!
However, the northwest is calm on the surface, but it is not calm in the Lost Mountains. The masters of the Demon Realm have never stopped cracking the sealed cross-boundary space gate, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice the army for this. This is why the remaining Demon Realm army has been The main reason for not fighting back.However, Huangtian paid off. After several months and the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of troops, the seal on the cross-boundary space door was finally partially cracked, and the exit was enlarged five times. The two genies passed in parallel.

With such a small exit, how long will it take to restore the demon army that invaded the Hongyu Empire to its original strength?And not only that, the cross-boundary space gate was able to pass through demigod-level powerhouses back then, but now, even legends can't pass through!

"To attack the Hongyu Empire, we need more sacrifices!" When Ji Qianbai entered the Lost Mountains, there were three demigods on the side of the Demon Realm, but one was killed in the final battle. Now the person in charge here is The remaining two demigods.

Their method of breaking the seal is also very simple, that is, through sacrifices in exchange for the weak power of the gods, and slowly wearing away the seal, but even if they sacrifice all the remaining army, it is not enough to completely break the seal.

"According to the information we have, the Hongyu Empire is now in the midst of civil strife, and it is impossible to gather as much power as before to stop us. Just massacring a few cities is enough to gather the sacrifices needed to break the seal."

"Yes!" Another demigod with a dark body and a horn on his forehead nodded in agreement. At their level, even if they were in the Lost Mountains, it was impossible for them to be ignorant of the outside world.

"Hmph! Those stupid human races outside the mountains actually want to build a wall to trap us here. It's just something wrong with their brains." There was a long flame, but there was a long scar on the chest, which was left in that battle.

"No hurry! Now that the seal has been opened, we need to send an envoy back first, not to mention reinforcements, but at least we must get a batch of supplies first, otherwise these wastes will not be able to fight anymore!" The demigod with horns on his forehead He glanced at the group of "refugees" in the distance.

In the past few months, in order to break the seal, they continued to sacrifice the soldiers of the Demon Realm, which had already demoralized the army. If it weren't for the terrifying power of the two demigods and the deep-rooted concept of hierarchy, the army would have collapsed long ago.However, even so, the army has completely lost its combat capability, and the supplies are lacking, and the armaments are not complete. If you rush out like this, you will die!

"Let His Majesty send a general over!"

No matter how strong the demigod's fighting power is, there's nothing he can do about leading troops in battle, no, no!Even if they can deter the army for a while by relying on their status, they cannot stimulate the morale of the army. It is useless to kill them alone.Their role on the battlefield is more about deterrence and beheading. Of course, if the opponent does not have a strong commander, the demigod can indeed dominate the battlefield with strong strength.

Once the opponent has a super commander in charge of the army, it will also pose a certain threat to the demigods. The power of the heavy army will weaken their strength and limit the effect of skills. At this time, legends can haunt them for a while. If there is a command value A commander who reaches 99 is even more terrifying. Such a person has the ability to kill demigods on the battlefield.Generals are even more straightforward. Those whose force value can reach 99 must be demigods!If you dare to come, I will dare to face you!The same is true for counselors and internal affairs officials. As long as one of the attributes of famous generals reaches a certain level, they will be sublimated. It is impossible to even have the power to protect themselves.

Therefore, demigods are not truly invincible!Because of their status, they cherish their lives even more. Without accurate information, it is impossible for them to rashly attack the army alone. Once a demigod falls on the battlefield, it will have an unprecedented impact on the morale of the armies of both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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