The best lord of online games

Chapter 852 Central Shrine

Chapter 852 Central Shrine
Wu Yi handed over the purchase of glass crystal fragments to Baitongmen. Unfortunately, among the top ten levels of the Tower of Dominion, only the word "brave" can appear with divine power and magic. The total number of glass crystal fragments is not many, and the time to purchase It can only take three days at most, and it is hard to say whether the crystallization of divine power can be really refined in the end.

There were no accidents in the two levels of "letter" and "festival". In the next two days, Wu Yi led his team to obtain the qualification certificate with ease.

Wu Yi's daily life is very simple, and has not changed much because of marriage. They are probably different from most newlyweds, but they enjoy this way of savoring bits and pieces in the ordinary.

After a simple wash, Wu Yi sat at the dining table and had vegetable porridge, steamed buns and pickles for breakfast.

"The situation in Red Leaf City is not good recently!" Zhao Xueyin said while drinking porridge. Since they spend most of the time in the game every day, they have long been used to exchanging things at the dinner table.

Zhao Xueyin doesn't need to worry about the territory. She has spent most of her time on the battlefield with Huo Qubing's army recently. The level that was behind before has been raised very quickly, and she has already rushed to the seventh level.In addition, her profession is a war music priest. On the battlefield, one person can almost be equivalent to an auxiliary team. As long as she has enough protection, she can play a big role. If her own level and skill level can be higher If so, it would be even more terrifying.

"The allied forces of the empire can't hold on anymore?" No matter which side has an absolute advantage in the Red Leaf City battlefield, it is not a good thing for Calabash City. Dongping City's dominance will affect Calabash City's strategy against Xiaguang City in the short term. The layout is dominated by the empire, and the early destruction of the chaos in Dongping City will affect the development of Calabash City and even the entire Southern God's Chosen forces in the long run.

After all, none of the current God's Chosen forces, whether they join the rebels or insist on protecting the emperor, hope that the Hongyu Empire can survive in the long run. If the Hongyu Empire does not collapse, where will the opportunities for those historical heroes come from?If the heroes don't leave the stage, where will the Chosen One get a chance?The only difference is when the empire will collapse!Therefore, in Wu Yi's heart, he didn't want the empire to obtain the Red Leaf City battlefield at all, which would curb the development of Calabash City for a long time.

"Not yet, but according to the information we have collected, Dongping City will definitely make big moves in the near future. The most important point is that the current Xue Rengui is really not Li Jing's opponent."

"This is the truth! I hope the coalition forces won't be defeated too quickly!"

Li Jing was a well-deserved No.1 general in the Tang Dynasty. Although Xue Rengui was also the top famous general in the Tang Dynasty, Xue Rengui was crushed by Li Jing in terms of commanding ability at this stage, and it was not easy to hold on.

"I advise you not to base your plan on luck." What Zhao Xueyin said was naturally Wu Yi's plan for Xiaguang City. Once Li Jing won in Hongye City, he would have no chance to attack Xiaguang City.

"I went to see Yunlin yesterday, and he also agreed to help with the operation at the top. Now the empire needs the news of victory to cheer people up. As long as we can really win Xiaguang City, the problem should not be too big."

Yunlin, the seat of Calabash City Academy, has helped to run down, and it is now under construction, and everything is proceeding according to plan, but the matter of Xiaguang City can't be delayed any longer. After the end of the Tower of Dominion, we have to start action.

After breakfast, Wu Yi took half an hour to read some important information gathered by the studio. After the previous expansion, the number of people in the Tianyan studio remained at [-]. After all, the information of Calabash City does not only rely on these For the Chosen One, information on towns and cities is mostly completed by Shi A's intelligence network, and the Chosen One is more about exploring and discovering.

It was close to nine o'clock when Wu Yi went online, and today was the opening time for the central shrine of the Tower of Dominion, and the fiercest competition was about to begin.

The team gathered on the praying platform early and waited. At nine o'clock sharp, Wu Yi used the qualification certificate leading to the central temple on time, and a group of nine people once again started the journey to the tower of dominion in a burst of golden light!
The three levels of "courage", "faith" and "festival" assigned by Wu Yi have a high probability of being a general. In this case, Wu Yi didn't bother at all, and directly spelled "brave".There is no shortage of generals in Calabash City, but there is no one who can truly fight!Xiao Maha's talent is very strong, but it is difficult to use in duels. He is more suitable for fighting on the battlefield. Once the talent stack is full, he will be like a demon king.

Therefore, choosing "Brave" is also in the interests of Calabash City, filling the vacancy in the field of generals.

Under the teleportation of the golden light, Wu Yi and his party directly appeared in the central temple, and other teams were teleported in at the same time.Just after the teleportation came in, everyone was on guard while looking at the opponents around them.

Seeing Wu Yi, the faces of everyone around him turned black, but Wu Yi's expression was a little weird. After looking around for a week, he only saw a team from Fengyulou. He was not familiar with the other teams, and the guilds were all ranked After [-] years, some of them were improvised.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand the reason. Who in the top ten guilds lacks generals?No!Every family has more or less one or two generals who can support the scene, especially for those like the Dynasty who took down Wu Yunzhao's family. What is really lacking are counselors!The same is true for Calabash City, it seems that the real competition should be the level of "wisdom"!There will be a strong team appearing in the three levels of "li", "benevolence", and "harmony" where counselors or internal affairs officials may appear.

Is this a scam?

At this time, Wu Yi was a little happy in his heart. Fengyulou was a member of the Seven Sins League. It was ranked No.17 in the guild ranking at the earliest. It has developed well recently, and it has improved two places in the latest ranking, reaching We got the No.15 place.And the Purgatory Guild, whose strength soared during this period of time, finally regained the top ten throne again, and successfully climbed to the tenth place.

The Purgatory Guild chose the word "benevolence" this time, and they don't know what kind of "surprise" they will encounter!
"Heretics, dare to break into the central temple, you will all be judged by the ruling god!"

In the center of the central temple, there is a group of ruling priests wearing divine robes. There are only thirty in number. These are probably gatekeepers specially arranged by the system to prevent "byes" in some teams.There is a huge golden throne behind the group of priests, and there is an exquisite treasure box on the throne. Needless to say, the scroll of conquest must be in that treasure box!

 The "mascot" for the protagonist will appear soon, but unfortunately, none of them guessed right, they all said it was a "mascot", so don't think about those capable people, there will definitely be a surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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