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Chapter 853 Famous generals subdue the scroll "Brave" - ​​Pan An?

Chapter 853 Famous generals subdue the scroll "Brave" - ​​Pan An?
"Clear Wu Yi first, otherwise no one will be able to get the scroll!"

When a group of ruling priests released their skills, the "Catching the Wind and Shadow" of the Fengyu Building roared at the same time, and shot the head bird. There is nothing to say, everyone understands this truth.However, almost at the same time as the sound of roaring, an arrow appeared very abruptly, and the tip of the arrow pointed directly at the temple.

The arrow came so suddenly and so fast that no one noticed that when the arrow hit Chasing Wind, his body instantly disappeared in a burst of bright white light. Then, the same white light appeared not far to the right. The reappeared Chu Feng Zhuying looked horrified, and seemed a little undecided.

At this time, the other people in the Central Temple realized that this was a sneak attack, and that arrow was too dark!The people in the Fengyu Building even protected the wind and shadow in the middle at the first time.The Tower of Dominion has the setting that if no player dies, the entire team will be disqualified.

Seeing this scene, Ma Zhong frowned slightly. His arrow triggered the effect of "Arrow in the Back". He was still very confident in attacking a God's Chosen. He didn't expect that there was a life-saving treasure on this person.

"May [-]st! It's you!" Chaufeng Zhuying stared at the direction of the Calabash City team with his eyes, whoever could shoot that arrow still have to guess?Ma Zhong is also a little famous in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", but as long as people who know him, it is not difficult to guess his talent.

No matter what happens among the Chosen Ones, they are all invaders to the ruling priests of the Central Temple!In the light of the gods, thirty ruling priests directly killed them, and they didn't care which side you belonged to.However, after Ma Zhong's arrow, all the teams in the central temple agreed to attack the Calabash City team.

"Hmph! Do you want to compete for numbers!" Wu Yi ignored the chasing glare and gave Concubine Xuerong a wink. There were seventeen or eight teams entering the central temple, but so what if they were besieged!Although the Tower of Dominion restricts the entry of holy-rank powerhouses, which makes Calabash City extremely passive, but in the competition of hundreds of masters, not a first-class general can complete the slaughter!

At this stage, there are still not many first-class generals in the hands of the chosen ones. There are many famous figures in history, but they are still in the growth stage.

Zhu Rong caused chaos in the audience with fiery flames. With a wicked smile on her face, Concubine Xue Rong poured out a mountain of bones from the space ring. Since the space of the central temple is not suitable for the battle of giants like bone dragons, Under the call of Concubine Xuerong, a large number of skeleton knights appeared in the temple.

Concubine Xue Rong was far from the only one with the ability to summon in the central temple. All kinds of summoned creatures appeared one after another, causing the originally empty central temple to become a mess in an instant.However, the combat ability of summoned creatures is limited. Except for elite individuals like the Balrog, which are directly linked to the strength of the summoner, the summoned creatures like the rest of the arms rely on numbers.

The singing of the guardian war song reverberated in the central temple. The bonus of the war song to Zhu Rong and others was not obvious, but it could increase the combat effectiveness of the skeleton knight by several percent.The Wind and Rain Building led a loose temporary alliance to resist the impact of the Skeleton Knights, but most of them were people who wanted to fish in troubled waters. Why did they have to eliminate all the enemies in the Central Temple?Just get the treasure chest on the golden throne, isn't it all right?

The [-] ruling priests did not know when they were lying flat in the scuffle. At this time, those who are close to the golden throne will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism, but even so, there are still people who rush up one after another, even if they help Fengfenglou to clear the Calabash City. , They also can't get the scroll of conquest, and if they try their luck at this time, the probability of success will undoubtedly be higher.

This alliance is more fragile than imagined. Ma Zhong's arrow is like the call of the god of death. Only the strong with famous general attributes or some special professions have a certain ability to protect themselves, or it is not so easy to be killed by an arrow. But the threat is still the greatest, and his ability is getting closer and closer to the direction of "God Killer".

Lu Xiangyun directly tore a spatial rift in front of the golden throne. Without strength or intelligence over [-], it is impossible to break through easily. Shi Wansui stood in front of the spatial rift with a horse, blocking the master.Lu Xiangyun's Space Blade, Wu Yi's Five Thunder God Sword Jue, and Zhu Rong's Divine Fire are simply powerful weapons for clearing the field. Concubine Xue Rong began to cast a curse after summoning three hundred skeleton knights. The blood curse is sealing her ability to recover blood At the same time, the treatment effect is also greatly weakened.

No pressure at all!
"Are you all idiots! Kill the people in Calabash City first, otherwise how could you rush over!" Chu Fengzhuoying was about to go mad with anger, this group of people were completely pigs in his eyes!

Just as Zhuofengzhuying was roaring crazily, a black feather arrow passed through the melee crowd and hit him directly between the eyebrows, instantly killing him!

Without the life-saving treasure, it is impossible for him to avoid Ma Zhong's back arrow, and he has no first-class generals around him, so he must die!

There were fewer and fewer people in the central temple. After seeing no hope, many teams retreated silently to the corners and chose to leave the instance. Wu Yi and others protected him, but everything was in vain.At this time, apart from the broken bones and corpses in the central temple, there were only nine people from Calabash City left.

——System: Congratulations, you have met the conditions for obtaining the God-given Treasure Chest. The God-given Treasure Chest will open in 30 seconds.

"Huh?" Hearing the system's notification sound, Wu Yi froze for a moment. It seems that it is impossible to steal a chicken. The treasure chest will only be opened when there is only one team left in the central temple. The concern is completely unnecessary. In this case, if there is no ability to crush the overall situation, cooperation is indeed the only way.If the Wind and Rain Building was replaced by any one of the top ten guilds this time, Wu Yi would have a very difficult time. However, if it was the top ten guilds, it would be even more impossible for the other teams present to deal with Calabash City together. Possibly higher!

At this time, Wu Yi's mood was extremely excited, there was finally another general in Calabash City!Wu Yi doesn't expect this kind of dungeon to "send" top generals directly, as long as he has first-class potential, he will make a lot of money.


The god-bestowed treasure chest opened automatically, and inside was a dark golden scroll with mysterious texture and exquisite texture.

But the names of historical celebrities marked on the scroll are...

Famous General Conquering Scroll "Yong" Scroll (Special): With this scroll, you can gain the allegiance of Pan An, a famous historical figure.

Pan An?This is the "courage" scroll? Is there a bug?

(End of this chapter)

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