The best lord of online games

Chapter 854 Surprising celebrities from all walks of life

Chapter 854 Surprising celebrities from all walks of life

Looking at the explanation on the "Yong" scroll, Wu Yi was completely dumbfounded, Pan An!Nima, isn't that a beautiful boy with a long history!Not to mention anything else, if it is said that Pan An has no power to restrain a chicken, there should be no objection. The target of subjugation given by the "Yong" scroll is actually him!How can this prevent Wu Yi from going crazy, Pan An has something to do with "Yong", is it an antonym?

At this moment, Wu Yi felt that he was being molested by the system!
What is the use of Pan An?Let him lead the army?Let him make suggestions?Wu Yi didn't have the guts, but he already got the scroll of conquest, if he didn't want it, Wu Yi would not be reconciled, so he took it first and had a look, and if it didn't work, he would throw it in the city to help him retire!
In addition to some simple introductions to the scroll of the famous general, there is also a tracking map attached at the back. It will be located every hour. Looking at the current location, Pan An should be in the northern Pegasus City.

"What's going on with you?" Wu Yi received a message from Zhao Ziyun as soon as he stepped into the teleportation formation. His speed at the word "courage" is not fast. In some cases, the end time of each level will not be too long, and there is no complicated plot, it depends on who can persist until the end.

"Just finished, I took a funny scroll, how about you? Have you got the scroll?"

"Paralyzed, I actually took Dong Zhuo, who did you take?"

"Pan An!" Seeing the word "Dong Zhuo", Wu Yi also wanted to laugh, Zhao Ziyun entered the "Zhi" level, give Dong Zhuo... But Dong Fatty in the early period of the Three Kingdoms is still quite powerful.

"Who?" Zhao Ziyun sent another message,
"That beautiful boy from the Western Jin Dynasty, Pan An!"

"Fuck! What the hell are they!"

"The celebrities given by the Tower of Dominion this time seem to have nothing to do with the words set in the level. They are all fake tricks and selling dog meat."

"It doesn't matter, it's just the other way around!" Zhao Ziyun couldn't complain anymore, what kind of thing is it to enter the "wisdom" level and give it to Dong Zhuo!Originally, he thought that if it was the other way around, then the "Yong" pass would probably give a counselor. He also thought about bleeding, and exchanged Dong Erwa in his hand for the counselor's subduing scroll in Wu Yi's hand, but Nima It was Pan An, and he immediately lost his mind.

"Where is Judgment and Sister Wu? Is there a result?" Judgment Wing finally entered the "benevolence" level, and Wu Jiutian entered the "loyalty" level. No matter what you give, as long as you can win, you can be promoted the strength of the alliance.

"The ruling was unlucky. I bumped into the people competing in the Central Plains and pounced. However, Brother Jin didn't keep it secret after he got the scroll. The scroll in his hand was for subduing Hou Jing."

Hou Jing!This is the person who has the title of the most powerful general in history, the general of the universe!This is completely different from the Galaxy Shooter, Changbanpo God of War, etc. This is recorded in history!But Hou Jing really has nothing to do with "benevolence". With these three cases, Wu Yi has a little idea of ​​what kind of people will come out of the other seven levels.

However, compared to Dong Zhuo and Hou Jing, Pan An doesn't seem to have any extraordinary abilities, but he is also a big celebrity after all, and the system can't make a waste out of it, so Pan An's ability is very likely to be similar to that of a historical beauty.

"This range is too big. When will we find it?" Wu Yi felt a little headache when he looked at the positioning map attached to the scroll. The red light spot for positioning only appeared once every hour, and each time lasted for 3 minutes. For a while, the map was just blurred lines.Wu Yi arrived at Pegasus City, but wanted to determine Pan An's exact location, so he could only wait for 3 minutes of the next hour. If he was unlucky, he might not be able to find anyone after a whole day!
Now that he has arrived in Pegasus City, Wu Yi simply went to the Emerald Building. Zhao Xiaochu's nephew, Zhao Wenbin, has been learning cooking here. He is now a senior chef. No.2.However, in Wu Yi's view, the grievances between him and Zhao Xiaochu are all caused by the rebellious heart of young people.

However, since Zhao Xiaochu didn't want to restrain Zhao Wenbin's growth, Wu Yi didn't force it either. In Wu Yi's view, this Zhao Wenbin would arrive in Calabash City sooner or later.

In the Emerald Building, Wu Yi asked for a seat with the best view, and casually gave Zhao Wenbin some small gifts in the name of Zhao Xiaochu.

"Boss Wuyi, thank you so much this time, I got the scroll!" While Wu Yi was sipping tea boredly in the Emerald Building, Yan Yan's news finally arrived.Nanshan Nursing Home chose the word "li". There are nine people in the team, except for Yan Yan and Lin Chong, the other seven are "hired" at high prices. If they fail, Nanshan Nursing Home will lose even a large sum of money. up.

"Oh? Congratulations, who is on the scroll?" Wu Yi propped his chin with his left hand, and the smile on his face became even wider. Just yesterday, Zhao Xueyin completed the negotiation with Nanshan Nursing Home, and added 30 yuan with some game resources. Received [-]% of the shares of the guild.

"An Lushan!"

Anlu Mountain?present?
This combination made Wu Yi really unable to bear it, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little. The combination of the two made Nima feel happy!Think about "The Claw of Anlu Mountain", this is a magical skill!
However, it’s fun to be angry, An Lushan is still good. After all, there was only one Lin Chong in the Nanshan Nursing Home. It cost a lot of money for this copy. In terms of commanding troops, An Lushan is much better than Lin Chong. The only thing to watch out for is the person's loyalty.

"This wave of towers of dominance has been completely sucked in. It's really difficult to choose the tower of dominance next month!" Wu Yi looked at the gorgeously dressed pedestrians on the street and muttered to himself.

Not long after, good news came from Wu Jiutian. She entered the "loyalty" level, and the scroll she finally obtained was Pan Renmei, the treacherous minister who had robbed the generals of the Yang family so much in the novel!However, that was just a romance. Pan Renmei was Pan Mei in the official history, and she was a famous general and a loyal minister in the Song Dynasty.Now that Pan Renmei is out, Pan Mei should not appear in "The Prosperous Age", and his ability should be neutralized between the two.

If you want to know which guild information is the best to inquire about, it is undoubtedly the League of Seven Sins. The guild formed by seven forces has too complicated personnel, and there are many hidden dangers inside. Get the information out.

The League of Seven Sins is mainly attacking the word "He" this time, and what they get is the reining scroll of Mi Heng of the Three Kingdoms. This is a famous big troll. It is hard to imagine what his ability will be. Could it be that before the two armies go to war? , Let him spray first to lower the morale of the enemy?

The topic on the forum about the Tower of Dominion will be quite lively!
(End of this chapter)

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