The best lord of online games

Chapter 855 Historical beauty + historical beauty =?

Chapter 855 Historical beauty + historical beauty =?

Not as expected by Wu Yi, when the positioning map in his hand had a response again, the forum had already been copied because of a piece called "The Gathering of Strange Flowers and Celebrities in the Tower of Ruler".

This post was sent by Baitongmen, so there is no need to doubt the authenticity of it. As long as it is not a famous player that the major forces plan to use to suppress the bottom of the box, everyone will sell Baitongmen to save face, and only announce the name of the celebrity, and then Not the entire property panel is published.Therefore, all ten celebrities from the Tower of Dominion are listed in this post, which makes people who hang out on the forum blow up in an instant.

Righteousness - Anlu Mountain
Ren - Hou Jing

Righteousness——Qin Hui

Wisdom - Dong Zhuo

Letter - Xu You

Loyalty - Pan Mei

Filial piety - Guo Kai
Festival - Wu Sangui
Yong - Pan An

And - Mi Heng

"Blind my dog's eyes! What the hell are these!"

"These people are so happy!"

"By the way, who is Guo Kai? I haven't heard of it at all, which dynasty?"

"At the end of the Warring States period, Zhao Guokeng was wiped out!"

"Pray for the psychological shadow area of ​​the forces that got these celebrities to take over the scrolls at this time!"

"Not to mention anything else, since Qin Hui, Pan An, and Mi Heng will be released, there will definitely be some special abilities, maybe they will be very strong!"

"I agree with this statement. With Pan An's appearance, it is definitely no problem to use the beauty trick, and it will definitely attract countless homosexuals. If you want to see who is not pleasing to the eye, just let Mi Heng go to spray it. It will definitely make the opponent face Congested, upset, unable to control himself. But Qin Hui’s words, I’m sorry I don’t have enough brains, I really can’t think of any use, to kill myself?”

"I also organized a sightseeing team to go to the Tower of Dominion, but the difference in strength is too great, but seeing these ten celebrities, I feel relieved!"

The replies below the post were all about complaining, gloating, and watching the show. Since watching the excitement is not a big deal, this post with little content became popular in a short period of time.

At this time, Wu Yi finally found Pan An in the east city of Pegasus City. What Wu Yi didn't expect was that Pan An still had a high reputation in Pegasus City.

"I have seen the lord!"

——System: "Historical Handsome Man" Pan An joins Calabash City and rewards him with [-] prestige in the territory.

Pan An:

Race: Terran

Identity: Citizen of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: Famous

Title: Historical handsome man - +20% attractiveness to refugees, +20% attractiveness to female talents with special skills, +10% attraction to territorial people.

Talent: Learned wealth and five cars - the success rate of all research projects in the territory +10%, the learning ability of the leaders +10%, the attraction to scholars is doubled, and the effect of the Cangshu Pavilion +50%.

Specialties: Reciting poems and composing poems - greatly improving the comfort of the people in the territory, strengthening the learning atmosphere in the territory, and continuously improving the popularity of the territory.

Occupation: Scholar

Deputy: Papermaker (Master)

Level: Level 9

System: 0
Wu: 0
Wisdom: 60
Politics: 60
As Wu Yi expected, Pan An's attribute settings are very similar to historical beauties, especially the title, but the title of historical beauties is attractive to talents regardless of gender, and the attractiveness of "beautiful men" to talents has increased tenfold. A percentage point, but only for female talents, although it seems that the statistics are not bad, but Nima female talents are much less than males, especially for historical celebrities, it depends on attracting a particularly outstanding beauty... It's too hard!

However, Pan An is different from Wei Zifu, Li Shishi, and Gongsun Auntie. He has almost no combat power and no exclusive arms. From the perspective of attributes, he is a pure "mascot". The extension is quite awesome!However, like Wei Zifu who has the "Song of Prayer for Heaven", Li Shishi also has the special skill of "Song of Prayer for Heaven" that can strengthen the territory, while Pan An does not.

——System: Calabash City has "historical beauties" and "historical beauties" settled down, and activates the special territory title "Peerless Allure".

——System: The environmental rating of Calabash City was successfully promoted to "Outstanding People", and the prestige of the territory increased by 30.

——System: Calabash City's reputation has been successfully promoted to "Famous".

While Wu Yi was researching Pan An's attributes, Wu Yi was stunned by another series of system information. Who would have thought that a historical beauty plus a historical beauty would be able to unlock the special title of the territory!
Peerless allure - the birth rate of the lord's new population +25%, the territorial environment value +25%, the attraction to refugees +25%, and the attraction to special talents +25%. (With the increase of historical handsome men and historical beauties in the territory, the title attribute will also increase accordingly.)
Nima, this title also has the effect of sending a child Guanyin!However, although ordinary children in the game grow very fast, it takes half a year to grow from a baby to the level of conscription. The way for the Chosen to quickly improve the character of the territory has always been plundering!For example, Calabash City recruited bandits, recruited water thieves, recruited pirates, forcibly relocated the population of Calabash City, bought "black households"... a series of methods were used, which allowed Calabash City to have a large population as support in a short period of time.

However, this special title has a string of "25%" added, and the effect has undoubtedly exceeded the bonus of a single title of "Historical Handsome Man" or "Historical Beauty".In particular, the "territory environment value +25%" is especially critical for Calabash City.

The environmental rating of Calabash City had reached the level of "Xanadu" early on, and no matter how hard we worked, we couldn't go any further. This time, the title of "Peerless Allure" directly allowed Calabash City to break through this bottleneck, and even made Calabash City's The prestige level has also increased by one level.

A high environmental rating has a stronger effect than a territory's prestige. It can not only increase the attractiveness to refugees and special talents, but also enhance the living comfort of the citizens, thereby achieving the effect of improving people's hearts.Moreover, in addition to these hidden attributes, "Outstanding People" also has a special attribute.

Outstanding Talents: Increase the chances of leaders to comprehend talents, specialties, and skills.

At the time of "Xanadu", there were no special attributes, only a unified hidden bonus.The current Calabash City is not weaker than a first-class city in terms of influence in all aspects, the difference is only the city level. In terms of environment, looking at the entire Hongyu Empire, there are only Baihua City and Pegasus City can be compared with it.

It looks good, but it can actually increase the environmental value of the territory, damn, is this the legendary improvement of the city's appearance?

Pan An's own attributes are not complicated, but his importance to Calabash City far exceeds that of a top-notch strategist!Of course, if there is only one Pan An and no historical beauty activates the hidden effect together, the effect will not be so exaggerated!
However, Wu Yi got Pan An this time, undoubtedly making a lot of money!There are few beauties in history, but there are even fewer people known as beautiful men in history. Now he is the only one who knows the secret, which makes Wu Yi unable to help but want to "monopoly" all the beautiful men in history.

(End of this chapter)

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