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Chapter 906 Miniature Tower of Dominion

Chapter 906 Miniature Tower of Dominion
The navy of Calabash City blocked the coastline in the northern part of the East China Sea, holding an imperial ban and prohibiting all ships from passing. Relying on this blockade ban, the caravans of Calabash City became popular in the north, amassing countless wealth, and attracting countless forces. With jealousy, the Underworld Temple is also carrying out their small actions under the cover of this general situation.At the same time, a group of pirates composed of sea monsters raided the coast of Rising Sun City, burned, killed, looted, and left with one blow, leaving a large area of ​​salt factories abandoned. The East China Sea Fleet dispatched three or four times, but failed to catch this Pirate's tail.

Compared with the inaction of the East Sea Fleet, the West Sea Fleet achieved a great victory, driving the arrogant siren to the deep sea. Under the hype of the empire, Zhou Yu seemed to become the double star of the empire alongside Yue Fei!

However, those who know the inside story can feel the weirdness of this. The strength of the West Sea Siren is even greater than that of the East China Sea. At the critical moment when the Siren King has broken through the seal, the Siren actually retreated. Could there be any tricks in this?
However, no matter what the Kraken's plans are, Zhou Yu's reputation can be regarded as "blowing", but these have nothing to do with Wu Yi, he has been "retreating" in Calabash City recently, making talismans, setting up formations, and attacking the double masters!The array mage is fine, no matter what, he is also a person who can play array diagrams, and there are famous teachers around, so the master is not difficult, but his talisman-making foundation is too poor, and he was scolded by Mingying for a few days, but he is only an advanced level.

"My lord, Grand Duke Yunlin sent a secret letter."

The housekeeper, Ye Li, opened the door and walked into the study. Wu Yi just finished drawing a piece of "Five Ghosts Tribulation Luck Talisman". He was lucky to succeed. With his level as a senior talisman master, the chance of success for this kind of high-level talisman is only one percent. into about.

Five Ghosts Lucky Talisman: Make the target's hit -15%, dodge -15%, there is a certain chance that the attack will fail, and lasts for 30 seconds.

"Yunlin's letter! Hmph!" Wu Yi knew what was written in the letter without reading it. It has been more than half a month since Wei Qing led the army to attack Baoyue City. By the time Cao Cao had already gained a firm foothold in Baoyue City.Fortunately, the fight between Wei Qing and Cao Ren wasn't too fake, otherwise Yunlin might have accused Men Xingshi in the morning.

Sure enough, when the letter was opened, it was full of Yunlin's urging words. After all, this method cannot be delayed for too long, unless both of them are willing to pay a greater price for this fake show!

At present, many of Calabash City's external diplomatic relations are maintained on his status as a loyal minister, such as Zhenhai City, such as Yue Fei. Once he loses this status, the current good situation in Calabash City will be gone!The most important thing is the attitude of Zhenhai City. Once there is a gap between them, their maritime alliance will collapse directly. Not to mention the threat of the sea monster, I am afraid that they will directly go to war with Zhenhai City!
This matter has to be discussed with Cao Cao!
"By the way, my lord, the tower of dominion has been completed today, do you want to go and see it?"

"Oh, the Tower of Dominion is complete?"

It's finally finished!This miniature tower of dominion took much longer than the original Ares Palace, and of course, the project was much vaster.I hope that the attributes of this divine tower will not disappoint his expectations.

Wu Yi put down the letter and walked out of the study. This matter won't last long, and Yunlin must be paid a price, perhaps Boss Cao must make some sacrifices, who made his current strength not as good as Calabash City!If Wu Yi had to make a choice between Cao Cao and Zhenhai City, he would definitely fight Cao Cao without hesitation. There was no way, who would let Zhenhai City still occupy a dominant position in the East China Sea now!
As soon as you walk out of the study room, you don’t need to leave the Marquis’s Mansion at all. Just look up and you will be able to see the ruling tower to the west. The miniature ruling tower was built in the center of the city, and its scale is only about one-fifteenth of the genuine one in the ancient city of Chongsheng. It looks the same, but there is a sea of ​​clouds in the Calabash City, and the sea of ​​clouds in the sky is churning, which is far "lower" than the sky in other places. The body of the tower runs through the sea of ​​clouds, and everyone can't help but be amazed for a moment when they see it for the first time.

Miniature Tower of Dominion: The "command" potential of all generals in the territory +10%, and the popularity of the people in the territory +30%.Comes with skills "Seal of God's Word", "Spell Barrier", and "Government of Light".

Seal of Divine Words—can apply a seal of divine words to targets that have lost their combat effectiveness, and seal talents, specialties, domains, levels, attributes of famous generals, attacks, and skills for fifteen days.

Magic enchantment - strengthen the city's enchantment, strength +50%, restore 5% of the enchantment's durability every minute, and all city defenses are immune to 20% damage from siege equipment.

Divine light of dominion—blesses all soldiers and civilians in the city with divine light of dominion, immune to panic, immune to low morale, immune to negative states by 75%, combat power of soldiers +25%, stamina consumption -50%, and has a certain chance of being immune to damage.Lasts for 72 hours, with a 30-day interval between skills.

As expected!
The attributes of the Miniature Tower of Dominion are much simpler than those of the God of War Palace, but the attributes are very important to Calabash City!
For example, "General Command Potential +10%", although this attribute is not as direct as the Light of the God of War, but the increase of the power of the Light of the God of War is equivalent to overdrawing the potential of the general or realizing the potential of the general in terms of force in advance, which is similar to increasing the potential It is completely two concepts.

This is like if Wei Qing's command potential is 100, then as long as Wei Qing survives, even if he doesn't invest any resources, he will always realize this potential, but the length of time is hard to determine, it may be ten years or twenty years.Potential increased by 20%, although it will not make Wei Qing's final command increase to more than 10, after all, [-] is the limit for famous general attributes, but the extra potential will speed up Wei Qing's growth rate in command.

In the past, Wu Yi wasn't sure whether Wei Qing's command could grow to 10 in the end, but now with this [-]% bonus, there is absolutely no problem!Not only Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Geng Yan, Wang Meng and other top figures will also increase their leadership growth rate by more than one level.

In addition to the bonus of command potential, the three skills attached to the miniature tower of dominion are all excellent. Among them, the "spell barrier" is exactly the attribute that Wu Yi guessed at the beginning. It strengthens the barrier of city defense and weakens the siege equipment of the siege party. The damage to the city defense buildings, there is a skill, and the Gourd City can be said to be impenetrable. As long as you don't use the "nuclear weapon" of the level of the Sea Emperor Cannon, the difficulty of capturing the Gourd City is at least several times that of before.

Coupled with a "ruling light", even Zhenhai City cannot pose a threat to Calabash City, and the East China Sea Fleet cannot enter the "little ditch" of the Rose River in a large scale!But there is no way for Ghost Crab Island. Ghost Crab Island is absolutely unable to resist the anger of Zhenhai City.

The skill "Seal of God's Word" is quite interesting. It has no strength limit. That is to say, even a demigod can seal it, but if the target loses combat power... this skill still has a lot of room for operation.

(End of this chapter)

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