The best lord of online games

Chapter 907 Snow Disaster

Chapter 907 Snow Disaster

Thin snowflakes flew up from the gray sky. It is now halfway through October, and snow is not uncommon. Many places in the north are covered with snow all year round, but this is the southeast coast of the empire, even if it is cold winter In the twelfth lunar month, there is no possibility of snow here, so there is only one possibility.

Snowstorm is coming!

The snowstorm ravaging the entire Hongyu Empire is coming!
The south is about to enter the most terrifying winter in history, and the territory must hurry up to prepare winter clothes. Let alone Calabash City, the entire southern city of the empire has no winter clothes reserves.

This is a good reason!This natural disaster will cause all wars, not only in the south, but the situation in the north will definitely be more severe. Yue Fei's dedication to serving the country will end without a problem. The south just lacks supplies for the cold winter. Even if the ground is covered with snow, it will not be impassable. , but the north is miserable. A snow disaster of this scale, unless it is a god, no matter how strong a strategist is, it will be powerless to change the sky. If the war in the north cannot end in a short period of time, it will have to wait until the snow disaster is over. With the current empire Is it possible for the troops deployed in the north and the strength of Xuerong City to come to an end in the short term?
This kind of snow disaster has also appeared in the history of the Hongyu Empire, and it is quite terrifying, far surpassing natural disasters such as floods, droughts, insect plagues, and earthquakes.The reason for buying supplies to resist the snow disaster was enough to hold Yunlin back for a while. At the same time, this once-in-a-thousand-year snow disaster also contained huge business opportunities.

The south has no supplies to survive the cold winter, but the north has no shortage!With the snowstorm, the grain production in the north is almost wiped out, and livestock will also be hit hard. Although the production in the south will also be reduced, the impact of the disaster is far less severe than that in the north. In addition to the reserves in various places, if the two parties resell it, it will be a huge profit. !

There must be a lot of people who can see the business opportunities, and there are quite a few people who have the ability to be a loser, but there is absolutely no one who can compete with Calabash City in terms of transportation capacity!In addition, now he is stuck on the sea route leading to the North from the East China Sea... I think there should be many people who give up the door recently!
"I'm going to get rich!"

Wu Yi is in a good mood. Although this sudden snowstorm will have a considerable impact on the development of Calabash City, from the perspective of the general trend, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. What's more, the development is limited, and everyone is limited. He is the Hulucheng family.


"Mr. Zhang, is there really no other way?"

In the handsome tent, Yue Fei was like an ant on a hot pot. Since September, the climate in the north has dropped rapidly, so the army had prepared winter clothes early. Today, the sudden heavy snowfall did not make him flustered, but It was endless at once, which made Yue Fei, who was eager to eradicate Xuerong City and calm down the north, couldn't sit still.

In order to pacify the north as soon as possible, Yue Fei repeatedly recruited and replaced people, and finally suppressed the rebels. In two months at most, if the Temple of the Underworld does not directly intervene in the battlefield, Xuerong City will be defeated.In previous years, starting from September, all parts of the north would enter the snow season one after another, but in the war zone they are in now, even if it snows, it will not be too exaggerated. Although it will have an impact, they can still fight.

but now……

"Marshal Yue, I can understand your current mood, but within seven days, seven days at most, this snow disaster will bury the entire northern grassland, and then it will be beyond human power!" Zhang Liang smiled wryly. How did this kind of natural disaster that spread across the country change?

"Seven days? How can seven days be enough!" Yue Fei sat weakly on the commander's seat. Even if all the soldiers of the rebel army retreated now, it would be impossible to take down Xuerong City in just seven days!No matter how much effort you put in if you can't conquer Xuerong City, it will be in vain.

"It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen!"

When the snowstorm breaks out to its peak, all land-based units are completely meaningless. Only the air force can withstand the snowstorm, but only the air force can't attack the city at all. At this time, even if the strategy explodes, it is useless. .

"Actually, this snowstorm didn't affect us much, but it was beneficial." At this time, Ban Chao smiled and said.

"How do you say that?" Yue Fei turned his gaze to the deputy commander in chief. When Zhang Liang heard what Ban Chao said, he seemed to understand.

"The snowstorm makes us unable to fight here, so it will definitely be more serious at the Extreme North Fortress. We will not be able to take down Xuerong City as originally planned, but the Extreme North Fortress will not be in danger! On the contrary, this snowstorm makes the fortress more serious. Xuerong City has become a fox city. As long as the sea line blockade to the east remains, after this snow disaster, the supplies of Xuerong City will have been exhausted long ago, right? The foundation of the Underworld Temple is indeed strong, but The high-end power they have mastered, if you talk about all kinds of treasures, they definitely don't lack, but the basic materials... Haha!"

"That's right! Why didn't I think of this!" After hearing Ban Chao's words, Yue Fei's eyes lit up. The first priority of the temple is to snatch the faith, and the second is to collect money, basic materials?The temple has always been enough, and it has never been hoarded, not to mention that some of the cards in the temple of the underworld are undead, and the food eaten by the undead is different from that of the human army.

"Now we only need to stick to the line of defense, and at the same time mobilize a large number of supplies, and trap and trap this group of rebels to death!"

"It's best to issue a mission and let the God's Chosen help to collect it. The empire's stored materials have been invested too much on our side, and we can't empty out the foundation of the empire. Those God's Chosen are quite rich. Compared with these Cheap materials, they value merit more.”

"Nice! That's a great idea!"

After a few words, the two marshals, the chief and the deputy, have already set the next battle policy. Behind Yue Fei stands the entire Hongyu Empire. The more serious the natural disaster, the greater his relative advantage!
"I remember that the power blocking the east coast seems to have turned into Calabash City, right?" This plan is undoubtedly the best at the moment. Zhang Liang has no objections, but he is worried about other aspects.

"Yes, I am familiar with the Lord Wuyi of Calabash City!" Yue Fei nodded with a smile. After figuring out the joints, the previous anxiety has been swept away. The location is stationed in Bingcheng, and it consumes with the rebels.As long as they survived the past few days, under the blizzard that followed, the rebels would be powerless to harass their defenses.

"Marshal, although the Marquis of Wuyi has made great achievements, he is a chosen one after all. We can't take the risk."

As long as you are the chosen one, you may change in the face of absolute interests!

"For this matter, I will go to Calabash City myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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