The best lord of online games

Chapter 930 Scarlet Phoenix also has chickens

Chapter 930 Scarlet Phoenix also has chickens

Forests of green trees, clusters of flowers, flying butterflies, and a huge rainbow in the sky that never seems to disperse, just like a world in a fairy tale.

"Sure enough, it's Zijiu Island! It doesn't just have the same name, but the intelligent creatures on this island should be protected by the Divinity Beast, right? Someone dares to play the role of the Divinity Beast!"

"However, the place where it appeared this time should not be attacked by the natives, right?" Looking at the huge ancient sycamore tree in front of him, Wu Yi muttered to himself.This huge ancient sycamore tree is completely dead, but it can still be said to be a treasure for creatures with the blood of the phoenix.

At the same time that a group of people appeared very abruptly, three dazzling scarlet phoenixes flew down from the plane tree in the distance.Compared with the giant dragon, the image of the red phoenix is ​​more in line with Wu Yi's aesthetics. Although this is not a real phoenix, there are probably many people who have the same idea as him, and the national plot is at work.

"The Chosen One who represents justice, welcome to the ancient land of the Holy Phoenix. I am Yanming, the elder of the Scarlet Phoenix Clan!" The leader of the Scarlet Phoenix Clan, the wing feathers and tail feathers, are both golden. Obviously, the Scarlet Phoenix Clan has extremely noble dignity. Status, elders, and I don't know what the power structure of the Scarlet Phoenix Clan is like, and what is the highest authority called!However, none of the three scarlet phoenixes appeared in human form, so Wu Yi and his party had to fly up when facing them.

"Elder Yanming, it is difficult for me to get the Scarlet Phoenix Clan, so I came here specially, hoping to do my part."

"Thank you! Everyone, please come with the old man, and the details will be resolved in Lihuo Palace!"

There is a huge golden palace on the top of the ancient phoenix tree. There are not many scarlet phoenixes flying around the ancient phoenix tree, but there are quite a lot of three-color mandarin birds.Wu Yi and his party followed the three scarlet phoenixes to the Lihuo Palace. As for the two flightless historical beauties, they were led by two dragon knights. With Lei Ming's figure, they had no problem carrying everyone.

The Lihuo Hall is very large, and there are large reliefs of phoenix-type beasts on the surface. It is even more shocking than the Red Lotus Hall that Wu Yi saw on Dragon God Island. With the ability of the Scarlet Phoenix Clan, it should not be able to play this thing. It is very likely. It was left by the Phoenix family.

——System: You are suppressed by the "Phoenix Domain" of Lihuo Temple, your combat power -50%, upper limit of life -50%, casting speed -85%.

"This..." A group of people are at least five miles away from the ancient parasol tree, so they are covered by the domain?And it's the effect attached to Lihuo Temple, a building with its own domain, this is the first time Wu Yi has seen it.He is not the only one affected by the field, the whole team has been recruited, but according to different strengths, the weakening received is also different. He has the lowest level and the lowest attributes of famous generals. Obviously, the suppression is also the strongest. Basically, it can be said that, In this field, he is a complete waste.

"Sorry, I forgot about this! Everyone, this is the 'Divine Phoenix Token'. As long as you wear this item, you will not be affected by the Fire Palace." Twelve wooden tokens engraved with phoenix patterns were drawn from his paws.
Divine Phoenix Order (Special): Immune to the suppression effect of "Divine Phoenix Domain".

Did you really forget?Nima, wouldn't this be an understatement?But it's not good for Wu Yi to get angry on this matter, he is here to do the task, if there is a estrangement with the Scarlet Phoenix Clan on this matter, it will be really funny.However, Wu Yi's heart is full of worries, not to mention other things, just the awesome existence of Lihuo Palace can support an army, it's good, it can also force the Scarlet Phoenix Clan to ask for help, how strong is the enemy? to what extent?The difficulty of this task is much higher than he expected, and the hope of completing it is slim!

After entering the Lihuo Palace, sitting on the throne, the scarlet phoenix is ​​very small, only twice the size of an ordinary falcon, and there are three red phoenixes with similar appearances under Yanming, but it is very easy to distinguish them. Look at the crown The color of the feather is fine.

so small?
Wu Yi and others all set their sights on the little Scarlet Phoenix on the throne. This should be the ruler of the Scarlet Phoenix Clan. However, this... No matter how you look at the combat power, it is difficult to make people feel at ease.

"The chosen one, this is the emperor of our Scarlet Phoenix Clan, the Scarlet Emperor!"

Scarlet Phoenix?Red Emperor?
"God's Chosen One from the Human Empire, the emperor has received the order of the beast, thank you for coming from afar to help our Scarlet Phoenix Clan."

"At the beginning, I was lucky enough to see the god beast. However, with the master god beast in charge, what kind of enemy dares to invade the Chihuang family?" This is Wu Yi's most concerned question. First find out the strength of the enemy, which is the current situation The essential.

"The mythical beast is not in Ziji Island now!"

"Ah!" So it is!Has the beast left its nest?In other words, now at least it can be determined that the other party will not appear at the level of a beast, otherwise it will not make any sense to rely on the twelve of them alone.

"That's right! The evil time-space phantom took advantage of the absence of the god beast and planned to steal the blood of my Scarlet Phoenix family. We will never bow our heads." The voice of the Scarlet Emperor was very pleasant, soft and waxy, like A little girl in her teens sounds very comfortable, without the majesty that an emperor should have. Moreover, the biggest problem is that she didn't get to the point after talking for a long time.

"Space-time phantoms are extremely strange and special monsters. They are completely immune to the influence of the domain, and at the same time have extremely high resistance to flames, strong winds, holy light, and toxins. In terms of ability, they almost restrain our Scarlet Phoenix family to death So, I have to rely on Your Excellency a lot on this matter." Yan Ming couldn't help but interjected to explain.

Flames, strong winds, holy light, toxins, that is to say... the Scarlet Phoenix family is like a chicken in front of the time-space phantom?Scarlet Phoenix has the blood of the phoenix, the strongest ability is naturally the flame, and the bird feathers mostly have the wind ability, both of which are restrained, should they rush forward and use their claws?Peck with a bird?However, if it is immune to the domain, Lihuo Temple will have no defensive effect.

This news is neither good nor bad for Wu Yi. For this reason, the role that the Scarlet Phoenix Clan can play in the war is extremely limited, but the enemy's combat power is not as strong as Wu Yi feared before. As a result, the fighting power of the Scarlet Phoenix Clan was compressed, and the role of their group in the great war was amplified.

Anyway, at least it's not bad news!

However, not only the Scarlet Phoenix Clan was suppressed, but Wu Yi also suffered miserably, such as Zhu Rong!At least [-]% of her combat power is in the range of flames. Now she is crippled and can only use physical damage to fight. There is also Lei Ming. He is a fire dragon, and most of his skills are sealed. His physique is strong, and he is not afraid of going head-on.

"Definitely! The inferior people will definitely try their best to stop the time-space phantom."

(End of this chapter)

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