Chapter 931
He has a general understanding of the space-time phantom Wu Yi and others, but he is surprised by the number of the Scarlet Phoenix Clan, two hundred!The entire Scarlet Phoenix Clan actually only has two hundred!

In other words, as long as a hundred of them die, Wu Yi's mission will be considered abolished.He didn't know how many time-space phantoms would be, the fewer the number of red phoenixes, the greater the risk for him!Fortunately, at that time, there will be a thousand three-color mandarin birds attached to the Chihuang clan to participate in the battle, but these three-color mandarin birds are wind attributes, and they still can't play much role in the battle, but they are used as red phoenixes. Phoenix's "meat shield" is an excellent choice. Anyway, the mission has no restrictions on these three-color mandarin birds, even if they die, it will not affect them.

Time and space phantoms would appear around the Lihuo Temple from time to time in the first two days, but when Wu Yi saw it, it was dark!
The shape of the time-space phantom is somewhat similar to a materialized shadow, floating slowly in the air, it looks quite strange, and it has the ability of space, and it is all elusive. For this reason, the Scarlet Phoenix family has to shrink their defenses, no matter how fast they are. In a small area, the "teleportation" of the space system is hard to guard against!

This battle can be described as a life-and-death battle for the Scarlet Phoenix family. The four elders occupy the four corners of the Lihuo Temple, all the Scarlet Phoenixes are guarding around the temple, and the three-color mandarin birds are in the outer circle. In Lihuo Temple.


Amidst a burst of dragon chant, the two dragon knights rushed out directly. It is undoubtedly the most suitable for them to fight first at this time. The shadow of the phoenix rose towards the sky and exploded with the flames.

——System: You are blessed by Yanming's "Nine Heavens of Phoenix Dance", moving speed +20%, dodge +20%, and attacks with 120 points of fire damage for 5 minutes.

Nice bonus!Unfortunately, 120 points of fire damage is completely meaningless!

With the explosion of the Phoenix version of "fireworks", the war officially started. Wu Yi, Aunt Gongsun and Li Shishi first brushed up the auxiliary status for the surrounding friendly forces one by one. With an extremely irritable heart, even if her ability is restrained, she is not willing to stay behind and watch the show honestly. The time-space phantom has a high resistance to flames, but it does not mean that it is completely immune.

After Xiao Mahe and Zhou Tai, Zhu Rong killed them directly with a monstrous flame!
——System: Your team successfully killed a time-space phantom (special) and gained [-] experience.

With the cooperation of Xiao Mahe and Lei Ming, a time-space phantom was directly torn into pieces.There is no level, only a "special" sign, but the experience is very high. With Wu Yi's current level, plus the distribution of the team, in the end, one of them can get [-] experience points. The experience has surpassed the ninth-level legendary-level arms!
With the first victory, Wu Yi also has some evaluations on the attributes of these space-time phantoms. The basic attributes are higher than the arms, and the abilities change. It can be said that they are all elite individuals, and the most important thing is that the speed is too much!
The continuous emergence of space-time phantoms requires Wu Yi and others as the main attack, and it is impossible to clear them in a short time!
The time-space phantom floats very slowly in the air, but it can perform short-distance teleportation every fifteen to thirty seconds. Xiao Mahe, Zhou Tai and Zhu Rong do not attract many time-space phantoms. They are like Look for the red phoenix!
At this moment, the three-color mandarin birds on the periphery moved, and a group of beautiful three-color mandarin birds launched a suicidal charge at this moment, fighting with the time-space phantom with sharp claws and sharp pecks. Under the outbreak of the phoenix, the surrounding area for several miles seemed to become a field of raging flames, which was considered to have contributed extremely limited output.

According to Wu Yi's estimation, the fire resistance of these time-space phantoms is at least 80%, or even about 855%. One hundred points of fire damage hitting the time-space phantoms can cause less than [-] points of damage. No wonder these scarlet phoenixes They all had a tragic posture, and they were restrained too badly.

A huge space crack appeared on the only way for the time-space phantom.

Space Exile!
As Lu Xiangyun became stronger and stronger, the effect of this skill became more terrifying, but...

invalid!One by one, the time-space phantoms floated over without using teleportation!Seeing the situation, Lu Xiangyun directly gave up maintaining the space rift, and instead cast the most basic "space blade". The time-space phantom can be immune to the engulfment of the space banishment, but it cannot be immune to the tearing of the space blade.

In the teleportation again and again, the phantom of time and space has already rushed into the circle of the red phoenix. At this moment, a pipa sound with the momentum of a golden horse and an iron horse suddenly sounded, and Li Shishi began to fully switch to the attacking role. She was outputting The ability to go up is far stronger than that of Wei Zifu, and the sound of killing and cutting swept the audience. At this time, she is definitely under the strongest output of Wu Yi's side, guarded by several red phoenixes.

Aunt Gongsun was still waiting, carried by Yan Ming herself, and her attack method was more close-range.Li Mi and Kunming also activated their respective formations with all their strength at this time, and rushed into the numerous phantoms, while Ning Tianhao waved his staff, and a large number of curses fell on the phantoms of time and space.In comparison, Concubine Xuerong's presence is much lower.

"Elder, anyway, the domain of the Lihuo Temple is also ineffective against the time-space phantom. I wonder if it can be temporarily closed? With this domain, my men can't summon a large number of summoned creatures to join the battle." Wu Yi didn't rush to make a move, but After finding Yanming, with the ability of the time-space phantom to be completely immune to the domain, the domain of Lihuo Temple became Wu Yi's obstacle instead.

From Wu Yi's point of view, Concubine Xuerong's most important role is to play the Skull Sea, but because of the existence of this domain, the Skull Sea cannot be played at all. Once the skeleton appears, it will be cut into pieces by the Phoenix Domain attached to the Lihuo Temple. real crap.

"It can't be closed, but if Lord Chi Huang makes a move, it's still possible to suppress it for a while."

No matter what, as long as you can temporarily stop this funny field!In Wu Yi's view, although the skeletons are scumbags, as long as the number is high, the damage they deal will not be weaker than the restrained Scarlet Phoenix Clan, and the acquisition will be stronger!Of course, the most important thing is that the existence of the sea of ​​skeletons will help the Scarlet Phoenix to attract the attention of time and space phantoms to a certain extent. Now that the Scarlet Phoenix family has begun to die, the number of one hundred is not far away, as long as the death of the Scarlet Phoenix family can be delayed The speed is worth it in Wu Yi's view.

"Then Elder Lao will go there. The current situation is very critical, and we need more combat power."

"All right!"

(End of this chapter)

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