Chapter 943
Bailong River, Dragon God City

"The Bow and Arrow Brigade shoots!"

Dragon God City is extremely similar to Calabash City. If there were no White Shark Island and Ghost Crab Island, Wu Yi could only rely on Calabash City to develop aquatic farming in the Rose River. This is what Dragon God City does. There is no problem, almost all It is impossible for the territories of Linjiang, Linhu, and Linhai to give up this piece.but……

Chu Jun felt that he was about to be driven mad by these pirates, damn, he actually attacked his pearl farm in the middle of the night.The warships in Dragon God City are all four-masted sailing ships bought from Calabash City. Back then, four-masted sailing ships were still the top warships shipped by sea, but now... four-masted sailing ships are really useless against Shanghai Monsters!Disembarkation is torture. If you don't disembark, you will scuttle the ship. Sooner or later, it will be over.

These sea monsters are too shameless. They use big nets underwater, and they don’t fight head-on with his people at all. As long as they enter the water, they will directly use a net, and the net will be dragged underwater. There is only one way to drown.

"My lord, go down and kill these sea monsters." Yang Dayan, the number one general of Dragon God City, grabbed his weapon and planned to leave the city.

"Don't! Ask for help from Calabash City! Ask for help from Lord Wuyi!" Chu Jun grabbed Yang Dayan and prevented his extremely unwise actions. How much is left?If he hangs up once, even if he smashes ten or twenty pearl farms, he won't be able to make up for the loss.Now, he relies on this fierce general to support the scene in the player circle.

I can only ask for help!

But even if Wu Yi agrees to reinforce him, his pearl farm will be finished when the reinforcements arrive!Oh no, it's not just a pearl farm, there is also a rare fish farm upstream of the pearl farm.

Dragon God City has no enmity with Sea-Monster, so does it need to block the door for so long!Does it need to be like digging his ancestral grave!

"Huh? That's..." Chu Jun held Yang Dayan, but he couldn't hold the others. Two warriors wearing sea beast leather armor rushed out of Dragon God City.As long as the gates of Dragon God City are closed, the sea monsters will not be able to enter the city. Similarly, the city's city defense weapons have limited effects on sea monsters in the water. In addition, such weapons do not distinguish between enemy and friend, it is disgusting to the point of vomiting.

These two distant figures raised hope in Chu Jun's heart. Ling Cao, Ling Tong and his son, generals of the Wu State Navy during the Three Kingdoms period, compared to Yang Dayan's landlubber, these two can be said to be professionals.Don't say that Jiang battle is not equal to sea battle, Jiang is in front of you!

Ling Cao and his son just traveled so far. Originally, they would only stay for three days before going south to gourd city. There is no way, the prestige of gourd city has risen too fast, especially the sea power, which is second only to the existence of the imperial navy. It can be said that those famous generals who rely on water for their living, as long as they want to make contributions, apart from the imperial fleets in the two seas, they will definitely choose Calabash City as their first choice.

How could the Rou Chu army who came to the door be easily let go? He spent the boss's price to delay Ling Cao and his son's trip, and sent equipment and weapons, but still did not receive the task of conquering, and it was delayed for a few days. When I came down, I encountered this scene.

"Order all the sailors to obey the orders of Ling and his son!"

After going through this battle, there is some friendship in it, right?As long as Ling Cao and his son are subdued, there shouldn't be any problem in blocking this band of pirates. The Chu army has had enough of this useless life of being blocked.This is not just a matter of distributing benefits to Calabash City, but more importantly, a matter of face, which is a matter of subsequent development!

There are quite a lot of water troops in Dragon God City, and the Chu army has hardly expanded inland. The army is only stationed at the surrounding resource points and city defenses. A strong one, otherwise Dragon God City would not be able to receive a large number of shipping orders.

Following the order of the Chu army, Ling Cao and his son were not polite, and took over the command of the water army, and started a big battle with this unlimited sea monster pirate group.but……

Ling Cao and his son had just boarded the ship when they saw a huge sea turtle capsize the four-masted sailing ship as the flagship, and all the people on the ship fell into the water. It sank through the bottom of the ship. Anyway, a large number of sailors fell into the water for a while.

Followed by the old routine, large nets woven with sea beast tendons covered their heads, and a large number of sea monsters dragged people underwater.The addition of Ling's father and son did not change anything, even the most basic morale could not be stabilized.After the father and son fell into the water, they resisted vigorously, but they were only dying!

"Damn!" Chu Jun no longer knows what words to use to describe his mood at this time. Isn't this reversal too fast? Nima, it's just a slap in the face!Ling Cao and his son are too useless?No!It can only be said that the Kraken's advantage is too great, what can I do if I fall into the water?No matter how strong the ability is, it is still a human race. No matter how good the water quality is, it is completely different from being able to breathe underwater.

Generally speaking, the preparations are still insufficient. If the Ling family and his son can be the main ones to prepare for the battle in advance, the result will definitely not be like this.

At this time, the Chu army didn't know that there was a better Liu Rengui among the pirates. Even if the Ling and his son were the commander, if the ship was a four-masted sailboat, there would never be a second one.No matter in the river or at sea, they were all severely beaten.

"Save people! Rescue Ling's father and son, abandon the farm, and all go ashore!"

The Chu army is now full of thoughts of saving people. In this battle, ten four-masted sailboats sank, thousands of soldiers were killed, and the breeding farm must not be saved. If Ling and his son rushed again, then he would really lose everything It's back, as long as the Ling and his son can be taken down in the end, the loss can be barely recovered.

But how to save now?He can only bet on the entire navy, as long as he can get back the Ling family and his son, he will be numb to death.

Ling Tong was still fighting, but Ling Cao had already been ensnared by as many as two layers of large nets, and soon more large nets were caught. Although Ling Cao had cut through layers of flesh, his speed Can't keep up with the speed of falling online.The four-masted sailing ship of Dragon God City directly and violently crushed it, one by one sailors rushed towards the sea monster in the water, Ling Cao also took the opportunity to sneak away from the water, although the flexibility underwater was not as good as that of the sea monster, but in a short time , he is not something that the Kraken can hold back.

Seeing that Ling's father and son retreated quickly under the protection of the navy, Chu Jun finally heaved a long sigh of relief. This battle almost knocked out half of his navy, and he had to think carefully about it in the future.

When the water army of Dragon God City retreated, the Kraken did not continue to pursue, but fully retreated into the water. They would not be exposed to the fire range of the city defense artillery, but one of them was loudly facing the Dragon God at this time. The wall in the north of the city roared: "Listen to the idiot lord on the opposite side of the city, as long as you pay a certain amount of protection fees every month, our master will promise to let your farm and caravan go! Otherwise, you Don't even think about getting into the water!"

"F*ck!" This time, Chu Jun really spurted blood, this group of sea monsters are so annoying.

(End of this chapter)

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