The best lord of online games

Chapter 944 All for a Special Title

Chapter 944 All For A Special Title

——System: Wei Zifu transformed from a human race to a mermaid race, life +200, skill +1200.Gain the racial abilities "Mermaid Transformation" and "Mermaid Song".

When Wu Yi received this news, he was already in Calabash City, and he came back directly by using the moonlight donkey's skills, instead of wasting time with the caravan.

Mermaid Transformation—Land humanoid state, attack -10%, defense -10%, skill effect -10%.Water mermaid form, combat power +25%, skill effect +25%.

Song of the Mermaid - +25% effect of song and music skills. At the same time, it has a certain probability of "charm" effect on the enemy, and "high morale" effect on allies.

The two racial abilities have directly improved Wei Zifu's ability by a large amount. This is the effect of special races. As long as the race and occupation can perfectly match, this effect will be magnified countless times.For the mermaids, it is obvious that the compatibility of singers is more than ten times higher than that of water magicians.

Wei Zifu's study time is not over suddenly, she will study in the mermaid's hometown until the intelligence attribute breaks through [-].

"My lord, the envoys from Baoyue City and Dragon God City have been waiting for a long time." As soon as he stepped into his marquis mansion, the butler Ye Li whispered the report in Wu Yi's ear.

Treasure Moon City messenger?The envoy of Dragon God City?
In the current Calabash City, as long as there are no special matters, there is no need to look for him as the lord at all. The aborigines will look for Kou Xun, the city lord, and the players will look for Shen Yayan.Especially Baoyue City, which is now a rebel camp, every time you go to Calabash City, you must be careful.

"Let the envoy of Treasure Moon City come to the study first."

Now that the snow disaster has gradually subsided, the envoy from Baoyue City at this time should be Cao Cao who sent someone to discuss the future war issues.However, starting a war again in the future wouldn't be as silly as before. Yunlin would not force him to fight to the death with Dongping City, but in the matter of Baoyue City, there was absolutely no room for maneuver.

"Mr. Xiao, you came here in person, there must be something important, right?" The envoy from Baoyue City surprised Wu Yi. It was actually Xiao He who came in person. This mastermind under Cao Cao's status is equal to that of Wang Meng in Calabash City. , if it is just to discuss how to "act", it should not be easy for him to take the lead.

"It's indeed a big deal. My lord wants to sell the entire Baoyue City and 20 civilians to your lord."

"Are you kidding me?" Wu Yi almost sprayed, did he hear it wrong?The entire Baoyue City plus 20 civilians were all sold. Is Cao Cao crazy?Or do you plan to return to your hometown and become a landlord after completing this vote?
"Such a big event, how can I play it! This is my lord's handwritten letter, please make a price!" Xiao He took out a letter from Cao Cao. The content of the letter is very simple, which is what Xiao He said. This issue.

"do not want!"

"Huh?" Xiao He obviously didn't expect Wu Yi to refuse so decisively.

"I want people, but I don't want the city!" Baoyue City has no meaning at all to Wu Yi now. He has just occupied Xiaguang City not long ago and is still digesting. Nothing has changed, holding Treasure Moon City is simply a burden.And, what's the price for a big city?It's not like Calabash City, there is only one isolated main city, and there are several towns and dozens of villages under the jurisdiction of Baoyue City!

But the population is different. The population can just fill the large open space in Xiaguang City. Even if you dare not fill the west side near Dongping City, it is no problem to fill the east side near Zhenhai City. Is 20 a lot of people?Not much at all, apart from the main city, there are villages and towns below, a big city with subsidiary villages and towns, without a population of over one million, it is impossible to play.

It is true that most of the people in Baoyue City ran away before, but definitely more than 20 people. Therefore, Cao Cao must still have a large number of elites in his hands. When these 20 people are bought back, basically they can only be civilians. .And Wu Yi also guessed Cao Cao's purpose, he wanted to run away!

"It's impossible! If you sell people, what's the use of keeping us in the single city?" At this point, Xiao He is not letting go, how many supplies can only be sold by 20 civilians!They plan to move to the northwest, temporarily get rid of the quagmire of war in the south, and lay a base that they can rely on, but they also need to have enough supplies!Not only is it necessary to fight to the northwest, but it is even more necessary to lay down the territory!
"Then what do you think? I definitely don't want it!"

"Actually, there is another way! The city can be cheaper for us. Your lord can use Baoyue City to exchange for meritorious deeds. With Baoyue City, I believe that your lord's duke position will not be far away." Xiao He smiled and "helped" Wu Yi made a plan.

It seems that there is only one class difference between the Marquis and the Duke, but in fact there is a gap. It is absolutely impossible for a mere Baoyue City to allow Wu Yi to sit on the position of Duke, let alone an "empty city" that escaped Cao Cao, but , It is so possible to add a title, the title of the title and the ordinary title are completely two concepts, like Huo Qubing's champion in history, is this equivalent to the ordinary marquis?This gold content is even better than ordinary dukes!Now the title that is a bit special is Xiang Yu's best title, "Shen Yong Gong"!
Before the collapse of the Hongyu Empire, the higher the status obtained, the greater the benefits in the later stage. I have to say that this one is quite attractive to Wu Yi.

"Tell me about your bottom line, if it's suitable, I'll take it!"

"Don't worry, my lord. Even though we are now in different camps, our ally status has not changed. It must be a sale price." Xiao He also knew that if the price was too high, Calabash City could directly send troops to fight hard. Bigger, but if they can keep them, the merit will undoubtedly be even greater.

30 war horses, 20 sets of standard battle armor, [-] conventional energy cannons, [-] arrows, and enough food and grass for an army of [-] people to last for half a year. The food and grass can be delivered in batches, but the rest must be paid in one lump sum.

In terms of the price of a city, this is definitely a sale price, but for Wu Yi who only intends to exchange the city for meritorious deeds, it is too expensive. When Cao Cao withdraws, Baoyue City will be completely empty, and even The empire may not be in a hurry to send officials and troops to receive it. Before the situation in the south is stable, it will be a tasteless place.

"In fact, you can sell the city twice. After I take it down, Xiao Mingsheng will take over. There is no problem with food and horses, but I can sell up to [-] sets of armor, [-] energy cannons, and [-] arrows. No matter you How to decide, this is the highest price I can offer." Considering that Cao Cao who is alive is more useful to Calabash City than Cao Cao who is dead, Wu Yi paid back the price, which is regarded as support for Cao Cao.

"Yes! Your lord only needs to send an envoy to Baoyue City to inform you when the transaction is completed."

"Let's wait until this snow disaster is completely over."

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(End of this chapter)

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