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Chapter 945 Eye of Time and Space

Chapter 945 Eye of Time and Space
Xiao He left, and Wu Yi didn't need to worry about Baoyue City's problems anymore. This is equivalent to spending money to get the most perfect solution, and it's not a loss, after all, there are still 20 people!

Next came the people from Dragon God City. However, if it was a major event, shouldn't Chu Jun talk to him directly? He actually sent an envoy, what the hell is going on.And the content of the negotiation brought by the emissary made Wu Yi even more depressed, it was actually about buying a ship, shouldn't Shen Yayan be the one to go to this matter!Make a fuss about him!Wu Yi sent the person away directly.

But Wu Yi didn't know that the envoy's mission was to talk to him about the rescue of Dragon God City, but then the Chu army decided to pay protection fees to the pirates, so the rescue was out of the question. Also, he dug up Gourd City In the corner of the wall, it is even more impossible to mention this matter.Therefore, in the process of waiting, the messenger's task became to buy a ship.

It is impossible to sell the magic-gold battleship Calabash City, at least not until other magic-gold battleships appear on the market. This is the biggest guarantee for Calabash City’s sea superiority. It may be sold out as a compilation, and even if a few are sold in small quantities, the price is unacceptable to most people.

After lunch, Wu Yi came to the south of Beicheng Teleportation Square. The Eye of Time and Space was finally completed after five days.A conical gray-white minaret, more than 200 meters high, with a huge eyeball at the top, which can blink, emitting a jet-black magic light.However, due to the formation of the sea of ​​clouds, this eyeball was "hidden" above the sea of ​​clouds, so it wouldn't make people see something special at a glance. At most, it would only feel that this building is very tall, and there are many tall buildings in Calabash City. gone.

Eye of time and space (special) - a special time and space with a super large range inside.Strengthen the anti-stealth and anti-potential capabilities of the territory, block the ability of the space transmission system, bring the skill "Scout Magic Eye", the special random attribute "Time-Space Purgatory Magic Light", and the special random attribute "Heaven-sent Time-Space Transfer".

Scouting Magic Eye——It can carry out powerful reconnaissance on an area. When the meeting is activated, a physical magic eye will appear above the scouted area. The magic eye can see through the cover of special effects such as barriers, formations, or seals. The skill is interrupted. After the interruption, the Scout Eye will have 24 hours to recover.Reconnaissance consumes energy according to the distance of reconnaissance and the strength of the special cover effect.

Time-space purgatory magic light - the eye of time-space can store the "power of time-space" by itself. When the "power of time-space" is stored to full value, it can perform an ultra-long-distance indiscriminate attack.The skill interval is 120 hours.

Tiansong Time-Space Transfer - Carry out special positioning transmission or pick-up, transmission requires accurate coordinates, only one person at a time, and the farthest cross-border transmission can be carried out, the farther the transmission distance, the more energy consumed.It needs to cooperate with the "Scout Magic Eye" to guide, and use the "Scout Magic Eye" to locate, and it can only lead your own targets.The skills are separated by three days.

Good... so strong!
In Wu Yi's view, this thing is simply an artifact! The "Scout Magic Eye" can be said to be the location of the whole map, the supreme weapon for peeping. It can lock the movement of the enemy at any time during the war. It is even easier to peek at the city.However, the physical reconnaissance of the magic eye is not a small limitation. How high above the reconnaissance area will the real magic eye appear?How durable is it?All these need to be further confirmed. This is very simple. Let’s try it from Ghost Crab Island first. Your own territory is easy to cooperate with. What if this is someone else’s territory and the magic eye is blasted to pieces as soon as it appears?
As long as the physical magic eye is not broken, there is no CD problem for this skill. As long as the durability of the magic eye is strong enough, this skill will make people sick!
Except for the magic eye of reconnaissance, the other two skills are randomly generated by Kuai Xiang's ability. Of course, this is not really completely random. It will be randomized according to the characteristics of the building itself, and it will never appear with the building. It's a wonderful property that doesn't touch the edge at all.Just like ordinary people, they usually improve attributes such as durability and comfort, and it is absolutely impossible to brush attack attributes!

Time-space purgatory magic light, this Nima is equivalent to an intercontinental missile. There is no range limit. As long as the scout magic eye can see it, it can hit it, but I don’t know how powerful it is. 120 hours, that is to say, five Only a genius can shoot it. If it is powerful enough, it can be fired above the city. No matter whether it can break through the barrier of the city defense or not, it is definitely a supreme weapon to damage morale and people's hearts. Of course, if you attack the city If you break the barrier of city defense first, and then attack above the city, there will be two completely different results.

Tiansong time and space transfer, if you look at the item that can be transferred across borders, it is a masterpiece!Now, except for some special missions, the only thing that can carry out cross-boundary teleportation is the cross-boundary space gate!However, since it can only be passed on to one person, there are not many times when this skill can be used, but as long as it is used, it can definitely play a key role.

The three skills are all classics, and the Eye of Time and Space also comes with a super-large space. What is the use of this super-large space needs further testing.


While Wu Yi was testing the various functions of the "Eye of Time and Space", a player entered a special space with his team of demons in the Evil Dragon Pool two thousand miles west of the Poison Barrier Forest outside the Shenyun restricted area in the south. It is a special space where the ancient Wu tribe who disappeared in the legendary war of the gods lived.

Ancient Wu Clan!
The witch clan in the legend of the gods!

As soon as this news appeared, the players immediately became excited. This is more exciting than the Dragon Clan!After all, the dragon clan is a giant dragon clan, not a dragon clan, and the gap between them is not 01:30. Of course, the powerful profession of dragon knight has attracted a lot of popularity.When it comes to the popularity of special races, the sea clam race should rank first!
There is no way, in this face-seeking world, the Sea Clam Clan who are all beauties is definitely the number one. Unfortunately, the Sea Clam Clan is located in the fully enclosed waters of Ghost Crab Island, and there are only very few people who can get in touch with them, but It's not like a mermaid is a complete secret to the outside world.The second is the giant dragon clan, and the third should be the monster clan. There are many types of monster clan. After transformation, the men are mighty and the women are seductive. It's too perverted, Yaozu can definitely be ranked second.

With the appearance of the Ancient Witch Clan, it would be unrealistic to say that the popularity would directly reach the number one spot, but in terms of attention, it would definitely be number one in the short term.

(End of this chapter)

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