Chapter 946
Wulaogong, a wicked name that makes everyone want to have a real person PK after calling it, God's Chosen One, eighth level and zero level, the main occupation puppet master.I was originally a lone ranger, but since I changed my main job to a puppet master, I can no longer be a lone ranger. Again, although rare jobs are more competitive, you need to be cautious when changing jobs!

Puppeteer is obviously not a job that non-local tyrants can play well. Leveling up depends entirely on puppets, but what is needed to make puppets?Rare materials, energy spars, especially energy spars, are equivalent to the "battery" of the puppet. It can be said that the puppet has been consuming "power" since the moment it was completed.

Moreover, although the main puppet master has more advantages than the deputy puppet master, it will develop faster, but in-depth research is essential. You can't just bring the most basic puppet for a lifetime, and there is no way to upgrade it. good.Well, researching new puppet-making blueprints is a waste of money!
In order to make his life more comfortable, and at the same time maintain the high quality of a rare profession, Wulao Gong decisively chose a grand guild to join, and the grand guild will fund him to fill this bottomless pit.And Wu Laogong's original choice was the top ten guilds of the Three Realms. According to preparations, it should be the devil lord of the Three Realms!The guild structure of the Three Realms is similar to that of the League of Seven Sins. It is divided into three independent branches. He is now in the hands of the devil.

With the support of the Great Guild, the development of the Martial Palace is still quite rapid. So far, the puppets produced have barely reached the level of demon phases, but such experimental demon phases have not been mass-produced. The demonic army is there, and the gap between the two is too great. It is too cost-effective to go into war now, and further research is needed.

This time, he brought this batch of experimental products out for testing, but he never expected that there would be another world under the famous Evil Dragon Pool!
As soon as Wulao Palace entered this mysterious place, not far away was a huge gray high platform, engraved with numerous mysterious symbols on the high platform, surrounded by sixteen fire platforms, and standing on the high platform were eight people wearing Warriors dressed in animal skins and holding rough and heavy weapons, with dark skin and gnarled flesh, are all about [-] meters tall. Compared to humans, they are like black iron towers!
"God's Chosen One, if you want to enter the Valley of Worms, you must first pass through the ancient witch battle platform!" The rightmost one of the eight people on the high platform stepped forward a few steps, and put a weapon similar to a mace in his hand on the battle platform. After a heavy meal, he said.After this pause, there was a huge clanging sound on the battle platform.

"Ancient witch battle platform?" Wu Laogong didn't understand what the test was, but he cared more about the word "ancient witch". Looking at the eight people on the battle platform, this is the legendary witch clan, right?This is a big discovery, as long as the news is reported, the starting capital will be at least [-]!
"Just defeat me! My witch clan only welcomes the strong!"

It really is the witch clan!However, now it seems that it is not so easy to get in.beat?It can't be singled out!
"This warrior, I am a puppet master, can I bring a puppet as a helper?" If not, the Ten Thousand Insects Valley is almost closed to special professions, and he cannot be allowed to go with that guy with his small body. Single it out.

"Of course! The puppet master has the right to bring four puppets made by himself to assist in the battle. I will only attack your puppets!"

If the puppet master himself wants to take the stage, the four are too few to be honest, as long as he is beheaded, the puppet master will be killed directly, and the puppet may not even be able to exert half of its fighting power.But if you only attack puppets, four are not too few, four against one!
At least, from Wu Lao Gong's point of view, this battle is not too difficult.

The 24 puppets carried by Wulao Palace this time were all of the same model, and four of them were directly ordered to go on stage. The other seven witches on the battle stage also retreated at this time. Fighting is extremely sacred.

The Wu clan are all real people, if there is no glamorous scene, let's go to war directly!But the next battle surprised Wu Lao Gong. The witch waved a big stick and smashed at his four puppets. Every blow would shatter a piece of puppets. , It's even better than the demolition office.

"Unfortunately, you are not strong enough to enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Insects."

5 minutes!In less than 5 minutes, the four puppets were all dismantled into pieces. The offensive and defensive durability of the puppets is indeed quite outstanding, but there are often flaws in flexibility. Of course, if it is a perfect-level demon, it can almost be ignored That's the problem.

Fuck... Fuck!This Nima is too violent!
Wu Lao Gong was speechless, he found that the puppet was completely restrained from this witch clan!Judging from the previous battles, he thought about this level, and the puppet had to be upgraded by at least two levels.Such a violent output, if you want to change to another profession, there are not many people who can pass it!
"This...can you be accommodating?" I have already reached the door, but I can't get in, how reconciled Wu Lao Gong is!However, here comes the question, what should be used for bribery?For a completely closed race, the gold coins of the human race are definitely useless, but what are the hobbies of the witches?

"Please leave!"

Let's go!Anyway, the location of the Witch Clan has been determined, so let's report first.

For such a big event, it is impossible for the devil master to eat alone. He will definitely share it with the other two branches of the guild. Everyone will send experts to develop it together, so that the guild can gain greater benefits.Of course, he contributed the news, and he also got the corresponding benefits. There is a detailed contribution system in the agreement, which is different from the contribution system of ordinary members. In exchange for certain support, such as the ownership of historical famous generals, wars and so on.

But when the Three Realms Guild had just gathered hundreds of masters to attack the Evil Dragon Pool in the first place, the news spread on the forum.

Such things as Guild 007 are inevitable, so the three bosses of the Three Realms were already careful and prudent in selecting candidates, but they did not expect to leak the news, and they did so in a way that harmed others and benefited themselves.

Who leaked the news?
This is not important now, the important thing is that the news has been spread to everyone, and now if you want to guarantee the advantage, you can only break into the Wu Clan as quickly as possible, take the lead in building a good relationship, understand the special products of the Wu Clan, analyze benefits that can be derived from it.This is a brand new hidden race. Thinking about the monster clan back then, not to mention monopolizing the entire monster clan, as long as they can monopolize a monster tribe, they will be fatter.

(End of this chapter)

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