The best lord of online games

Chapter 960 Song Yingxing who wrote "Heavenly Creation"?

Chapter 960 Song Yingxing who wrote "Heavenly Creation"?

Wu Yi was completely unaware of the "uprising" in the underworld. Once the copycat "Gate of the underworld" was closed, he would be completely cut off from the underworld.Wu Yi and Ma Chao finally arrived at Iron Cavalry City at nine o'clock in the middle of the night. The current Iron Cavalry City is not far from the third-class city, otherwise Zhao Ziyun would not be in such a hurry!
The Iron Cavalry City is only the main lord of the Changshan League, and it is impossible for the Grand Council to have only one territory. In addition to the Iron Horse City, the Changshan League also has a large, three small and four territories, and the large ones have reached the city level.But just like Wu Yi, Xiaguang City can be lost, and Ghost Crab City can be lost, but Calabash City must not be lost. As the main territory, many unique things are here!

Think about it, whether it is the Palace of War God, the Statue of the Goddess of Wisdom, the Miniature Tower of Dominion, or the Eye of Time and Space, destroying any one of them will greatly reduce Wu Yi's potential.

"May Day, Nimei's is too slow, we've been waiting for you for almost two hours."

As soon as he got the news of Wu Yi's arrival, Zhao Ziyun came to greet him in person. He also didn't understand Wu Yi's teleportation formation and not leaving.

"It's a bit of a delay. Besides, the foreign race will not call in a day or two. What's the hurry!" Wu Yi didn't explain too much. It's not that he didn't want to use the teleportation formation, but that there is no teleportation formation in Mayi Town now. .But it will be convenient after the Imperial Territorial Council approves his city upgrade application, and Mayi Town will be transformed into Mayi City.

Zhao Ziyun glanced at Ma Chao who was following Wu Yi, and suddenly understood in his heart. He glanced at Wu Yi enviously, but didn't talk too much about it.At this stage, the stronger the ally, the more benefits he will have. Unless he is strong enough to be able to fight the world alone, allies are very necessary.

"Okay, hurry up when you come, the ruling that shit almost fell asleep watching the singing and dancing!"

This time, Zhao Ziyun didn't choose the city lord's mansion as the meeting place, but chose the big box in the city music square.Temujin's going south is definitely the biggest event at the moment, so all members of the alliance are present this time.

"Okay, brothers, take out any secret weapons. If they are suitable, I will exchange them for them!" There was no scene, Zhao Ziyun directly entered the topic. Before Wu Yi's arrival, everyone had been talking about it for too long.

"Is it necessary? It's a big deal to surrender if you can't beat it, don't worry, you won't really be wiped out!" Judgment Wing continued to sip the wine, shaking his head.Since he took Zhanhuo (Liu Xiahui) through the Tower of Dominion last time, his territory has developed rapidly recently, and he is in a very good mood.

"Fart! If you surrender, then you will not be sprayed to death. Do you want my face?" Zhao Ziyun sprayed directly at Judgment Wing, and everyone is used to talking nonsense.However, Zhao Ziyun followed the conversation and continued: "Even if you want to surrender, you have to wait until the last moment! Maybe you can get the title of national fighter."

"Damn it! Du Nima surrendered and still thought of national fighters. He really complied with that sentence. He became a bitch and wanted to pay homage!" Judgment Wing smiled, like Wu Yi and Xue Qiqi, with hands The player resources are quite limited, and they are both one of the top ten guilds. The relationship between Judgment Wing and Zhao Ziyun has been advancing by leaps and bounds during this period.

"Then what can I do? Lord Yue is too far away from me! Now I only have confidence in Lord Yue!" This is a fact. Yue Fei's army is too far away from Iron Cavalry City. From here.On the contrary, Wu Jiutian's Lingquan City is relatively safer, it is not on the front line against alien races at all, and it is also close to Meteor City.

Of course, this security is only relative. Lingquan City is indeed not on the front line of resisting alien races, but don't forget that there are rebels!
"Hmph!" Wu Jiutian snorted coldly, if he kept silent, the words of these two guys would definitely become more and more excessive, and what they were talking about was all unnutritious nonsense.

"Hehe, let's talk about business! Talk about business!" As the only female force in the alliance, other people can be regarded as taking care of Wu Jiutian. In addition to her relationship with Zhao Ziyun, in general, the current strength of her studio is already No less than a guild ranked fifteen or so.

"I will definitely persevere to the end in this battle. After all, this is related to the reputation of the guild. Even if it is a little bit of a blessing, at least it will give the foreign race a hard time."

The Grand Council not only wants to develop the power of the aborigines, but also cannot lose the power of the players. Wu Yi still understands this.When it comes to dealing with alien races, players are often unable to maintain rationality, but it is impossible for the Grand Guild to use the foundation that it has built so hard to fight against alien races. When it is finally defeated, it is necessary to surrender or surrender. It can be explained to the outside world. It's a "hard work and a taste of courage", but before that, at least you have to have a good record, right?

"War Horse, I can give you [-]% off the cost price. Also, I have a line here about Song Yingxing, and you can exchange it." Zhao Ziyun offered his bargaining chip, and War Horse would give another [-]% off the cost price. It's definitely a bloodbath.

"Song Yingxing?"

What a familiar name!Song Yingxing...Wu Yi immediately came to his senses, "The Song Yingxing who wrote "Heavenly Creation"?"

It is impossible for Wu Yi not to pay attention to such a famous person. Calabash City has many big names from all walks of life. He is very clear about the value such a person can create.

"Not that Song Yingxing, who else?"

"Are you willing to do this?" Wu Yi looked at Zhao Ziyun, he couldn't believe it, the price was too high!Song Yingxing, "Heavenly Creation"!

"Of course I can't bear it! However, to put it bluntly, this is just a thread. It has been reported to me for a while, but I have no clue. I guarantee that the clue is absolutely true. With our relationship, it is impossible for me to dig into this matter." It's a scam." Zhao Ziyun patted his chest and assured.

I see!That's right, if it was simple, Zhao Ziyun would have brought Song Yingxing to Iron Cavalry City to confess, and now there are not a few special talents appearing on the stage, especially Zhao Ziyun still has Li Bai in his hand, it is impossible for him not to know Song Yingxing's value.

"It seems that this is not an ordinary difficulty! However, I will accept this!" Are you afraid that there will be no clues!The foundation of Calabash City is quite solid, and "Heavenly Creation" is no less than an artifact to Wu Yi, not to mention that Song Yingxing himself is a great scientist.

Not only Wu Yi, but Judgment Wing and Xue Qiqi also immediately thought about what conditions should be given in their minds. After all, if it has a miraculous effect on fighting against aliens, ordinary items can't be used at all, but if it affects them too much Yes, they are also impossible to take out, tangled!

"Then what do you sell? If you don't get some hard goods, I won't change them."

"How about this?" Wu Yi took out Zhang Jiao's Yellow Turban Warrior Transformation Talisman. He now has [-] pieces of this thing in his hand, but it has been useless. The effect is quite sharp, but the price is also huge.

Yellow Turban Warrior Transformation Talisman: It can transform a soldier whose morale is not lower than [-] into a yellow scarf warrior of the ninth rank. The duration is related to the soldier's level. After the duration expires, the soldier will die of exhaustion.

Using one card is equivalent to paying a soldier. This is not in line with the current fighting style of Gourd City. If all [-] cards are thrown down, a quarter of Gourd City's army will be buried!As for using cannon fodder, there are no cannon fodder units in Calabash City!

The ninth-tier heaven-level troops are indeed powerful, but if there are no enhancements from famous generals, their strength is limited. This thing is only suitable for those who are surprisingly difficult, or have a large number of cannon fodder soldiers, such as the Yellow Turban Army, or any other soldiers can be broken. Bring Han Xin!And when you use it, you must grasp the timing, otherwise it will be useless. After all, the duration is related to the level of the soldiers. Tier [-] soldiers are really not suitable for use.

Anyway, as long as he is not forced to rush, Wu Yi will definitely not use the Yellow Turban Warrior Transformation Talisman, just keep some in his hand, there is no need to keep so much, and he can get a lot in the follow-up transaction with Zhang Jiao Woolen cloth.

"Good stuff! How many do you have?" Zhao Ziyun's eyes lit up when he saw the attributes of the Yellow Turban Warrior's Transformation Talisman, which was very much in line with his requirements.

"I'll give you [-] copies. It should be fine. If you use it well, it will definitely be enough to give you a hard time!"

"Give me [-]? That means you have more? Give it all to me!" Zhao Ziyun was excited. With this thing in his hand, he felt much more at ease. As for the price, he could still afford it.

"Don't even think about it!"

"[-] is too little, it's easy to be shot to death, give me more, when the time comes, catch a good time and make a blockbuster!"

"Okay then, [-], up to [-]! But your unclear clues are not worth [-]!"

"No problem, I'll add other things!"

"so be it!"

(End of this chapter)

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