The best lord of online games

Chapter 961 The Headache Ma Yunlu

Chapter 961 The Headache Ma Yunlu
Clues can only be sold once, and the Purgatory Guild can offer similar bargaining chips for the conditions Wu Yi offered, but the price is too high, and it will seriously affect its own layout.

In the end, Judgment Wing and Xue Qiqi both took out some treasured goodies in exchange for some horses. Due to the development area, the number of cavalry in their hands was far less than that of Calabash City, let alone in the north. Chang Shanmeng, who owns his own ranch.Especially Xue Qiqi, who had been a bandit all his life and didn't have many cavalry in his hands.

Don't mention Wu Jiutian, she is just a decoration today, and the wedding date of her and Zhao Ziyun has also been set. In May next year, in "The Prosperity", they will get married before Wu Yi and Zhao Xueyin. In the eyes of the aborigines, they are As a family, resource utilization is more flexible, and they can cooperate at any time. The only pity is that both of them have invested too much in their respective main cities, and now it hurts to give up either one.

These are just trivial matters. The real purpose of everyone's gathering this time is to discuss the future development direction. For a long time to come, it is very likely that there will be continuous battles. If there is an opportunity to cooperate, try to cooperate as much as possible. This is the alliance. The real point.

The Purgatory Guild and Xue Qiqi cooperated in plundering in the west, plundering resources, population, and famous generals. If there is an opportunity, the land will not be let go, but it is impossible to occupy the big city. They are still fighting with Xie Xuan of Moshan City. The big head is natural Impossible to be taken by them.It is impossible for them to go north at this time, at most they can cooperate in resources and intelligence.

But Calabash City is different. With Mayi Town as a springboard, Calabash City's next battle will focus on the north!As the foreign race goes south, the empire's energies will also be devoted to the north. It is impossible to continue to stop Dongping City's westward advance, and at most it can hold Molten Fire City without losing it.The private agreement between Calabash City and Dongping City does not have much binding force, but before Xiao Mingsheng wiped out the entire south, he should abide by the agreement. One less enemy is equal to one less containment. Similarly, with the reason that the north resists aliens, It was also enough for Yunlin to stop forcing him to fight Dongping City.

After negotiating all the details, only Zhao Ziyun and Wu Yi were left in the box. Zhao Ziyun took out a map, pointed his right index finger at the area circled in red on the map and said, "It's here!"

"This is the clue? What the hell!" Wu Yi looked at the place circled in red, named Lingyun Valley, which was located in the northwest region of the empire. It was a pretty awesome name, but he had never heard of it before.

"A test! It's a very strange place. Anyway, I've been doing it for more than half a month, and I haven't even passed the first level!" Zhao Ziyun said depressingly.

"Damn it! Your clues are too public, maybe not many people know about them?" Wu Yi looked at the map carefully. Although Lingyun Valley is not a famous place, there is nothing secret about it.The curiosity of the chosen ones is quite strong, especially in the game, as long as there is something strange, there will definitely be a large group of troublemakers going to "archaeology".

"How is that possible! It's an underground palace. Be careful when you go there. As long as you don't get followed, it won't be so easy to expose."

"Okay, I'll try it in two days." Wu Yi put away the map. In addition to this clue, Zhao Ziyun also needs to pay him an additional [-] horses. is very satisfied.

After sending Ma Chao back to Mayi Town on his own, Wu Yi went offline directly in Iron Cavalry City.

On the next day, Wu Yi rode his little donkey to Mayi Town again. A large number of resources had already set off from Hulu City to the north. At the same time, Wu Yi transferred Wang Meng over. Enough is enough, Mayi Town must have a person with enough weight to sit in it, and Wang Meng is the best candidate in Wu Yi's heart.

Geng Yan and Huo Qubing are the commanders of the northern army, and Li Chezuo is the military advisor. The Ma family has the foundation, and there is no shortage of generals and cavalry. At that time, Ma Teng will also participate in the battle.Similarly, such a probability can exercise Wang Meng's leadership, intelligence, and political abilities.As the number one counselor of Calabash City, Wu Yi needs him to grow up as soon as possible, to make up for his shortcomings, and to truly have the ability to sit on one side and grasp the military and government with one hand.

In Mayi Town, Wu Yi will not invest too much. It is enough to strengthen the city defense when it is promoted to the city level. Those who may surrender, the surrender of Mayi Town indicates that Calabash City and Xiaguang City will also become the target of public criticism. At this stage, he will firmly be a "loyal minister"!
Wu Yi was stopped by Zhu Rong and a pretty girl who was also heroic and led a white horse on the way to the "Ma Mansion".

"Brother Wuyi!"

"Uncle Wuyi!"

With this address, Wu Yi suddenly realized the identity of the little beauty in front of him: "Yun Lu!" Zhao Xueyin was not there. Today, Nanshan Nursing Home promoted the annual summary meeting. She attended it on behalf of Wu Yi, and it is not online yet. .

"What's the matter with you guys? It's okay, just open your mouth, what do you want?" Looking at Ma Yunlu in front of him, Wu Yi immediately thought of the original Zhu Rong, but he was a little less aggressive than the original Zhu Rong temperament.

Ma Yunlu was a little embarrassed, and looked at Zhu Rong beside him as if asking for help.

"It's like this. Sister Yunlu also wants to lead an army alone and fight against aliens with us, but Mayor Ma doesn't agree with anything, so I brought her to find you, Brother Wuyi." Zhu Rong flipped With a cute white eye, he simply explained the matter.

"Hit a foreign race!" Wu Yi opened Ma Yunlu's attribute panel and took a closer look.

Ma Yunlu:
Race: Terran

Identity: Citizen of Mayi Town, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: Well known

Title: Third-rate Famous General, Third-Rate General

Jiangmen Tiger Girl - command value and force value bonus effect +10%, personal combat power +10%, damage immunity +10%.

Talent: Blizzard——Own combat power +15%, attack speed +15%, own dodge +25%, each melee attack has a 30% chance to trigger a "triple strike".

Specialties: Bravery, Riding, Spear Specialization

Occupation: Cloud Knight

Grade: eighth grade

Deputy: none
Command: 70
Force: 70
Intelligence: 0
Politics: 0
Legion skills: storm, group charge

General Skill: Power
This property...

How should I put it, Ma Yunlu is about the same age as Zhu Rong. If Zhu Rong didn't have the dramatic improvement in the past two years, he would definitely not be as tall as Ma Yunlu in terms of foundation alone.But now Zhu Rong, who has undergone two bloodline enhancements, is far from being comparable to Ma Yunlu.

However, her potential should be able to reach the height of Ma Teng, and there is still hope to reach double and second-rate in the future. With the title of "Jianmen Tiger Girl" and her specialty "valiant", she is much better-looking than Zhu Rong's initial attributes, and she is quite outstanding. !There is also the possibility of further transformation of talent in the future, and there is still the potential to surpass Ma Teng.

But the war at this stage is completely different from what it used to be. In the past, few famous generals showed up, and most of them brought out scum soldiers. A third-rate general looks very fierce on the battlefield.But it's different now. Look at the people in the north. With Ma Yunlu's strength, he can only be regarded as cannon fodder!

"Why don't you stay in your sister Zhurong's legion first, and then form a legion independently when you grow up?"

Damn, this life is so messy!
With Zhu Rong's character, there is no way to take care of Ma Yunlu, but Zhu Rong's lieutenant, Geng Kui, is a steady person. If he throws Ma Yunlu over, as long as he is careful, nothing will happen.

"No!" Ma Yunlu suddenly looked frustrated, with a bit of crying in his voice.

"Okay! You choose people to form the army first. I will explain this to your father. You train well. After training, your uncle will arrange for you to go to the battlefield."

"Thank you Uncle Wuyi!"

Headache!I can only procrastinate like this for now, and then look for opportunities to see if there is a favorable wind before bringing Ma Xiaomei.

 Now the author will simplify the character attributes as much as possible, without taking up extra words. Only new attributes that have not appeared before will be carefully written, and popular things are only ranked by name.

(End of this chapter)

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