The best lord of online games

Chapter 962: Demonic Form Customization Business in Xiaoyue City

Chapter 962: Demonic Form Customization Business in Xiaoyue City
First, the witch clan came into the world, and then the alien clan headed by Temujin went south. The recent Hongyu Empire was extremely restless.

But just after one major event after another, the secrets hidden in the southern part, known as the forbidden zone of the living, are also about to be covered up.

"Boss, it can't be done. This is already the fourth wave of today. If this continues, at most two days, some forces will come to investigate the problem here."

After receiving another reminder from the younger brother, Brother Jin's face darkened. Didn't he know that things here are about to leak!But what can I do, I can only delay for a moment.

"Don't worry about it so much! Continue to be overcast!"

As a half-landlord in the south, the Central Plains has a huge advantage in terms of intelligence and mobilizable forces.In order to keep the secret here as long as possible, Brother Jin sent [-] teams of assassins to the edge of Shenyun's forbidden area, like the Three Realms Guild, he has wiped out no less than five teams in the past few days!However, none of these assassins joined the guild, and they were not afraid of any problems.


After finishing the private chat, Brother Jin's attention returned to his eyes again.

"My lord, I sincerely want to ask for a copy of the manufacturing blueprint of the demon phase, and I hope it will be fulfilled!" Standing in front of Brother Jin was a golden demon phase taller than him by a head, possessing wisdom.As for where he is now, it is the legendary mechanical city that has disappeared—Xiaoyue City!

The major player forces have people who specialize in researching the history of the Hongyu Empire and its secrets. It is impossible for Brother Jin to know about Xiaoyue City, a legendary city that has appeared in many ancient books.But apart from knowing that Xiaoyue City represented the pinnacle of mechanical technology back then, he didn't know anything else.

However, through the past few days of understanding, Brother Jin also has some understanding of Xiaoyue City, or does not need to know at all, as long as the eyes are not blind, you can see that Xiaoyue City's magic appearance technology can be called terrifying. The technology of demonic appearance has surpassed the calabash city of the empire, which is even more terrifying!
How could Brother Jin let go of such a place and such resources!If Xiaoyue City can be incorporated, the power in his hands will surpass the League of Seven Sins in an instant, and at the same time surpass most of the heroic historical figures, but unfortunately, so far, he only knows the name of the demon in front of him is "" Zhong Wenyi".

It's good that Wu Yi doesn't know this place now, otherwise he would definitely be scared to pee if he knew the name "Zhong Wenyi"!When he led the team to enter Xiaoyue City through the mission of "Praying" on the Prayer Terrace, he got the blueprint of the mandarin bird cannon from Zhong Wenyi's mansion.However, he didn't even know that Xiaoyue City's return was all due to his mission that time.

Since the road to incorporation is temporarily blocked, Brother Jin wants to buy technology. It doesn't matter if the price is high, as long as you have the technology in hand, it is equivalent to a golden egg!
"No!" Demon Xiang refused without hesitation, his cold voice had no room for maneuver.

"However, our Xiaoyue City has a magic phase customization business. As long as you can afford it, you can report the functions you need, and our machinery factory will produce them for you!"

Brother Jin was immediately depressed. The blueprints represent technology, and the magic phase is only a product, or a "high-tech" product. The gap can be imagined!

"Can giant spirits also be customized?" As for what kind of demonic appearance shocked Brother Jin the most, it was undoubtedly those giant spirits that controlled thunder on the side of the Demon Realm in the northwest battlefield.

"Pretty good! But the price of the giant spirit is not cheap, how much do you want?" Perhaps because the body has turned into a demon, Zhong Wenyi's voice has never changed, but now he is much more enthusiastic.

"You'd better talk about the price first!" Brother Jin was quite speechless for this realistic guy. After a few days of understanding, he also understood that Xiaoyue City can be regarded as a completely neutral city. "Money", more businessmen than businessmen!As for Xiaoyue City, there are many things that can be used as payment currency, as long as it is the material required for the manufacture of the demon phase. Of course, no matter what kind of material is used for delivery, it must be accompanied by a certain percentage of energy crystals. This is Xiaoyue The most important material reserve in the city!
"What are you going to pay for?"

"Tianxin Amethyst!" The name is quite fantasy, and it is one of the rarest crystals. Jin Ge holds a medium-sized ore vein in his hand. The industry in his territory does not use this kind of material, and he is reluctant to sell it cheaply. Now he is using it here Obviously the best fit.

"Tianxin Amethyst! Good stuff, I can give you a little discount for this. 300 yuan Tianxin Amethyst plus 30 yuan chalcedony crystal, we will create a giant spirit for you."

"It's so expensive! Did you calculate correctly? Is this the price of one tool?" Hearing the price, Brother Jin almost jumped up. Even if it is a medium-sized ore vein, this rare resource can only be dug out a hundred yuan a day, 300 yuan. Yuancai exchanged for a giant spirit, even if he emptied out all his warehouses, it would not be much exchanged!
"How could it be wrong! What you want is a giant spirit! Aside from its body shape, a giant spirit has almost no shortcomings. Even an angel can cut it casually!"

This is a fact. If you want to fight alone, angels are absolutely burning birds in front of giant spirits. The strength of angels lies in the group. The more they are, the stronger they are.

"I don't have so many chalcedony crystals!" Chalcedony crystals are one of the associated mines of the spirit spar mine, and they are extremely rare. The magic spirit jade produced in the associated mine of spirit spar is much better, and the amount produced can almost reach [-]% of that of spirit spar.

"That's five times the magic spirit jade, the giant spirit does not accept ordinary spirit spar as payment."

"Okay, then order two thousand first, and I will bring the things over as soon as possible."

Two thousand giant spirits are equivalent to two thousand and nine legendary units, and the puppet units do not receive the bonus of the commander at all, but only receive the bonus of special mechanics, such as Huang Yueying in Calabash City, who has the demon figure of Huang Yueying sitting in the town The continuous combat capability of the army is quite terrifying.

Two thousand legendary arms are nothing in the current war, but the aura that two thousand giant spirits can create is quite terrifying. As long as they are well protected, they are also a considerable output point.

"No problem! As long as you pay in full, the two thousand giant spirits will be delivered within six days at most!"

six days!Two thousand giant spirits!This speed is a little perverted!If Xiaoyue City had enough materials, how terrifying would it be?

Xiaoyue City must find a way to take it down, even if it cannot be incorporated, it must find a way to establish a certain degree of offensive and defensive alliance. With Xiaoyue City behind it, the sense of security is absolutely leveraged!
 There will be three shifts tomorrow, and how many days the third shift can last is uncertain, depending on the schedule.This book has been open for almost two years, and the author will try to make as many as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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