The best lord of online games

Chapter 978 Will you rebel?

Chapter 978 Will you rebel?

"What's blocking Gan Ning? Are you kidding me?" Brother Xiao Fei's first reaction when he received Wu Yi's request was that there was a hole in it, a big hole. Could it be that May Day wants to clean him up?

"What are you afraid of? So what if Gan Ning is strong? He doesn't have a boat! You just need to seize the opportunity and make it impossible for him to build a shipyard. Could he still jump into the sea and do it with you?"

Wu Yi is not sure about the shipbuilding technology mastered by Shenyu City, but it is definitely impossible for Zhenhai City to sell warships directly to Gan Ning. First, Yunlin does not have that power. Second, even if he had that power, Yunlin would not Sell.On this point, Yunlin is very stubborn. Even if Shenyu City is the second imperial capital of the Hongyu Empire, it is still under the control of the Liu family. At this stage, Yunlin has nothing to do with those so-called big nobles. A reassuring one.

As long as Brother Xiao Fei can block Gan Ning on the shore, so that Gan Ning has no time to develop the navy, his goal will be achieved.Of course, this is just a measure of interests, and it is hard to say how long it will last.Such a position has been causing pirates, and he, the lord of Calabash City, has a lot of responsibility. If he keeps turning a blind eye and forces the East China Sea Fleet to dispatch, then everyone will look bad.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to strengthen its own sea power, this is the right way!

In terms of generals, the current Yu Dayou is strong enough to withstand Gan Ning. The only thing that is uncertain is the battleships. As long as the gap between generals is not crushed, the strength of the battleships is at least one-third of the key to victory in the naval battle.

It seems that we must find a way to get Song Yingxing as soon as possible. With a scientist around, the success rate of research and development of warships can also be greatly improved. When it comes to the "Prayer" mission of Qitiantai and strength, he doesn't think he can complete the gold level. The random task generated by the blueprint of the battleship. As for the silver battleship, there are nearly ten ships in the navy. According to Qin Shifu, the standard blueprint will be completed in the near future.

Silver-class warships are the standard configuration of the Two Seas Fleet!As long as silver-class warships can be popularized, he doesn't think Gan Ning can pose any threat to him!
"That's right. If he wants to jump into the sea, then he'll be there." Brother Xiao Fei is not afraid of Gan Ning, he has Liu Rengui, what he is really afraid of is Gan Ning's strength, although he has earned a lot of money recently, He also recruited a group of sea monsters on Jiaolin Island, but the total force in his hands did not reach [-], so he couldn't stand the trouble!
"If you agree, I will give you a [-]% discount on all the supplies you get from me, and I will notify you in advance if there is any situation!"

"Okay, I'll take this job!"

After reaching an agreement with Brother Xiaofei, Wu Yi continued to think about his problems. He never expected that Shenyu City would plan to contain his sea power so soon. Now it depends on who will turn against him first, but the work that needs to be done must be done in advance , it is best to take Gan Ning down as soon as possible after the two sides are completely torn apart!
This time will not be too far away, maybe there is no need to rebel, as long as the empire's dominance over the local area is weakened to a certain extent, the lords will be able to conquer each other, just like the period of the Three Kingdoms at the end of Han Dynasty, how many of those princes really rebelled indivual?Isn't it the same as playing hot?

"You should pay more attention to the affairs here. After the town is completed, I will send officials at all levels over. If there is any emergency, make sure these people are safe!"

Perhaps Zhuge Jin can be transferred to be the mayor at that time, but if this happens, it seems that the navy's military adviser will be vacant again.Do you want Geng Yan to hold the position of Navy Adviser for a while?After all, Wu Yi also intends to train Geng Yan in the direction of omnipotence. Apart from top-notch leadership, he is only third-rate in intelligence and politics, and his military strength has not yet reached the top.

Thinking about it this way, it might be better for Geng Yan to take over the position of mayor. After all, Anliu Town doesn't need to develop anything other than commerce, and there are no resource points around it except stones, not even forest land, and it is not suitable to open a salt field.In the position of mayor, whether it is "intellect" or "politics", he can get opportunities to exercise.

Of course, the most important thing is that one Huo Qubing in the north is enough. It would be too wasteful to use Geng Yan as an ordinary general, and Wu Yi doesn't want to lose the position of Huo Qubing as commander. After all, Huo Qubing's command value is already 89 Yes, with his potential, as long as he goes through another large-scale battle, it will be enough for him to rush to the first class.

"I will understand at the end!"

After explaining to Chen Lin, Wu Yi rode on the moonlight donkey and disappeared in the moonlight.He needs to see Yunlin. At this time, he must throw out the pot of Baoyue City. Now Wei Qing should already be a commoner in the city. He "bought" it from Lao Cao at a high price. However, Wei Qing will definitely If you have a sense of proportion, if you empty out the entire Baoyue City, it will be ugly. This is the same as when Cao Cao threw down ten thousand useless soldiers, as long as everyone can live with their faces!
"Haha! Marquis of Wuyi, congratulations! You have made great contributions to the empire this time!" Upon arriving at the Zhenhai City Lord's Mansion, Yunlin greeted him personally.

"I can't deserve the praise of the Grand Duke. Unfortunately, Cao thief ran too fast and didn't fight our army at all, leaving only a dilapidated Baoyue City." Wu Yi said regretfully, and walked into Yunlin side by side. This time, Yunlin did not choose a place that was too formal to meet him.

"No, you've done a good job. After all, the empire now needs news of victory." Yunlin said it realistically, which made Wu Yi completely at a loss as to how to take it down.

Yunlin What does this mean?
"Will you rebel?" At this moment, Yunlin suddenly looked at Wu Yi seriously, and said four words very calmly.

Wu Yi was shocked. He didn't expect Yunlin to ask such a straightforward question. He knew that Yunlin was on guard against him, and it was inevitable. It's too tricky, Yunlin doesn't pursue it, but it doesn't mean he knows nothing about it.

Only now did Wu Yi realize that only he and Yunlin were left in the flower hall, and there was not even a servant around, but he knew that Lu Zhengshan, who was Yunlin's personal bodyguard, must be there!
"Will you rebel?" Yunlin stared at Wu Yi, and continued to ask.

Nima, did Yunlin take the wrong medicine today?How can I ask such a question!How should he answer?

Taking a look at Yunlin's expression, Wu Yi decided to give it a go!
"It seems that even if I say no, the Duke probably won't believe me, right?" At this moment, Wu Yi looked directly at Yunlin and said, throwing away the previous flattery in his tone.

"That's right! I've never believed in the loyal ministers of the Chosen One. They can't possibly have the belief to live and die with the empire!" Yunlin nodded, the expression on his face unchanged.

"That's right! To you, the Chosen One is an outsider after all. They have no sense of belonging, let alone experience the sense of glory brought by the empire. However, I didn't expect to rebel. Whether the Duke believes it or not, I still say so!"

Yunlin didn't answer, just stared at him, Wu Yi paused and continued: "Indeed, I don't have the loyalty of a duke to the empire, but the empire can bring me enough benefits, I have no reason to rebel, say A word of disrespect, even if the empire is gone, but as long as I still hold the flag of the empire, with my current status and status, then I am on the side of justice, and there will be a steady stream of people loyal to the empire Talents come to join me, and what can rebellion give me? There is nothing but a stigma! In this situation, it doesn’t matter whether I am absolutely loyal or not!”

This can be said to be Wu Yi's true thoughts. Now it is no longer the stage where you can jump casually without integrity in the early stage. Every change can be said to be a huge blow to your reputation and connections.Therefore, Wu Yi can say with certainty that at this stage and even in the future, as long as the empire does not force him, he will not rebel!

Of course, if the empire is gone, it's none of his business.

"Haha, I really like your answer." Yunlin looked at Wu Yi and laughed loudly, completely different from before.

"I know the purpose of your visit here. You can go back. If you don't want Baoyue City, then just take all the remaining civilians away."

Well, things seem to be going well unexpectedly!What is Yunlin thinking now?

"Thank you Grand Duke!" Wu Yi couldn't understand what Yunlin was thinking, so he didn't think much about it at all. At least now, it seemed that Yunlin had no thoughts about his opponent. It really scared the baby to death.

(End of this chapter)

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