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Chapter 979 Gao Shun VS Xie Xuan, Siege VS Beifu

Chapter 979 Gao Shun VS Xie Xuan, Siege VS Beifu
After leaving Zhenhai City, Wu Yi immediately rushed to Mayi Town, which was being upgraded. It was so horrifying that he thought it was over for this time. If he started a war with Zhenhai City at this time, the price would be something he couldn't even imagine of.

Although he now has many military advisers under his command, he still habitually asks Wang Meng for advice.Wu Yi felt that there was nothing wrong with his previous answer, but if he didn't discuss it with someone, he always felt that his heart was hanging.

"My lord, don't worry, this is a good thing!" After hearing what Wu Yi said, Wang Meng laughed.

"A good thing?" Wu Yi finally let go of the heart that has been hanging, but is it a good thing?This doesn't seem like a good thing, right? The matter is indeed out of the question, and it is impossible for the two parties to be as "intimate" as before, right?
"That's right, a good thing!" Wang Meng smiled, seeing that Wu Yi still hadn't figured it out, he said, "My lord is right, you have no reason to rebel, so you are far more powerful than those who seem to be loyal." Ministers and nobles are much more reliable. You must know that the current situation in the empire is extremely bad. Who is Yunlin? He can be said to be one of the most stubborn royalists at the moment. Your Excellency has no reason to rebel, and at the same time, he has a large army , for him, adults are the ones he must fight for, this time, he will not only lower his defense against adults, but also try his best to win benefits for adults!"

After all, Wang Meng was sent to Zhenhai City. He had a deep understanding of Yunlin back then, and he knew Yunlin's character and way of doing things very well.

"Is that so?" At this moment, Wu Yi seemed to have seen the New World. After Wang Meng's explanation, he felt that Yunlin couldn't justify giving him a big gift.

"Wei Shuai took back Baoyue City this time, Yunlin should make a fuss about it, congratulations!"

"Haha, are you still used to it here in Mayi Town?" Wu Yi, who figured out the joints, was in a good mood, and didn't continue to struggle with this issue. Instead, he cared about Wang Meng's recent situation. Recently, Wang Meng's growth has been quite remarkable. of.

"It's very good here. I haven't seen the vast grassland in the north for several years."

"That's good, I can rest assured only if you are in charge here."


When Wei Qing captured Baoyue City with lightning speed, Li Jing also sent troops, just as Sun Bin expected. However, the army of Dongping City only occupied the main city and ignored those villages and towns, which is also normal , after all, it is a period of war, and the defense capabilities of villages and towns are too weak.

Dongping City began to dispatch officials and relocate civilians every time. Not only Guyue City, but Hongye City, which had already been smashed, could not give up. After all, Hongye City was next to Dongping City, so it was safer geographically. !
Li Jing was temporarily in charge of Guyue City, while Zhang Han led an army into Peacock City, and stared at Melting Fire City on the southwestern border of Peacock City.There is no change in Peacock City. After all, there is a background of the royal family behind Peacock City. As long as it is an undisputed member of the royal family, if the emperor fights, it belongs to the empire. If the rebel king fights, it does not belong to the rebels. It is a small unspoken rule. In this regard, the royal family is still very tolerant towards their own people.

In general, Sun Bin's exchange of space for time was quite successful. The Temple of Elements needed faith, and Xiao Mingsheng needed a rear that could support him to sweep the world. A small Dongping City was far from enough.

When the army of Dongping City broke through the limit, Lu Bu led the army to go north. It can be said that Moshan City is the weakest of the three remaining rebel kings. So far, there have been no major gains. Being blocked on the border of Shenmu City all the time, it is not as good as the Yellow Turban Army who seems to be in a hurry!
How could Xiao Qiheng accept such a result?
If the top is dissatisfied, the bottom will naturally be busy. As the frontline coach, Xie Xuan has received a death order and must take down Shenmu City!

The heavy snow had just thawed, and at this time both sides were lax in defense. Xie Xuan planned to take this opportunity to break the blockade on the opposite side.To be honest, in the battle of more than [-] bases, the ability of counselors has been greatly weakened. At this time, most of the strategies are no longer effective, and more are to provide attribute blessings and change the sky!

I have to say that the strategist skill "Fengyun Changing Color" is definitely a magic skill if used well!

The army was wearing thick winter clothes. For this operation, Xie An changed the sky little by little two days ago, and finally got the moonless night tonight.With the first thaw of snow, the climate has become even colder, at midnight when you can't see your fingers.In addition to Xie Xuan's main central army, there are two partial armies that have already left the camp in batches. One is led by Zhang Ren, a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period, and the other is led by Li Sheng, a famous general in the middle period of the Tang Dynasty. The speed of the army is extremely fast. Slow, therefore, even dragging a little war equipment will not affect it.

The camp of the Shenyu City army is nearly seventy miles away from Xie Xuan's camp. Originally, Ran Min was the one who blocked the Moshan City army, but when Liu Bang arrived, he was deprived of military power, and the commander became Xu Da. However, Liu Ji However, he was transferred back to Baiwei City during the snow disaster, and Liu Bang planned to call him back after the snow disaster completely passed.

When the army was about five miles away from the enemy camp, it was already dawn.It was surprisingly smooth, and Xie Xuan couldn't believe it was still not exposed at this time.


The roar of the energy cannon was like a signal, and the Moshan army hidden around attacked the camp from three directions.The protective barrier of the temporary camp was no better than that of a city, and it was broken before even being able to resist the second round of shelling.


Siege vehicles, hoplites, and legionary magicians rushed out from a seemingly endless army, which immediately lowered the morale of the camp defenders by a large margin.Xie Xuan drew the strength of the army at the first time, slashed open the gate of the camp, and then led the Beifu army to kill him.

At this time, a "high" flag was erected in front of the shattered battalion gate, and heavy infantry in black armor appeared one after another, and without a word, they directly went up to Xie Xuan and his Beifu army .Under Liu Bang's command, only Gao Shun and his camp can be so vigorous.

Xie Xuan VS Gao Shun!

Beifu Army VS Trapped Camp! ! !
Two special arms that have been passed down for ages collided, some fell down, and some continued to move forward. For a while, it was difficult to see which arm was stronger, but they all broke out extremely terrifying fighting power, far surpassing the ninth-tier arms fighting power!

(End of this chapter)

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