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Chapter 985 Zhuge Liang Flies

Chapter 985 Zhuge Liang Flies

In the study of the Marquis Mansion, Wu Yi and Wu Zhao met alone. This was also the first time the two met alone.

"I didn't expect that we could meet again so soon!" Wu Zhao was dressed in a dark purple female officer's robe, which was full of nobility and glamor. Unlike the last meeting, the empress sister's aura became more and more serious.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either!" The chance of the head of the imperial envoy being the same person twice in a row is quite low.

"This is what I specially used my relationship to follow."

Um?What's next?It seems that sister Wu is planning to take this opportunity to further the relationship between the two parties!This is good news.

Wu Zhao glanced at the silent Wu Yi, and then said: "Now that you have Grand Duke Yunlin as your guarantor in the imperial court, it can be said that His Majesty favors you and your Gourd City. You should know what this means. Bar?"

Wu Yi grinned: "Of course! I know better that Master Wu and I are all the same way, and we will be eternal allies!"

Just as he had no reason to rebel, Wu Zhao is the same, or she is more restricted than Wu Yi, her foundation is in the imperial capital, and she needs to be attached to the empire's wings to become strong!Unlike other heroes, she has no army, no territory, she can only use power to get everything she wants step by step.But this process will be extremely slow. Before she becomes stronger, she doesn't want Hongyu Empire to fall like this. Of course, before Hongyu Empire, she and Calabash City are natural allies.

"It seems that you are a smart person, so I can rest assured!" Wu Zhao didn't continue to say more, and a charming smile appeared on his face. Some things don't need to be said too clearly.

"If necessary, you can send someone to look for me in the imperial capital. My residence is on Suzaku Street!" Wu Zhao threw Wu Yi a bronze waist plaque with the word "Wu" engraved on it.

Wu Yi took the waist card and flipped through it for a while, then asked: "Master Wu, can you help me get a few places for the Imperial Army Theological Academy and the Academy of Governance?"

Wu Yi has been coveting the quotas of these two colleges for a long time, but Yunlin will not let go of what he said about this matter. So far, he only has one recommended quota from Huo Qubing.He intends to reserve this spot for Ma Chao. Don't worry about Ma Chao's talent in military force. In addition, the special buildings, titles, and formations in the territory can increase his potential. It is not difficult for Ma Chao to reach the level of a super general. If he can command If he makes some achievements, his personal combat power in the later stage will be quite impressive, and he may be able to reach the level of Lu Bu.

"This... I'll try my best, but don't expect too much, you can get three or two at most."

"That's enough, Mr. Lao Wu will take care of it." Wu Yi was overjoyed, three or two?That's pretty good already!Not everyone is qualified to enter the Seminary and the School of Governance. It is enough to have two or three places reserved for the top talents!
"By the way, the Zhuge clan in your territory is separated from Suigu City, right?"


what does it mean?Wu Yi didn't understand why Wu Zhao suddenly asked this question.

"I also enlisted three talents from the Zhuge clan to work for me in the imperial capital. In this way, the relationship between the two of us has deepened." Wu Zhao laughed.

Wu Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly asked, "Which three are they?"

"Zhuge Xuan, and his two nephews, Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jun!"

Lying down!

At this time, Wu Yi almost scolded. The fish he kept outside were actually taken away by others. With the loss of three people, Zhuge's family only lost one Zhuge Jin. Can Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang be equal? ?The difference between these two brothers is almost that one is a normal person and the other is a demon!At this moment, Wu Yi only felt that there were ten thousand muddy horses galloping in his heart, and he even wanted to chop off Wu Zetian.

In this way, the Zhuge family was completely separated, and the patriarch of the Zhuge family in Calabash City automatically fell on Zhuge Jin's head. use?At most, it is nothing more than the number of low-level officials who can make up for the territory.


Wu Yi took out the gift prepared in advance and sent away the emperor's mission. With Zhuge Jin and most of Zhuge's family in hand, Zhuge Liang was already in his pocket, so there was no need to be in a hurry. I didn't expect that he could fly like this.Fortunately, Wu Yi did not lose his mind because of this, because it would not help to break up with Wu Zhao. It can only be said that his power in the imperial capital is too weak.

Moreover, Zhuge Liang is flying now, but it doesn't mean that he won't fly back in the future!It's hard to say where Wu Zhao's power will develop in the future, and no one knows what the later stage will be. If Wu Zhao "leaves" early, everything will return to his favorable situation.

Of course, it is too far to say these things now, and this alliance with Wu Zhao has to continue.What Wu Yi is concerned about now is whether the other "big fish" in his hands will also be cut off.The first one is Huo Guang who is still not graduating from Shizhi College. The chance of this person flying away is extremely small.The other is Li Zuoche's grandfather - Li Mu!
Li Mu, the famous general of the Warring States Period, is probably unknown to everyone. Whenever he is mentioned, he will probably think of another person, Wang Jian of the Qin Kingdom!Who is stronger, Li Mu or Wang Jian!Many people have probably paid attention to this question, and most people think that Wang Jian is stronger. After all, it was Qin who won in the end, and victory makes him stronger!

But looking at the situation at that time, the strong Qin and the weak Zhao finally hit Li Mu's "black gun" by anti-traitor tactics. Can this be said to be Wang Jian's victory?
It is meaningless to argue about the abilities of Li Mu and Wang Jian in "The Prosperity". Li Mu is undoubtedly one of the strongest commanders in history. If you can win him, think about the commander-in-chief lineup of Hulucheng, Li Mu, Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Geng trap!

"Li Mu must never fly again!"

Besides Li Mu, Wu Yi should be most concerned about Song Yingxing, who wrote "Heavenly Creations"!The agency in Lingyun Valley's underground palace had to ask Zhang Yufeng to do it.

Just as Wu Yi was standing in front of the teleportation formation and meditating, a sudden system message interrupted his thinking.

——System: The Sea God Guild successfully occupied Baoyue City.

paralysis!It's a slap in the face!

Wu Yi's face turned dark when he received the system information. Just now because of his achievements in Baoyue City, Baoyue City was taken back by the rebels. Why don't you be so hardworking?

Do you want to teach that guy to be a man?
The mere Sea God's Guild is vulnerable to the current Calabash City, and it can be destroyed in an instant by Wei Qing's troops.

"Forget it!" Wu Yi pondered for a moment and then gave up. Now the Sea God Guild has only just occupied Baoyue City, and there will be no gain if they fight at this time.

He planned to give one to Wei Qing, one to Huo Qubing in the north, and one to Yu Dayou from Donghai for the newly obtained four Longxiang flags. The last one will be temporarily kept in Hulucheng, and will be handed over to Geng Yan or Li Mu later.

 There are quite a few top characters in the hands of the protagonist, Zhuge Liang will be released first, don't get excited, there will be a long war to fight in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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