Chapter 986
Time flies, and all parties are hurrying to make the final preparations. The hoarding of food and grass, the purchase of ordnance, and the preparation of materials, especially the northern forces, these things are almost only in and out. Once the war starts, these things will continue to rise price.For example, the magic spar that can repair the city defense barrier and strengthen the legion magician, the spirit spar with a wide range of uses, as well as spirits, food, green storage materials for war horses, and elixirs...

At this time, there is no need to hide it anymore, the advantages that can be grasped at this stage are directly related to the later development!
Calabash City is under great pressure to support Xiang Yu, Chang Shanmeng, and part of the grain and grass shares of Xuerong City by itself. Fortunately, through the connections of Zhuge's family, it has taken a lot of Suigu City's share. One of the grain lands, the grain storage in Suigu City is quite scary.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the role of spirits in the war. Spirits can not only relieve the severe cold from reducing the combat effectiveness of soldiers to a certain extent, but also strengthen morale. It can be said that wine has become a source of food and grass. A sort of.

Wu Yi has already used the entire Xiaguang City as his grain production base, and Gourd City has opened up large areas of medicine fields. Compared with the meager profits of grain and grass, elixir is really one of the economic pillars of Gourd City.

In the blink of an eye, another five days have passed. Today is the day when the Black Earth Tribe of the Wu Clan holds the Dutianshen Festival. The news has already spread. Since the war has not yet started, how can such a major event be missed.Those who have a bit of power in their hands will bring one or two famous generals to participate, and the famous generals who can't get their hands on will join in the fun. So far, no one knows what the final reward of the Dutianshen Festival is.

Wu Yi had already agreed to Zhu Rong, so it was naturally impossible to miss the appointment. The Dutianshen Festival only allowed people below the holy rank to participate, so Wu Yi brought along the three strongest generals under his command, Li Siye, Shi Wansui and Ma Chao, however, for the sake of caution, Wu Yi still drew Lu Xiangyun. There is a powerful space magician around, and even if there is any emergency, he can escape immediately.

Originally, he wanted Zhou Tailai to try it, but he was currently exploring the information on the treasure map on the ice field north of the East China Sea, so he had to give up.

As newcomers, Shi Wansui, Ma Chao, and Lu Xiangyun obtained the right to be exempted from the test and directly entered the Black Earth Tribe.

"You haven't arrived yet?" As soon as he entered the Black Earth Tribe, Wu Yi received another private message from Zhao Ziyun urging him.

"It's here!" Wu Yi was startled as soon as he entered the Black Soil Tribe. There were so many people there, it was too easy to distinguish players from witches.If I remember correctly, there are only twelve places in the Dutianshen Festival that can finally get the blessing of the witch god. This time, almost all the strongest players who are qualified to participate in the player forces have arrived. In the end, the Black Earth Tribe will not even have a place. Can't get it?

"This way!" Zhao Ziyun waved to Wu Yi at the first intersection when entering the Black Soil Tribe.

The people came really neatly, except for Xue Miracle's magical cottage, there were more or less representatives from other forces in the alliance.Zhao Ziyun took Li Wenzhong, and Wu Jiutian took Luo Cheng.Wings of Judgment from Purgatory did not come, but brother Hui from Purgatory, with Wang Yanzhang.The Immortal King of the Three Realms brought Xie Yingdeng, and even Yan Yan from the Nanshan Nursing Home brought Lin Chong to join in the fun.

The Wu Clan's Dutianshen Festival is a purely personal competition of combat power, which keeps many famous generals out of the door.

"You are the closest, but you are the last to come, pretending to be a big name!" Zhao Ziyun scolded with a smile.

"What's the rush, it doesn't take time to transfer people!" Wu Yi replied with a smile.Judging from the speed of snow melting in the north, this should be the last major event before the war.

"It seems that you plan to get a good ranking in this Dutenjin Festival!"

While Wu Yi was observing other people, others were also observing the people he brought, not to mention Shi Wansui and Ma Chao, Li Siye was also exposed after the second round of the ruling tower, not to mention Lu Xiangyun , Therefore, the people he brought this time have no secrets at all.Oh no, the only one who can be called a secret is probably Zhu Rong. The current Zhu Rong is completely different from the original one!
Wu Yi rolled his eyes: "Don't you think so?"

"Don't! I'm different from the bosses. I'm here to join in the fun." Yan Yan immediately took over the conversation. This is the truth. Lin Chong's ranking in Liangshan is indeed good, but he is not as good as those famous generals who competed in an era. As far as people are concerned, the people in Liangshan can be said to be of the lowest quality.

"Stop talking nonsense, go to the venue, and find out the rules before we talk."

The venue for the Dutianshen Festival this time was chosen outside the Ancestral Witch Hall, so Zhu Rong didn't need to worry about him. Unlike the humans like them, Zhu Rong was considered a half-landlord in the Black Earth Tribe, so the tribal priests would naturally worry about her affairs.

"Do you need to say that? Hey!" Zhao Ziyun proudly took out a small black waist card with very complicated patterns engraved on it.Not only him, but everyone else also took out such a badge. "We've all signed up long before you came."

"You guys are ruthless!" A group of people talked and laughed as they walked.

"Of course, I was wondering if you would miss the time, so we would have one less competitor!" Wu Jiutian covered his mouth and smiled lightly.

"Sister Wu, why don't you be so realistic! By the way, have you figured out the rules?"

"It's basically clear. In addition to the final twelve winners, there are still [-] shortlisted places. As long as you are shortlisted, you can get certain rewards. Generally speaking, there is still a lot of money to be made in this Tianshen Festival. Yes, but the specific rewards for the Black Earth Tribe have not been detailed, and the battle rules are not clear." Brother Lian Jihui explained briefly.

The twelve final places will not be mentioned for the time being, the competition is too terrifying, not to mention the Black Earth tribe itself, the first-class generals brought by the players alone are more than this number.Relatively speaking, the one hundred and eight finalists are much simpler. If the first-class military generals can't even enter the one hundred and eight rankings, it would be too scary!After all, this sacrificial ceremony only allows people below the holy rank to participate.

"Twelve and a hundred and zero?"

Zhu Rong is definitely going to fight for the [-] places, which is related to her future status in the Black Earth Tribe, but I don't know the specific rules of the battle.With so many people, it would take too long to go one-on-one, and it shouldn’t take that long. If it was a scuffle first, then all the witches of the Black Earth Tribe would be cleared in advance, which would be too shameful .

(End of this chapter)

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