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Chapter 994 Zhu Rong Fights Sharucci Again

Chapter 994 Zhu Rong Fights Sharucci Again

Victory or defeat!But almost no one paid attention to Guan Sheng's situation. Everyone looked at the witch standing in the center of the altar and talked in a low voice.

"The water in this black earth tribe is a bit deep!"

"I can't say how deep the Black Earth Tribe is. I can only say that we haven't carefully figured out the bottom of these hidden races before. I don't believe that only the Wu Clan is like this. There are no masters like the Yao Clan!"

"It seems that we can't just focus on those famous historical generals. Most of the top historical famous generals have already appeared on the stage, and there is no news that they can start. It is better to try to increase the development of these hidden races. Maybe there will be unexpected surprises. "

"Not bad! Among the famous aboriginal generals generated by the system, there are still many who are no worse than historical famous generals. As long as they have potential, it is fine. Now that there are more resources at hand, it is not difficult to train one or two."

There are two kinds of masters referred to by God's Chosen, one is the existence of three levels of saints, legends, and demigods, and the other is geniuses who can crush the same level and have unlimited potential. Such people are usually given the title of famous general The title, after all, can crush the same level, and the attributes of the famous generals must not be low, and the current players will pay attention to at least the ninth level.

Wu Yi obtained the right to recruit troops from both the Hai Clan, and the Black Soil Tribe also had the right to recruit soldiers, but he never got a famous general from this hidden race!
Not right either!If you really want to count, Lei Ming's Dragon Three Generations can be classified as a famous general. Although he is a mount, he has the attributes of force and intelligence, and both of them have reached [-]. Although he can't command troops or govern, However, his personal combat power is really out of the box, and he is worthy of being the number one master in Calabash City when he cooperates with Xiao Mahe.

"It seems that it is very necessary to study those tree demon tribes after we go back!" The tree demon tribe acquired from the demon tribe has developed to a small scale in Calabash City, and there are many tree demons in the city defense and army.But as a complete tribe, it doesn't make sense to only produce arms!
Guan Sheng exited the field, and the second one chosen was also a witch. The civil war between the witches ended within 1 minute. There was no suspense, and the pervertedly strong witch still won.Then, one opponent after another was defeated.

"Too strong! Really too strong!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that even Gao Jisi would be defeated so easily, he is a first-class general! I thought that even if he could win, it would take about 3 minutes before he finally competed for statistics. I didn't expect it!"

There was another burst of exclamation under the altar, the current battle is much more exciting than before.

After Gao Ji's defeat, it was finally Shi Wansui's turn.

Wu Yi clenched his fists tightly, feeling a little nervous. Gao Jisi, who failed the previous one, was already a top-notch player. Can Shi Wansui, who is also a first-class player, win?
Seeing Shi Wansui appearing in the center of the altar, the people around became quiet again, staring at each other closely, not wanting to see every detail. After all, only a truly powerful historical general will come on stage, so that they can understand this more intuitively. The power of witches.

At the beginning of the battle, Shi Wansui directly used "Concentration" to kill him. "Concentration" can be said to be the strongest method of a first-class general. Once this move is used, it means going all out. After all, it is impossible to fight for a long time in the state of concentration .

Two huge "magic soldiers" collided in the center of the altar. This kind of attack is enough to kill most of the army formation on the battlefield, causing a massacre effect, but there are more than two people who can display this attack here. ten.

"It's really a pity!" Yan Yan shook his head regretfully. Although Shi Wansui stood up for a while longer than the previous Gao Siji, he still lost after all, and he couldn't drag it to 3 minutes.

"Yes!" Wu Yi sighed, Shi Wansui was actually defeated!Regarding Shi Wansui, originally Wu Yi was more confident than Li Siye. After all, this group is not as strong as Houtu Shenzhu in terms of the cards of historical famous players.

Shi Wansui is considered good in terms of strength, but he would be overwhelmed by the opponent's concentration. Of course, there is also a reason why he invested too little in Shi Wansui. Before, he just blindly made up for Shi Wansui's weakness. Force has never been considered in other aspects, but it must be known that force can only represent a part of combat power, and at most it can account for one-third of the factor.

Total victory!One pick eight!In the end, Jing Ke failed to win in a wretched way. After 3 minutes, he was sentenced to lose in the data fight!
This sorcerer warrior seized the place of the Heavenly Guardian of Dijiang Shenzhu in the most powerful way. The sorcerer clan deserves to be the existence that claimed to be able to live in the Temple of War in the battle of the gods!

In the competition of Dutian Shenwei, there is only the first, no second, the first to climb the divine pillar, and the remaining eight can only get the reward of the list of [-].When the sorcerer warrior appeared on the Divine River Pillar, the barrier supported by the divine pillar shrank rapidly. At the same time, the divine pillar moved to the edge of the altar, and the Jumang Divine Pillar moved towards the center, replacing the Dijiang Divine Pillar.

Among the nine people under Jumang God's Pillar, there are four famous generals in history, four witches, and one lucky person who has been squeezed into the [-]th list!No one has paid attention to the God Chosen. The four famous generals in history are Xie Yingdeng, Wu Jianzhang, Zhang Xian and Ji Bu. The only new face is Zhang Xian of the Yue Family Army. I don’t know who it is. Well, up to now, no one present here knows who Zhang Xian was subdued by.

The nine people under Jumang Shenzhu were far less exaggerated than Dijiang Shenzhu just now, and there was no dark horse among the four witches, and Xie Yingdeng made it to the top with difficulty in the end.

"Congratulations!" All the allies congratulated the Immortal King who was already smiling.

"Haha! Let's wait for the matter here. Let's go to the best restaurant in Pegasus City. I'll treat you!" The Immortal King laughed loudly. The final reward for such an exaggerated competition can be imagined. After growing up, let him become a Taoist priest later, the Immortal King will have a lot of confidence in his heart.

Everyone stopped chatting, because Zhu Rong's divine pillar had already turned to the center of the altar, and here were Zhu Rong, Xia Luqi, Hou Jing, Lu Xiangyun, Li Xianzhong and four witches, including two people from Calabash City, but if Wu If there are no more demon moths from the clan, the final summit should be between Zhu Rong and Xia Luqi.

As for the Wu Clan, Wu Yi is confident that there will not be too strong an existence. After all, Zhu Rong is also a member of the Wu Clan, so there is no need for the seeded players to fight.

"Fuck! Why don't you be so sharp!"

When the red light projected from Zhu Rong's sacred pillar selected the two for the first battle, the chosen ones around the altar suddenly erupted, Zhu Rong and Xia Luqi!Zhu Rong is the defender, and Shaluqi is the challenger.However, unlike the people in Wu Yi's coterie, everyone else looked at Xia Luqi better. After all, this man is one of the few in history, and he truly achieved the existence of "killing a hundred people".

Zhu Rong and Xia Luqi also had a battle in the Tower of Dominion before, but that time it was not a one-on-one fight. This time they will fight again, and the result is hard to say.

 There will be three more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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