The best lord of online games

Chapter 995 Unacceptable Results

Chapter 995 Unacceptable Results

Everyone is familiar with Zhu Rong's image. After all, she has watched too many videos. If you want to talk about changes, at most it is a small adjustment on some equipment, such as the domineering halberd in her hand. is completely different.

Compared with Zhu Rong's gorgeous body, Shaluqi looks much "simple". He has black armor and a long spear. The only thing that stands out is probably his mount. It looks like a war horse, but it is taller than a war horse. It has cloud patterns on its body and forehead. There is also a circle of bloody short hair.

Everyone's eyes fell on the two people in the center, and the surroundings fell into a strange silence!

Then, Xia Luqi moved, holding the spear in his hand, as fast as lightning!At the same time, Zhu Rong also moved, but the two-headed demon dog just walked slowly. The boundless divine flame spread from Zhu Rong's body, and the sea of ​​flames swept across the entire altar in an instant. The two incomplete domains overlapped with the sea of ​​flames. Let the surroundings become like a flame god's domain!
No one knows Zhu Rong's current strength better than Wu Yi. As long as the opponent is not a holy rank, she cannot be suppressed at the same level. Under the same rank, no matter how strong the talent and specialties are, under the weakening of the double incomplete version of the field, think It is also completely impossible to suppress Zhu Rong!

However, Zhu Rong's equipment advantages can only be used at the holy level at most. Once it reaches the legendary level, its effect is quite limited. After all, everyone at the legendary level has domains, and the effects of the two incomplete domains are far less immediate than they are now. up.

Xia Luqi had the experience of fighting Zhu Rong before, and he also had a certain understanding of Zhu Rong's methods. He didn't panic at all when he joined the dual domain, and the big gun formed by concentration was above the sea of ​​flames. He knew that when fighting Zhu Rong , absolutely can't procrastinate, the more you procrastinate, the harder it is to fight. In the sea of ​​flames, unless you have extraordinary fire resistance, or Zhou Tai's recovery ability, there will only be one result if you procrastinate!

The big gun was pointed at Zhu Rong, and the sea of ​​flames suddenly rose violently, but the tip of the gun was blocked by a big flaming hand, and a giant made of flames rose from the sea of ​​flames, fighting with the big gun.The battle of "concentration" above caused the altar to vibrate, and the two people below did not stop. They fought hand-to-hand and used all their means.

A golden flame burned on Shaluqi's body, which was the effect of the full-level "Vulcan Mark". This skill is quite unreasonable.But in terms of hand skills, Xia Luqi is still stronger. Anyone with a discerning eye can see this, but Xia Luqi's attack has very limited damage to Zhu Rong.

"I didn't realize that the spear in Xia Luqi's hand is actually a holy weapon!"

Many of the chosen ones around the altar began to discuss in low voices with their companions.Xia Luqi's weapon looked black and inconspicuous before, but now it blooms a bright blue shadow in the battle. It is right to think about it now. As the current number one general of the League of Seven Sins, Xia Luqi's body How could his equipment be ordinary goods? To have such power, it could only be a holy rank weapon.

"Isn't Zhu Rong also holding a holy weapon! A big power deserves to be a big power. I thought it would be good if Xiao Mahe in Calabash City had a holy weapon, but I didn't expect that even Zhu Rong had one!"

Different from the "simplicity" of the long spear in Shaluqi's hand, the golden halberd in Zhu Rong's hand can be described as extravagant. During the battle, there were bursts of dragon roars, shaking the sea of ​​fire.

At this moment, the spear in the sky suppressed the flame giant, forcing the flame giant downward, and the long gun light wanted to reach Zhu Rong below through the giant.But Xia Luqi below is fighting harder and harder. The "Dragon Soul Curse" attached to the red lotus battle skirt makes his attack lower and lower. Coupled with various continuous burning effects, his life drops far faster. Surpassed Zhu Rong, especially the persistent "Vulcan imprint" on his body gave him a headache.


The big gun of Concentration pressed down on the flame giant. Zhu Rong took the blow of Concentration. The powerful attributes of the holy suit can fully support her unrestrained way. Skill, with the gap between it and Sharucci, "Swallow" is impossible to succeed, but the effect is quite disgusting.

The concentrated spear above suppressed the flame giant, while Zhu Rong below suppressed Xia Luqi forcefully.

"How is it possible!" The greedy king widened his eyes. Although the final battle of the word "courage" in the last ruling battle was won by the League of Seven Sins, that doesn't mean that Shaluqi lost. In terms of overall strength, but in front of this...

1 minute, 2 minutes... During the battle between the two famous generals on the stage, time passed rapidly. Just when everyone thought that the two of them would be delayed for 3 minutes, the golden flame on Sha Luqi's body suddenly shot up. , devoured him completely, leaving nothing behind, only Zhu Rong was left in the center of the altar, and the sea of ​​flames also slowly dissipated at this time.

At this moment, there was a dead silence around, as if everyone hadn't recovered from the battle, or was the change too fast?
"Did you hallucinate?"

"Am I not mistaken? Shaluqi knelt down?"

"Win! Zhu Rong actually beat Xia Luqi?"

"Damn! I feel like I entered the wrong game today."

Then, there was an uproar all around, doubts, disbelief, doubts about their dog eyes, all kinds of things, more than [-]% of the God Chosen could not accept such a result, Xia Luqi actually lost to Zhu Rong?A fierce general with top potential, and a character with second-rate potential at most, the gap between them is needless to think about. Under normal circumstances, no one would be surprised if Xia Luqi killed Zhu Rong in an instant, but now the two sides are reversed. Let a large group of people feel that their worldview has collapsed.

"Wow! Yes, how did you raise it? Zhu Rong is actually so strong now!" As a staunch ally of Calabash City, although Zhao Ziyun couldn't accept such a result, he was still shocked.The Immortal King looked at Zhu Rong even more fieryly. After Xie Yingdeng became a Taoist priest, could his combat power also explode in a completely unscientific way like Zhu Rong's?

"If you equip Li Wenzhong with holy equipment, he can do even better!" Wu Yi laughed and sent Xia Luqi away. It can be said that Zhu Rong has secured the first place in Zhu Rong's divine column.

"One body!?" The people around exclaimed, Zhu Rong's equipment is indeed too gorgeous, but are those all holy ranks?is it possible?
Wu Yi only squinted and smiled, and didn't explain much. However, it is true that without the red lotus suit, Zhu Rong can't beat Shaluqi now. This is the difference between talents and specialties in strengthening personal combat power, not It is said that the generals can draw evenly.However, equipment is also a kind of strength, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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