The great god of online games has to send thousands of miles

Chapter 220 The Little White Lotus About to Die

Chapter 220 The Little White Lotus About to Die
After closing the door, Tong Yao reached out and locked the door.

There were some water stains left on the ground, which Xiao Yijin brought in when she came in. She went to the table and took some paper towels to wipe off the water stains on the ground one by one. Thinking of Xiao Yijin's sad eyes just now, the corners of her mouth raised slightly unconsciously .

It was originally a night of insomnia, but for some reason, after Xiao made such a fuss, Tong Yao quickly fell asleep.

On the other side, Zhuang Xinyu was lying on the bed tossing and turning.

When something like that happened at the dance, she was too scared to go to the game or go to the forum.

The Lich King must have applied for a forced divorce, and those who used to give her money to give her gifts didn't know how to scold her.

I changed from a goddess to a liar that everyone shouted and beat, all because of nursery rhymes.

The more he thought about it, the more he hated it, and Zhuang Xinyu became more and more angry.

At this moment, the screen of the phone in her hand lit up, she turned her head and saw a message from Tutu: Rou Rou, do you want revenge?

Seeing this message, Zhuang Xinyu's eyes moved, and she quickly replied: Of course I want to, but I can't beat her in the game, and the seniors are protecting her at school, so I can't help it, and I'm also tired.

Tutu: Do you know guest officials are not allowed?

Zhuang Xinyu was taken aback, not knowing why Tutu mentioned this person, so he asked: I know, what's the matter?
Tutu: I went to the forum today, and there was a person who claimed to be a fan of Keguan. She said that Shuaicangqiong was Keguan’s alias. She said that Keguan used this account to kill you during the live broadcast, but she told the fans to keep it a secret.

Tutu: Originally, she kept secrets for the guest officer, but yesterday someone revealed that the handsome cracked sky is a woman, which means that the guest officer cannot also be a woman, and the guest officer has been live broadcasting as a man these years. I was deceived, that's why I told the story that Shuai Chuangqiong is a guest officer's trumpet.

Tutu: This breaking news was deleted, but I saved the screenshot in time.

Seeing these messages, Zhuang Xinyu was completely dumbfounded.

Originally, the fact that Handsome Cracking Sky was a nursery rhyme was enough to shock her, but now Tutu told her that the famous fairy dream game's No. [-] milk guest officer in the whole server was not allowed, but it was actually the female nursery rhyme she hated the most?
Can't the guest officer now have a combat power of 48, and this charge is at least hundreds of thousands. Nursery rhymes... so rich?'s not true.

Seeing that Zhuang Xinyu didn't reply to the message for a long time, Tutu sent another message: "Rourou, now is the best chance to take revenge. If fans who are not good at guest officials know that she is a man, they must not tolerate her. She will be ruined in time!Rourou, let's go to her live broadcast to expose her!

expose her?
Zhuang Xinyu's eyes turned cold, Keguan can't be the third most popular in every live broadcast, if it is revealed that she is a liar, then don't talk about her popularity... I think she will be scolded bloody .

After all... those fans gave her so many gifts, and in the end they found out...she was a liar, they would be very angry.

It's just that it's been so long since the incident happened, and only one person came out to break the news, which is strange.

After thinking for a while, Zhuang Xinyu quickly replied: How can people believe that Shuai Crack the Sky is a trumpet that guest officials can't do?As long as there is no game real name authentication page as evidence, she will not admit it.

Tutu: Find a way to take a photo of her game real-name authentication page, and then take a photo of her student ID or something to prove that nursery rhymes are not allowed for guest officials, and then it will be fine.

Hearing this, Zhuang Xinyu narrowed his eyes and thought of someone, and then replied: I'll take care of it.

(End of this chapter)

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